romanian - english online translator


New Member

i'm looking for a romanian-english online translator which can translate whole pages or full text. does anyone know any such translator?

thank you very many :)
Ckestor;164916 said:
I can translate pages for you. Only 1 mil $ per page. What country are you from ?
Pai cum vrei sa iti dea fata un milion pe pagina daca tu si in postul asta faci greseli,neica?nu va intelege nika din traducerile tale.
Hi, Katjusa!

I can actually recommend a good English-Romanian and Romanian-English dictionary. It's at

However I am not aware of any full-page translator from English to Romanian and back. But I can help you with that , if you really need help. I was born in Moldova (Romanian is my native language) and I am currently studying in the US , therefore I can guarantee high quality. It's just that I charge 5$/ page . If the price is ok with you, write me a private message and we can talk about it.

Otherwise, just use the dictionary.

Hope it helps,

tc !