2002 Season

Daca tot veni vorba de linkuri, prosport recomanda www.f1rejects.com - a tribute to the heroic failures of F1. Tot acolo am gasit la F1 Season 2002 Preview o caracterizare a pilotzilor. M-a interesat yn special ceea ce se refera la pilotzii de la Williams BMW, deoarece aici situatzia yntr-adevar nu e clara. Opinia mea e ca JPM a devenit deja liderul echipei... Comentariile mi s-au parut destul de pricolinye.


Ralf Schumacher seriously needs to regroup for the start of the new year. One can't help but feel that Montoya is getting the upper hand, and there's no doubt that JPM is more of the racer that Frank and Patrick like. If the Colombian adds consistency to his racecraft, Ralf could be left in his wake.
Perhaps we could say that Ralf is a little bit too German in his driving; a little bit of Latin mongrel in a dogfight situation would do him good. He also needs to believe that he can beat JPM; I sense he doesn't at the moment.


Schumi always says he will contemplate retirement when he sees a youngster toppling him from his perch. Many feel, with good reason, that Juan-Pablo Montoya is that man. Last year he lived up to the hype. Crucially, he learnt from his errors and adapted to the F1 style of driving.
What's more, he spiced it up a little with his own expressive aggression, made relatively few driving mistakes, got let down by the car, and took it all with refreshing good humour. The prediction is simple: with a reliable car, he will challenge for the title.
O fost chiar o placere sa citesc materialul de pe sait. Se vede de la o posta ca e facut de cineva care are ceva experientsa in critica F1 si care se si mai pricepe la ce se intimpla in spatele camerei uneori. Asadar, desigur l-am bookmarked in directoriu F1 si voi controla cu regularitate pentru updates.
Pentru distractsia celor care nu vor sa mearga pe sait, iata un abstract, intellectually fun:

on Season 2002 Preview you can find:

[F1] REJECTS IN 2002:

The Ferrari, Jordan, Renault and Toyota liveries
Renault's circus-costume driving suits
The Frentzen v Jordan lawsuit
The Verstappen v Arrows lawsuit
Jaguar's dwindling financial support from Ford
Alex Yoong
Team orders at Williams (or lack thereof)
Arrow's ultra-high nosecone
Ticket prices, parking, and everything else at Silverstone
Anything Eddie Irvine says
Rubens Barrichello's claims to equal treatment at Ferrari
Paul Stoddart's attempts to find "the next Malaysian F1 driver"
Ralf Schumacher's glasses, er, contact lenses, er, whatever ...



<font size=-1>[ Acest mesaj a fost editat de: andriel pe 07-03-2002 12:08 ]</font>
nu am prea vazut mare profesionalism in comentariul facut in limba engleza. Montoya nu este mai bun ca ralf si inca cel putin o perioada buna nu va fi. Cit despre greseli, Montoya le face cu carul. Cite curse a terminat Juan anul trecut? Chiar in prima cursa a acestui an el nu a putut face fata lui Michael, cedind-ul la o diferenta mare. Ba mai mult, Raikkonen daca ar fi fost mai concentrat, l-ar fi intrecut pe "JPM"
Corleone, tu spui toate astea doar din cauza ca nu esti fan al BMW. Hai si om incepe ca daca Raikonnen era mai concentrat nu stiu ce, povesti de astea.

Ferrari, BMW Williams rules :ciupel:
1. M.Schumacher
2. R.Schumacher
3. JPM
De fapt Corleone, voi incerca sa abordez comentariul tau mai constructiv: cate curse nu a terminat JPM anul trecut din cauza greselilor personale? Cati pilotsi din istoria F1 au atins performantsa lui Juan chiar in sezonul de lansare in F1?

..de ce il apar eu pe JPM.. el doar mie nu-mi place la un nivel subiectiv..? :smile:


:grin: Voi baietz opredelitzi-va ce-i aia gresheala personala.
...in prima cursa a acestui an el nu a putut face fata lui Michael, cedind-ul la o diferenta mare...
Lumea zyshe ca Montoya o avut probleme cu monopostul. Asha ca nu confundatzi clasa unui pilot cu problemele tehnice.
Baieti nu va grabiti, stati sa treaca vreo cateva curse, sa vedem cine si ce face anul asta, pe urma mai face comentarii cine e mai ciupos, cine e mai desovel... :grin:
Am gasit pe www.f1-live.com un articol destul de interesant, yn care Eddie Irvine expune ceva ce io personal am anticipat ynaintea GP-ului trecut:

Ralf to steal F1 crown this season?
As Juan and Michael fight between themselves

Jaguar driver Eddie Irvine believes that while Juan Pablo Montoya and Michael Schumacher battle it out for victory this season there will be someone waiting in the wings to make the most of the situation, picking up the pieces after the duo tangle for the lead, and that someone is none other than Ralf Schumacher...

Volshebnye slova :grin:
Draga redactie, syntem la finalul primei treimi a acestui campionat :lol:

Puncte pilotzi:

44 - Schumacher M. Ferrari
23 - Montoya Williams
20 - Schumacher R. Williams
09 - Coulthard McLaren
08 - Button Renault
06 - Barrichello Ferrari
05 - Heidfeld Sauber
04 - Raikkonen McLaren
03 - Irvine Jaguar
03 - Massa Sauber
02 - Webber Minardi
02 - Salo Toyota
01 - Frentzen Arrows

Puncte echipe:

Ferrari 50
Williams 43
McLaren 13
Renault 8
Sauber 8
Jaguar 3
Minardi 2
Toyota 2
Arrows 1
Jordan 0

Altfel, Barichello shi-a prelungit contractul cu Ferrari pyna yn 2004. Shi logic... shi Schumacher va ramyne tot pyna yn 2004. Pacat...
Malicik, tu shi? Eu ys Leppard. Ferrari sucks! Pe mine realino ma doare yntr-un loc tare sensibil ce se yntympla la dynshii :wink: Pacat ca-i voi vedea mutra lu' Schumacher la anu'! Asta am vrut sa zik.