versuri altfel


puteti scrie aici textele unor cantece sau unul/cateva versuri care va par speciale si care credeti ca ar putea sa le fie interesante si altora.
ar fi bine daca textele ar fi interesante si pentru cel care nu a auzit niciodata cantecul respectiv, adica incercati sa intrati in pielea celui care va citeste mesajul.
Basically The Same Lyrics
by K's Choice

Don't call me sinner
Don't call me nerd
Don't call me chaotic
Because you heard

I have strange feelings
I have weird thoughts
But don't call me an artist
Because I'm not

I am an animal, a saint
A grown up child without a name
I am a black man, I am gay
I say we're basically the same
Don't label me

I'm not a colour
I'm not a sex
I'm not a partner
I'm not an ex

Don't call me nigger
Don't call me queer
Don't call me retarded
Although I am

I am an animal, a saint
A grown up child without a name
I am a black man, I am gay
I say we're basically the same

Don't label, don't you see
A wooden table is actually a tree

Which is basically the same
Which is basically the same
Which is basically the same as you as me

Anti choice
Anti girl
I am the anti-flag unfurled
Anti white and anti law
I got the anti-future plan
Anti fascist
Anti mod
I am the anti-music god
Anti sober
Anti whore
There will never be enough of anti more
I can’t believe in the things
That don’t believe in me
Now it’s your turn to see misanthropy
Anti people now you’ve gone too far
Here’s your antichrist superstar
Anti money
Anti hate
Anti things I fucked and ate
Anti cop
Anti fun
Here is my anti-president gun
Anti satan
Anti black
Anti world is on my back
Anti gay and anti dope
I am the faggot anti-pope
Anti peace
Anti life
Anti husband, anti wife
Anti song and anti me
I don’t deserve a chance to be

I don't care if your world is ending today
I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted famous, so I drew you a heart
But now I'm not an artist I'm a fucking work of art
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I am a bonetop, a death's head
On a mopstick
You infected me, took diamonds
I took all your shit
Your "sell-by date" expired,
So you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and
Vivi-sex symbol.
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
She seemed dressed in all of me
Stretched across my shame
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad

She is everything to me
The unrequited dream
A song that no one sings
The unattainable
She's a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason

I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad

But I won't let this build up inside of me

I catch in my throat
Torn into pieces
I won't - no
I don't wanna be this

But I won't let this build up inside of me

She isn't real
I can't make her real
puteti, va rog, sa scrieti si cui apartin versurile si denumirile pieselor, ca-s curioasa... merci anticipat :)
va propun versurile unei piese rock de "Omul cu Sobolani"... e ceva de genul psihodelic....sper sa va placa

o sa mor chiar curand
si O sa-l intanlesc pe batran in curand
in pamant, in pamant
ma simt chiar bine ,iar bine cu tine
Mireasa Neagra, maritate cu mine

Dorm cu ingerii din nou (x4)

ma duc in jos, va rog
urmati-ma va rog, fiecare dintre voi
haideti toti la gunoi AL MORTII TRAMVAI
ne ia de la prima
Dumnezeule sarac

Dorm cu ingerii din nou (x4)

musca-ma vipera
virtual A-NI-MA-L
Dumnezeule saraK

prin mine
suflet ROooooooZ
moarte dulceeee
voi fi uuuuuun
frumos cadooou pentru nisteeee viermi frumosi
viermi amabili, viermi frumosi
viermi amabili(viermi frumosi) (x4)
amelie versurile la ulrima melodie pe kare am scris-o sunt de la Slipknot-Vermiliont part 2 ... rekomand !

Omul Cu Shobolani- Copilul rebel

sunt chiar aici in fata ta
nu ma lasa, hai nu te lasa...
stii absolut totlul despre mine,
asa cum stiu si eu totul despre tine...

eu sunt copilul rebel din tine,
sunt nebunul care stie ce-i bine,
pentru tine, pentru mine,
mai ales pentru tine...

fac orice ca sa ma simt mai bine
eu sunt cel ce traieste in tine,
uita-te doar in oglinda mai bine
eu sunt copilul - copilul din tine
eu te ridic te fac sa fi mai bun
eu te las sa fi un pic nebun,
sunt partea din tine care stie ce-i bine
eu sunt copilul - copilul din tine

sunt tot ce stii tu despre frumos,
eu nu te las s-arunci hartii pe jos
eu iti arat tot ce e bine,
te-nvat sa privesti lumea prin mine
Prolog "Vama Veche"

Mai e o clipa pina cind glontul imi va mingia timpla dreapta…
Tacut si trist singurul meu prieten sta pe teava si-asteapta.
Am auzit ca-n astfel de momente poti sa-ti vezi viata toata,
Am sa-nchid ochii ca sa vad filmul asta prost macar o data:

Mai e o clipa pina cind glontul imi va mingia timpla dreapta…

Am sa ma nasc si-am sa tip si-am sa strig, mama zimbeste si-asteapta…
Imi curge singe din genunchi, e prima zi de scoala–am trei cucuie,
Doamna ma-ntreaba un mar plus o para, raspund o gutuie.

Mai e o clipa pina cind glontul imi va mingia timpla dreapta…

E ziua mea si pe pat corzile si chitara m-asteapta…
Trei galigani imi cer bani, pumnii-s grei pumnii-s tari cad in noapte…
O intilnesc ies cu ea la un suc, ne plimbam - doua soapte…

Mai e o clipa pina cind glontul imi va mingia timpla dreapta…

Buzele mele, pielea ei, trupul nostru, un fior ne strabate…
Cu sapte-am luat bacul ma bucur, golesc sticla toata…
Pe masa-I hirtia semnata, mama plinge, ma cheama-n armata!

Mai e o clipa pina cind glontul imi va mingia timpla dreapta…

p.s. catyiusha, se poate... eu is buna shi "pufoasa" :P dau voie tat!!!
din memorie:

".....papusica, ridica fustita doar un pic
Iti promit, nu-ti fac nimic......." (Costi) :confuz: :hehei:
".....Cînd dau înshet sî ma îndrept
Jenunchii cad pi lînga chept.
Eu n-am shtiut, cî dacî eshti bat,
Ti fashi di-odata acrobat.
Sa shada tats cum eu am shazt,
Sa vada tats shi eu am vazt,
Sa-sh unga tats cum eu ni-am uns
Cu grija gîtu-ndeajuns.
Ma tsîn de tat shi sta în bar,
Da shel mai tari di pahar.
Eu înca nimeresc sa torn
Cu toati ca aproape dorm.
Da dacî nu dorm, însamna ca îs treaz
Sh-afara înca-i az.
Io pot s-ma tsîn shi-ntr-un chishior
C-o mîna daca-s pi ulshior......" (Pavel Stratan)
Un fel de "shlagar" de ultima ora :lol:

"Cantecul asta-i despre noi
E un cantec simplu despre vaci si boi
De la sate cu carute colorate
In care trec tigani si canta “Pe la spate”“. ("Fara zahar")
The Kinslayer

For whom the gun tolls
For whom the prey weeps
Bow before a war
Call it religion

Some wounds never heal
Some tears never will
Dry for the unkind
Cry for mankind

Even the dead cry
- Their only comfort
Kill your friend, I don't care
Orchid kids, blinded stare

Need to understand
No need to forgive
No truth no sense left to be followed

"Facing this unbearable fear like meeting an old friend"
"Time to die, poor mates, You made me what I am!"

"In this world of a million religions everyone prays the same way"

"Your praying is in vain It'll all be over soon"
"Father help me, save me a place by your side!"
"There is no god Our creed is but for ourselves"

"Not a hero unless you die Our species eat the wounded ones"

"Drunk with the blood of your victims
I do feel your pity-wanting pain,
Lust for fame, a deadly game"

"Run away with your impeccable kin!"

"- Good wombs hath borne bad sons..."
- Cursing, God, why?
Falling for every lie
Survivors' guilt
In us forevermore

15 candles
Redeemers of this world
Dwell in hypocrisy:
"How were we supposed to know"

4 pink ones
9 blue ones
2 black ones