Va recomand sa ascultati ........ iaka si textul


Pe lumea cealalta
Mereu am ales sa urmez recomandari , sfaturi , propuneri pe baza gusturilor altora in domenii incepand de la ascultarea de muzica pana la lucruri pe care ar fi bine sa mi le cumpar . .......... Ai asa macar alinarea ca daca iti dai seama ca ai ascultat/ti-ai luat o prostie si ca ti-ai pierdut ai.urea timp si bani , ai pe cine injura { pe cel ci tzi le-a recomandat } si nu te sudui de unul singur de cat de idiot ai putut sa fii .

Asa ca , cine e curagios , sa posteze aici melodiile pe care yi sfatuieste si pe altzii sa le asute . Dar nu sa le tranteasca pur si simplu ca la alte teme asemanatoare cu un nume scris aproximativ . .... Ci asa :

Denumirea corecta { ca daca facem copy de la ea in kazaa sa o gasim }

Numele autorului , formatiei .....ce-o fi acolo


Recomandari - ....... ce gen exact e , cam in ce dispo te baga cyntecul daca il asculti , in ce film s-ar fi putut sa il fi auzit { daca e un soundtrack } .... etc

Multzamiesc ! :ciupos:
Pana revine Zop , imi iau yo inima in dintzi si postez una :

- o melodie pop-folk de Simon & Garfunkel , m-am indragostit de ea in soundtrackul de la un film clasic : "The Graduate"{1969} cu Dustin Hoffman si Anne Bancroft .

" The Sound Of Silence "

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools" said I,"You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.
iata o piesa care ash asculta-o non-stop..... si care v-o recomand s-o asculta-ti!


Awaking The Centuries (2000)
Awaking the Centuries

In the books of what will be
Written by the demon lord?
Never lift your head up to the east
'cause darkness wakes the best!

Der Kerzen Schein
[The candle light]
Er leuchtet fahl
[Its light is pale]
Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl
[When the sunlight was stolen]
Und nur das grosse Himmelszelt
[And only the great skies` tent]
Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt
[Confirm the end of this world]

So feed the spark
Welcome to the land of dark
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
Take my hand
Forgotten in the promised land
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

The knowledge, brought to the world
Is growing with a bitter taste
In a dream I saw things that will be
Centuries away

Des Mondes Schein
[The moon shines]
Er leuchtet fahl
[Its light is pale]
Das Herz der Finsternis er stahl
[It's stolen the heart of darkness]
Nun glei_end Lichte ihn umgibt
[Now glittering light surrounds it]
Und doch des Menschen Hoffnung siegt...?
[But will human hope win?]

So feed the spark
Welcome to the land of dark
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
Take my hand
Forgotten in the promised land
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

The night when evil steps out of the dark
And the cross is rising again
And fires are keeping the light
Burn, my friend...

And the sign of humanity is burning tonight
I can't escape from this ritual silence
Humanity's burning tonight

When I open my eyes
I see soldiers in the fields
Dead bodies on the ground
There are children inbetween
Explosions shock the land
And the evil shows its face
The one called Hister rises
This is the fall of grace...

Beast ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers
The greater part of the region will be against the Hister
The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage
When the German child will observe nothing

In the books of what will be
Written by the demon lord?
Never lift your head up to the east
'cause darkness wakes the best!

Der Kerzen Schein
[The candle light]
Er leuchtet fahl
[Its light is pale]
Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl
[When the sunlight was stolen]
Und nur das grosse Himmelszelt
[And only the great skies` tent]
Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt
[Confirm the end of this world]

So feed the spark
Welcome to the land of dark
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
Take my hand
Forgotten in the promised land
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

The knowledge, brought to the world
Is growing with a bitter taste
In a dream I saw things that will be
Centuries away

So feed the spark
Welcome to the land of dark
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
Take my hand
Forgotten in the promised land

Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

And the sign of humanity is burning tonight
I can't escape from this ritual silence
Humanity's burning tonight
sa recomand tot ceea ce ascult :P
dar sa zic si eu ceva concret:

mai multe piese de Portishead, in special Glory Box, Roads, Sour Times
pun versurile la Sour Times

To pretend no one can find,
The fallacies of morning rose,
Forbidden fruit, hidden eyes,
Courtesies that I despise in me
Take a ride, take a shot now.
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you do.
Covered by the blind belief,
That fantasies of sinful screens,
Bear the facts, assume the dye,
End the vows no need to lie, enjoy,
Take a ride, take a shot now.
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you do.
Who oo am I, what and why?
'Cause all I have left is my memories of yesterday,
Ohh these sour times.
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you do.
After time the bitter taste,
Of innocence decent or race,
Scattered seed, buried lives,
Mysteries of our disguise revolve,
Circumstance will decide.
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you do
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you
'Cause nobody loves me,
It's true,
Not like you do

si inca ceva

denumirea: Street Spirit (fade Out)
artist: Radiohead
Rows of houses, all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out
This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out again and fade out again
Cracked eggs, dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out again
Immerse your soul in love

in general recomand Radiohead
ah, da
pentru radiohead:
Genre: Rock
Styles: Alternative Pop/Rock, Britpop, England, Experimental Rock, Indie Electronic
Tones: Distraught, Insular, Cold, Epic, Suffocating, Sprawling, Austere, Atmospheric, Brooding, Melancholy, Eerie, Theatrical, Angst-Ridden, Aggressive, Poignant, Wintry, Gloomy, Paranoid, Wistful, Plaintive, Intense, Reflective, Bittersweet, Somber, Enigmatic, Earnest

pentru portishead:
Genres: Rock
Styles: Alternative Pop/Rock, Trip-Hop, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Electronica, England
Tones: Spacey, Brooding, Melancholy, Cathartic, Nocturnal, Elegant, Stylish, Autumnal, Gloomy, Bittersweet, Wistful, Reflective, Ethereal, Soothing, Eerie, Theatrical, Sensual

asta asa e scris pe

si inca o recomandare:
denumirea: C'mon Billy
artist: PJ Harvey
text:C'mon Billy
Come to me
You know I'm waiting
I love you endlessly

C'mon Billy
You're the only one
Don't you think it's time now
You met your only son

I remember
Lover's play
The car was going
We lay in it for days

I remember
The things you said
My little Billy,
Come to your lover's bed

Come home
Is my plea
Your home now is
Here with me
Come home
To your son
Tomorrow might never come

C'mon Billy
You look good to me
How many nights now
Your child inside of...

Don't forget me
I had your son
Damn thing went crazy
But I swear you're the only one

Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me

Genres Rock
Styles Singer/Songwriter, Alternative Pop/Rock, Indie Rock, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, England
Instruments Guitar, Vocals
Tones Distraught, Unsettling, Gutsy, Crunchy, Brittle, Intimate, Aggressive, Provocative, Passionate, Fiery, Intense, Sexy, Bleak, Brooding, Angst-Ridden, Cathartic, Eerie, Sexual, Theatrical, Tense/Anxious, Ominous, Confrontational
But you swore you'd love me forever
and it was only yesterday
What have I done to deserve this
Am I destiny's fool?
And I hate you,
and I love you for what you've done to me
Oh shit, why did you leave me in such despair?

I'm trying not to breathe
though I try so hard to reach the other side
I'm trying not to breathe
No more songs for me to sing because you leave
Now I think I see the light: Goodbye, my love!
Oh, I'm trying not to breathe

Antichrisis - Trying Not To Breathe
Spitalul de urgenta


Prietenii ii vreau in jurul meu
M-am saturat de vorbe goale
Si de sanul tau
Prietenii ii vreau, nimic mai mult
Sa stam seara muti si beti,
Ca-ntr-un imens sarut.

Nu-mi pasa de nimic, de nimic
Sunt fericit, nu-mi pasa de nimic...

Nu-mi pasa ca iubita m-a inselat
Nu-mi pasa ca iubitul ei acum nu-i un barbat
Prietenii si vodca sunt aici, ti-am spus
Restul nu conteaza
Stam si plangem un apus


Soarele se scurge-ncet in mare
Timpul s-a oprit
Si viata nu ma mai doare
Nu ma intereseaza cine, cum si ce
Totul se darama-n jur si noi nu ne-ntrebam de ce
That cross you wear around your neck;
is it only a decoration, or are you a
true Christian believer?

Yes, I believe - truly

Then I want you to remove it at once!
- and never to wear it within this castle
Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear?
Her eyes are sown shut.
Blinded temporarily she suffers the whims of
her God patiently, until her will is
submerged and she learns to serve -
as your God taught and blinded you with

You had me take off my cross because it

It offended no-one. No - it simply appears
to me to be discourteous to... to wear
the symbol of a deity long dead.

My ancestors tried to find it. And to open
the door that seperates us from our Creator.

But you need no doors to find God.
If you believe....

Believe?! If you believe you are gullible.
Can you look around this world and believe
in the goodness of a god who rules it?
Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!
They rule this world.

There is also love and life and hope.

Very little hope I assure you.
No. If a god of love and life ever did
exist... he is long since dead.
Someone... something rules in his place.

( Theatre Of Tragedy - And When He Falleth)

kynteku ista matinka vr'un an jumate o fost preferatul meu :)
See I dont, know why, I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know that I feel

[chorus:] what I said it dont mean now the presents might as well throw em out all those kisses, it didnt mean jack you, you ho, I dont want you back what I said it dont mean now the presents might as well throw em out all those kisses it didnt mean jack you, you ho, I dont want you back

[verse 2:]
You thought, you could
Keep this from me, yeah
Ya burnt, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another hag, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me what I said it dont mean now the presents might as well throw em out all those kisses it didnt mean jack you, you ho, I dont want you back what I said it dont mean now the presents might as well throw em out all those kisses it didnt mean jack you, you ho, I dont want you back

faza cu u gave him head este bestiala!!!
by the way, este si piesa replica ... u right back!!!!!
in a moment!!! :dj:
ok, piesa de mai sus, era a lui Eamon, adresata fostei sale...acu urmeaza piesa exei, Freddie, care da explicatii.....

(You know there is two sides to every story)

See I don't know why you cryin' like a
Talkin' like a snitch
Why you write a song 'bout me
If you really didn't care
You wouldn't wanna share
Tellin' everybody just how you feel what I did was your fault somehow the presents, I threw all that out all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, you right back what I did was your fault somehow the presents, I threw all that out all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, you right back

You thought you could really make me moan
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha)
I had to do your friend
Now you want me to come back
You must be smokin' crack
Im goin' else where and thats a fact all those nights I moaned real loud it, I faked it, aren't you proud all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack all those nights I moaned real loud it, I faked it, aren't you proud all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack :blownose:
Robbie Williams - Me and my Monkey

There was me and my monkey
And with his dungarees and roller blades smoking filter tips
Reclining in the passenger seat of my super-charged jet black Chevrolet
He had the soft-top down (he liked the wind in his face)
He said 'Son, you ever been to Vegas?' I said 'no'
He said 'that's where we're gonna go - you need a change of pace'
And we hit the strip with all the wedding chapels and the neon signs
He said 'I left my wallet in El Segondo' and proceeded to take two grand of mine
We made tracks to The Mandalay Bay Hotel
Asked the bell boy if he'd take me and my monkey as well?
He looked in the passenger seat of my car and with a smile he said
'If your monkey's got that kind of money sir, then we've got a monkey bed!'

Me and my monkey
With a dream and a gun
I'm hoping my monkey don't point that gun at anyone
Me and my monkey
Like Butch and the Sundance Kid
Trying to understand
why he did what he did

Why he did what he did

We got the elevator, I hit the 33rd floor
We had a room up top with the panoramic views like nothing you'd ever seen before
He went to sleep in the bidet and when he awoke
He ran his little monkey fingers through yellow pages
Called up some escort services and ordered some okey doke
Forty minutes later there -hello- came a knock at the door
In walked this big bad [cenzurat] baboon into my bedroom with three monkey whores
'Hi! My name is Sunshine - these are my girls
Lace my palm with silver baby and oh yeah, they'll rock your world'
So I watched pay-per-view and polished my shoes and my gun
Was diggin' old Kurt Cobain singing 'bout lithium
There came a knock at the door and in walked Sunshine
'What's up? You'd better get your in here boy, your monkey's having too much of a good time!'

Me and my monkey
Drove in search of the sun
Me and my monkey
Don't point that gun at anyone
Me and my monkey
Like Billy The Kid
Trying to understand why he did what he did
Why he did what he did

Got tickets to see Sheena Easton, the monkey was high
Said it was a burning ambition to see her before he died
We left before encores, he couldn't sit still
Sheena was a blast baby but my monkey was ill
We went to play black-jack, kept hitting twenty three
Couldn't help but notice this Mexican just staring at me
Or was it my monkey? I couldn't be sure
It's not like you'd never seen a monkey in rollerblades and dungarees before
Now don't test my patience 'cause we're not about to run
That's a bad [cenzurat] monkey boy and he's packing a gun
'My name is Rodriguez', he says with death in his eye
'I've been chasing you for a long time amigos, and now your monkey's gonna die!'

Me and my monkey
Drove in search of the sun
Me and my monkey
We don't wanna kill no Mexican
But we got ten itchy fingers
One thing to declare
When the monkey is high
You do not stare
You do not stare
You do not stare

Looks like we got ourselves a Mexican stand off here boy
And I ain't about to run
Put your gun down boy
How did I get mixed up with this [cenzurat] monkey anyhow

The Doors

She lives on Love Street ,
Lingers long on Love Street ,
She has a house and garden ,
I would like to see what happens .

She has robes and she has monkeys ,
Lazy diamond studded flunkies ,
She has wisdom and knows what to do ,
She has me and she has you .

She has wisdom and knows what to do ,
She has me and she has you .

She has wisdom and knows what to do ,
She has me and she has you .

I see you live on Love Street ;
There’s the store where the creatures meet .
I wonder what they do in there ,
Summer Sunday and a year .
I guess I like it fine so far .

She lives on Love Street ,
Lingers long on Love Street ,
She has a house and garden ,
I would like to see what happens .

La, la, la, la la, la,
La, la, la, la la, la,
La, la, la, la la, la,
La, la, la, la la, la,
La, la, la, la la, la.