I'm looking for a girl of beltsy


New Member
Hello :

I am planning to travel to Moldova , specifically on baltsy , but i want to know where is a place called " Shefan cel mare " , Is it a mall ? and what is the main language in that place Rusian or Moldovan ? :eek:
Re: Iam looking for a girl of beltsy

southpole33 said:
Hello :

I am planning to travel to Moldova , specifically on baltsy , but i want to know where is a place called " Shefan cel mare " , Is it a mall ? and what is the main language in that place Rusian or Moldovan ? :eek:

If you want to visit Balti, you should get a guide, alone it will be very difficult. The moldovan language does not exist, but i heart that they are speaking more russian than romanian there.
not only it is not interesting... but also it is the city (approx 16000 population) with the highest rate of HIV.
I would never go there... didn't loose anything there... that is also my advice for you... got to Chisinau :)

i can be your guide for 25Euro (30 dollars will also do it) per day in Beltsy region. what exactly you want to find there?

Wow :

I am surpriced because i met a girl who lives there , and she`s pretty but what you guys said is disappointing ,

but i think the population is greater than 16000 people , because is a city not a little town , and the prevalence of aids in beltsy is greater than the Ukraine, there's a high rate of prostitution ?
How about all those marriage agencies ?

are u 33?

the city is 170k population, it looks dirty from the first sight, but people who live there say that it is a beautiful town. yes, it's not like the capital but there are a lot of interesting things about that. criminals are everywhere, as you probably, know, even in your hometown. prostitution is a way of surviving in a disbalanced population, but anyway average education rate is high enough. there are some ex-soviet military plants but these are not visible on the general agricultural background...

did u find your girl on bride.ru? waht exactly you want to find there, surely your girl is not on this forum...
to zorzonel

Well :
i founded the girl on a marriage agency but i wonder how reliable is that agency , and if that girl is just a picture and probably she's not available ? do you think that place is not worth to visit There are those beatyful girl in beltsy?
man that's ridiculous...ofcourse it is more than 90% probable that it is some kind of bullsh.it... don't trust anybody..especially from beltsy..
btw don't you have girls in ur country? where are you from?
:) anyhow even if the girl is not a real one , you'l have the possibility to meet another one there :wink:
don't listen what guys told you,
ofcourse you haven't to expect too much visiting MD better to say expect less and who know maybe you'll get more :) , in MD are pretty girls , the guys here are simply gelouse :D if you'll get one with you :) :)
any how it's still europe though it looks not like western europe :wink: , and a trip there will enreach your knowledge about east-Europe, think positive :crazy:
it's amazing

It's amazing that there's nobody who answer from beltsy moldova , well i don't know where dan lives but ,seems that he don't like moldova too much , and i am surpriced , how many nice girls they have well i ve seen many in chisinau , hope to travel to moldova soon but the rusian it's hard for me .
Re: it's amazing

southpole33 said:
It's amazing that there's nobody who answer from beltsy moldova , well i don't know where dan lives but ,seems that he don't like moldova too much , and i am surpriced , how many nice girls they have well i ve seen many in chisinau , hope to travel to moldova soon but the rusian it's hard for me .
if you're looking for a rusiian girl then you'll have no chois than to learn it :crazy: :wink:
regarding someone from Balti, there are a lot of russians so you coud find someone if you tried to write on a russian forum from Moldova , this is a romanian one.
hey I didn't say I don't like Moldova. I said I don't like Balt. This is why
1. The majority of the population speaks Russian
2. The city is dead, dirty etc.
3. They wanted to put the statue of Vladimir Lenin in the downtown Balti;).
4. The hiv % is very high.

I advice you to visit Chisinau, that is an amazing city (maybe because its my hometown, nut it is definelty much much better than Balti ;))..
You'll find a whole lot more chicks in Chisinau..
2 Processor: what are you talking about?? "Don't listen to these guys"???
Did I say something that is not true
Take care!
Re: hey

southpole33 said:
but i think the population is greater than 16000 people , because is a city not a little town , and the prevalence of aids in beltsy is greater than the Ukraine, there's a high rate of prostitution ?
How about all those marriage agencies ?

Hi there,
Well, I can't but appreciate your courage and ambition to travel to Moldova in order to find a girl. I hope you are looking for a serious one not just for a slut. If you are looking for some "cheap" adventures in Eastern Europe my personal advise is: you'd better stay were you are.
But if you are looking for a serious relationship with a girl from Moldova you may find it of course. All you got to do is try more ways to contact one.
1. Regarding your intention to travel to Beltsy - frankly I 've never been there but I don't reccomend you Beltsy. Stay some days in Chisinau and then decide whether you should continue your way up to Balti or maybe, who knows, you would have already found one in Chisinau. There are plenty of pretty girls studying in Chisinau
2. I do not reccomend you to get involved with a wedding agency, most of them are there just to earn money, I' m not sure you'll find the girl of yr dream via agency.
3. What I reccomend you is: either visit Moldova and try to learn there someone or
contact someone through a web site: like love.com or simillar, find some nonlucrative sites and contact several girls and who knows....
4. I myself have several friends (girls) who got married abroad (and most of them inserted on "love.com" websites
So why don't have a try? you never know... :wink:
good luck!!!

Tank you for the information , and your advice but , Do you know aforun where i can met some serious and nice girls from Moldova ?