RIAA si altii de teapa lor


as fi putut adauga la "Etc...", dar m-am gandit sa fac o tema noua, ca sa fie mai usor de gasit...

aici vom baga referinte la articole ce tin de actiunile RIAA (si nu numai) impotriva consumatorilor...

tot aici putem comenta ce se intampla ;)

incep cu o veste buna:

RIAA nu castiga $222k de la Jammy Thomas, acuzata ca ar fi "facut disponibile" niste piese...

sint interesante si comentariile de la acea stire. mi-a placut asta:

Newpapers, Books, Movies, Music! These are all forms of consumable entertainment. That the entire World has been Sharing for Centuries!!!

Copyright was never intended to stop people from SHARING! ...it was intended to prevent the theft of material for personal gain and profit as NOT the rightful creator. To denie the rightful creator the credit for it's creation and the profits due from that creation. It was never intended to prevent any form of sharing without the sharer making a direct profit from it. Otherwise any Radio Station, every person listening to music or reading a newspaper in a public place, is guilty of sharing illegally!!!

Afterall listening, reading, watching or sharing (consumming) what we pay for, is not altering stealing or manipulating any of the original copyrighted material for personal gain!

Because then, if I allow my neighbor to watch a movie through my opened window or read a book over my shoulder, or worse yet leave a newspaper in McDonalds for others to read, isn't that copyright infringement under their perverse definition of the law?

If I'm a young kid with a ghetto box on my shoulder blasting a new Copyrighted CD downtown anywhere, for all to hear, isn't that copyright violation of Sharing under their definition?

So if the RIAA wants to Sue for Sharing, they better start going after the real violators. The Libraries, My Neighbors, People leaving newspapers at McDonalds and those kids with their ghetto boxes. Especially since they are all sharing so Openly!!!

....and let's not forget the worst violators of all. RADIO STATIONS who share copyrighted music 24/7 and although they make nothing for that, they make a profit for sharing paid for commercials that I don't particularly like to hear so they can share that music for free to ME!!! ....OMG...that means they better sue me as well, for listening to it!!!!
(posturile de radio imi pare ca platesc nu stiu ce licenta pentru a difuza muzica, dar asta este irelevant; in linii generale, sint de acord cu parerea comentatorului)