10 greseli de baza

4) Small cameras get shots that big cameras don't

Sure, that big, black SLR with the long lens may look fancy, but it won't do you any good if you're not carrying it. Never underestimate the importance of having a camera that is small enough to fit into your pocket—you'll be amazed at the spontaneous pictures you'll have the opportunity to take. While the photo quality produced by an ultra-compact does not equal that of a large SLR, the ability to whip it out and snap a shot while others are fumbling for their bulky cameras more than outweighs this drawback.

Nu prea sunt deacord. Pentru mine e mai comod sa umblu cu un SLR la gat decat cunu P&S in buzunar. Pana il scot din buzunar, pana il pornesc, pana se focuseaza se pot pierde momente importante.