Blogurile oamenilor nostri

Um, azi am intrat pe un blog si am nimerit intr-o intreaga retea de bloguri de ale noastre(am intrat aici si deja de acolo sunt link-uri la alte multe bloguri, de unde iarasi sunt link-uri la alte bloguri)..

Tot asa din link in link am dat de blogul unui american voluntar in Moldova, Hancesti, Mereseni.

Chiar si un clip a filmat :) [nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
Post interesant (defapt nici nu am citit multe posturi, dar e extrem de interesant sa citesti lucruri obisnuite pentru noi, vazute de altcineva..)
Thanks pentru linkuri;

Am trecut si prin blogul tau (pina cind doar pagina 'About', impressive :)

Blogul meu vechi nu mai exista (probleme de hosting), si am deschis unul nou pe [strike][/strike] (dar fara de contentul vechi :-\ )
Adrenalin;159926 said:
Um, azi am intrat pe un blog si am nimerit intr-o intreaga retea de bloguri de ale noastre(am intrat aici si deja de acolo sunt link-uri la alte multe bloguri, de unde iarasi sunt link-uri la alte bloguri)..

Tot asa din link in link am dat de blogul unui american voluntar in Moldova, Hancesti, Mereseni.

Chiar si un clip a filmat :)
Post interesant (defapt nici nu am citit multe posturi, dar e extrem de interesant sa citesti lucruri obisnuite pentru noi, vazute de altcineva..)

Uciderea lui Herman rupee :D
Um, se pare ca is mai multi voluntari americani in Moldova si fiecare are blog %)

Bradley Dakake Copceac, Gagauzia, MD
A Bad Day for Pigs - despre ceea cum a fost taiat un purceluş %) chiar si fotci sunt

Iata am dat de acest blog si de la acest sunt link-uri la alti voluntari din Moldova %)

Micha - Chisinau matinca
The Talk of the Village
My host mom mentioned to me, over a bowl of borş, that everyone is asking her if she feeds me. A few women in my village have noticed my slightly svelter self and come to the conclusion that I don’t eat, so my host mom does not feed me. They meet her in one of the many stores in the center of town and inquiry about my well-being. Whenever I go to school and am in the presence of my director, she practically pins me down and force feeds me cookies or whatever food is within reach. She tells me I have simply lost too much weight, and that it scares her.


Craig - Sireți, Străşeni, MD
Um, aici am dat despre un post mai putin placut ;] Defapt nish in viata reala nu prea imi aduc aminte sa vad asa ceva..

So Why Aren’t Any of You Saying Anything?

So the other night, I was waiting for the mini-bus in Chisinau to take me home. There were about 4 of us waiting when a group of three younger guys showed up, all quite inebriated. I knew one of them. I don’t know his name, but he thinks he knows mine. When he says it, it sounds something like Krang. I wasn’t looking forward to riding with them because he and his cohorts usually ask me for money or to give them a cd player or just ask stupid questions like “do you like to have sex?” They also like to talk to me in Russian sometimes so that it’s funny when I don’t understand what they’re saying..

continuare cam trista ;p

Anna Talley Recea, Moldova
Mmmm! Tastes Like Chicken!

Yup folks! That's how we do it here in Moldova! First we tai (which literally translates "cut", but means to kill) the chicken, and then hold the head, and body over a fire to singe all the feathers off. Next thing you know, you've got a chicken head floating in your zeama (chicken soup). Don't tell my host mom, but I snuck the chicken head to the kittens when she wasn't home. Is that bad?

Bugaga %)
Acolo mai sunt bloguri da mii lene sa ma uit la toate ;o)

Nici nu am stiut ca avem atitea voluntari..
E interesant! Mie personal imi trece imediat dorul de casa cind citesc despre astfel de experiente. Asta doar arata nivelul de civilizatie din Moldova...vai de capul voluntarilor astea idealisti..

Dar unde gasesc bloguri ale strainilor cu clipuri? Nu doar odd stories..

Wikipedia.Ro said:
Un weblog (prescurtat blog) este o publicaţie web ce conţine articole periodice, ce au de obicei caracter personal - asemenea unui jurnal, fiind afişate în ordine cronologică inversă.
alyyy;160347 said:
imi explica si mie cineva rolul blogurilor??????????
am mai citit da tot nam mai inteles.........
alyyy, in loc sa iti tsii intr-un caiet jurnalul, il scrii pe net
avantajul e ca nu iti trebuie lipici ca sa adaugi in el poze, iar dezavantajul e ca ti-l poate citi toata lumea :)))