Care va fi natiunea cea mai puternica in secolul XXI ?

BetterDayz a scris:
Ce frumos dezmierzi tara care ne-a adus comunismul, deportarile, agresiunea, deznationalizarea ... Bravo sovieticus ignorantus!
Nu dezmierd eu pe nimeni homus tampitus...e doar o expresie dintr-un film...
dar la ametzirea ta ...te intzeleg

Care film? Idee n-ai de unde vine aceasta expresie de sorginte sovietica.
"From mother Russia with Love"...redneck! 8)
E doar o expresie dintr-un film american, iar tu cu replicile astea agresive dai dovada inca odata ca intri in psihoza cand se vorbeste de nu e bine :)

Tu de la atata ura fatza de rushi si suptopulism american vezi numai negru in fatza ochilor cand vorbesti de Rusia...te intzeleg..

Insinuari ieftine.
De acord ca sunt insinuari....dar asa faci impresia multor iuzveri de pe mdnet, inclusiv mie...

Ce ai zis tu acolo de deportari si agresiuni este perfekt adevarat...dar vezi ca aceleashi lucruri prin echivalentza se pot spune si pentru mult iubitul uncle sam al tau....

Atunci cand nu ai argumente, vii cu "Ba pe-a ma-tii!". Cand SUA s-au facut vinovate de deportari si agresiune in RM sau Romania? Iti aduc aminte ca discutam despre atitudinea ta servila fata de Rusia, tu avand cetatenia Republicii Moldova si/sau a Romaniei.
Am avut in vedere politika Uncle Sam in mai ales in ultimul timp....
Despre servilismul meu fatza e Rusia, pot sa-ti spun doar ca sunt "insinuari ieftine" din partea ta...
Am mai spus nu apar interesele nimanui pe acest forum, in afara de ale mele si ale romanilor moldoveni...Moldovean pan' la moarte 8) care tu nu prea esti redneck...

1. Nu am afirmat asa ceva. Mai reciteste inca o data mesajul meu.
2. Tu insa ai afirmat ca Rusia este "prima putere nucleara din lume". Te-am cotrazis aducand date statistice. Aceleasi statistici le gasesti si pe siturile rusesti.
Cat priveste armata rusa vezi ultimele stiri:
Korekt ....poate am exprimat gresit chestia asta...insa nu prea vad o indepartare foarte mare intre notziunile de "cel mai mare potentzial nuclear" si "cea mai mare putere nucleara"...Aici intr-adevar Rusia este in tandem cu USA... :cry:
Intr-adevar asta este un fakt al "modelului" armatei care il stim,insa prin ekivalentza asa... Faptul ca armata US se mandreste cu majoritarea membrilor ei :homosexuali si lesbiene dintre care un sfert cu probleme psihice, nu este mai breaz cu nika...

redneck mai citeste si tu alte statistici decat cele ale propagandei americane...stii treaba cu Iraku...

Vezi In rest, elucubratiile cu propaganda americana si irak arata cat de spalat pe creier si cat de ignorant esti.
Vrei sa zici ca nu exista propaganda amerikana? Fii serios :D ...In cazul asta tu esti cam rau de tot ..brain washed...

Way redneck...yo nu intzleg Whatz your Point referitor la threadul asta...
Exprimatzi opinia clar...prin intermediul prin CopyPaste...
Nimeni n-a zis ca secolul XXI va fi rusesk, sunt mai multe variante..printre care si asta...
Nu intzeleg de ce vii cu teoriile tale primitiviste "..Amerika-i cei mai Buna, da Rusia-i cei ma Ra"...Nu sunt la locul lor...Fatzi un thread cu Liantina si diskutatzi acolo politika Rusiei in mileniile urmatoare...

PS: Daca mai vii iar cu off-topicuri, prefer sa nu mai raspund...
BetterDayz said:
"From mother Russia with Love"...redneck! 8)
E doar o expresie dintr-un film american, iar tu cu replicile astea agresive dai dovada inca odata ca intri in psihoza cand se vorbeste de nu e bine :)
Expresia de care vorbesti a aparut cu mult inaintea filmului "From Russia with love", iar filmul e britanic. Ca de obicei, esti un ignorant.

De acord ca sunt insinuari....dar asa faci impresia multor iuzveri de pe mdnet, inclusiv mie...
Nu ma intereseaza ce gandesc kolhoznicii ca tine.

BetterDayz said:
redneck said:
BetterDayz said:
Ce ai zis tu acolo de deportari si agresiuni este perfekt adevarat...dar vezi ca aceleashi lucruri prin echivalentza se pot spune si pentru mult iubitul uncle sam al tau....
Atunci cand nu ai argumente, vii cu "Ba pe-a ma-tii!". Cand SUA s-au facut vinovate de deportari si agresiune in RM sau Romania? Iti aduc aminte ca discutam despre atitudinea ta servila fata de Rusia, tu avand cetatenia Republicii Moldova si/sau a Romaniei.
Am avut in vedere politika Uncle Sam in mai ales in ultimul timp....
Despre SUA se discuta in alta parte. Dupa cum ti-am spus, in lipsa de argumente recurgi la "Ba pe-a ma-tii". Esti penibil!

BetterDayz said:
Despre servilismul meu fatza e Rusia, pot sa-ti spun doar ca sunt "insinuari ieftine" din partea ta...
Lacheismul tau fata de Rusia se vede de la o posta.

BetterDayz said:
Am mai spus nu apar interesele nimanui pe acest forum, in afara de ale mele si ale romanilor moldoveni...Moldovean pan' la moarte 8) care tu nu prea esti redneck...
De cand, ma rog, imparti certificate de "moldoveni"?

BetterDayz said:
Faptul ca armata US se mandreste cu majoritarea membrilor ei :homosexuali si lesbiene dintre care un sfert cu probleme psihice, nu este mai breaz cu nika...
Aberatii. Observ, desi nu ma mir, ca esti un homofob. Ca si orice individ cu o mentalitate primitiva.

BetterDayz said:
Vrei sa zici ca nu exista propaganda amerikana? Fii serios :D ...In cazul asta tu esti cam rau de tot ..brain washed...
Nu exista propaganda americana, sovieticus. Daca voi avea timp, voi reveni la aceasta ineptie.

BetterDayz said:
Way redneck...yo nu intzleg Whatz your Point referitor la threadul asta...
Exprimatzi opinia clar...prin intermediul prin CopyPaste...
Nimeni n-a zis ca secolul XXI va fi rusesk, sunt mai multe variante..printre care si asta...
Te contrazici.
Cat priveste discutiile la aceasta tema, am mai spus, sunteti niste semidocti care discuta despre politica la bodega kolhozului. "Pronosticurile" voastre sa le faceti sul. Intreaba-te, mediocritatate ce esti, cine in 1904 ar fi crezut ca SUA vor domina secolul XX, ca Rusia va ajunge sa fie condusa de gloate de tarani analfabeti si muncitori alcoolici, ca Franta si Germania se vor trezi in aceiasi barca a UE, ca "Made in Japan" va deveni eticheta calitatii si a avansarii tehnologice.

BetterDayz said:
Nu intzeleg de ce vii cu teoriile tale primitiviste "..Amerika-i cei mai Buna, da Rusia-i cei ma Ra"...
In primul rand, nu am zis asa ceva. In al doilea rand, cuvantul "primitivist" nu exista in limba romana. Mars la abecedar!

BetterDayz said:
Nu sunt la locul lor...Fatzi un thread cu Liantina si diskutatzi acolo politika Rusiei in mileniile urmatoare...

PS: Daca mai vii iar cu off-topicuri, prefer sa nu mai raspund...
Ai face bine. Toate mesajele care le-ai scris pana acum au fost minciuni, calomnii, platitudini si ineptii. In concluzie, esti o mediocritate, minciunoasa pe langa toate.
:lol: :lol: :lol: redneck esti irecuperabil...
Rog ca moderatorii sa ia masuri asupra posturilor total offtopik ale domnului "nu exista propaganda amerikana"...
Sper ca va fi Europa. Sau cel putin ideea de comuniune a natiunilor intr-o structura democratica.

Daca va fi China ne vom intoarce la 1946.
DA..................Se pare ca userii Lia&redneck s-au retras de pe forum 8)
Ce eveniment remarkabil in istoria mdnet...:)
Sper ca va fi Europa. Sau cel putin ideea de comuniune a natiunilor intr-o structura democratica.

Daca va fi China ne vom intoarce la 1946.
China nu prea are sanse sa devina o tzara influenta pe plan mondial....daca ramane comunista si in urmatorii ani...
Eu cred in conditziile actuale din lume, cu tot fenomenul de globalizare in care santem ...singura sansa ca o tzara sa devina superputere economika si implicit militara este doar intr-un regim democratik...
BetterDayz said:
DA..................Se pare ca userii Lia&redneck s-au retras de pe forum 8)
Ce eveniment remarkabil in istoria mdnet...:)

Vrabia malai viseaza ... Eveniment remarcabil va fi atunci cand vei contribui cu ceva inteligent la discutiile de pe forum. Deocamdata, tinand cont de tot ce ai scris pana acum, probabilitatea acestui eveniment tinde asimptotic la zero.

BetterDayz said:
Sper ca va fi Europa. Sau cel putin ideea de comuniune a natiunilor intr-o structura democratica.

Daca va fi China ne vom intoarce la 1946.
China nu prea are sanse sa devina o tzara influenta pe plan mondial....daca ramane comunista si in urmatorii ani...
Eu cred in conditziile actuale din lume, cu tot fenomenul de globalizare in care santem ...singura sansa ca o tzara sa devina superputere economika si implicit militara este doar intr-un regim democratik...
Si acum intreaba-te: care sunt sansele Rusiei sa devina o democratie veritabila in lumina ultimelor evenimente?


Professor of Philosophy

Novosibirsk State University

Trepolarity of the modern world - USA, Western Europe and Japan - is not a secret now to anybody. It is well known also that triangular unions are not stable because two partners tend to make a coalition against the rest one. According to Prof. Immanuel Wallerstein, a fat- her of World System Analysis, the alliance between USA and Japan is most probable mainly because of European idiosyncrasy to American cul- tural-language-commercial expansion which seems not so dangerous for self-identity of Japanese people. Due to the world-system theory the success and economic hegemony of the core member depend on volume and level of semiperiphery, i.e., territories with production organized and financed by the core. USA are an evident hegemon mainly because of capital concentration and the strength of Transnational Corporations (TNC) making their money by extracting profit both from semiperiphery and periphery of almost the whole globe. The magnificent economic growth of modern China is explained by its role as a semiperiphery for American-Japanese core alliance. Last decades Western Europe was focu- sed mainly on the macrodecision of interior integrity (Common Market, EU, EC, Maastricht, Shengen, etc.). But in the external area Europe happened to be deprived from utilizing such efficient semiperiphery as is used now by US and Japan. That's why without new effective external activities Europe will gradually lose its positions in the world core. Europe needs now a principally new strong macrodecision, i.e., a comp- lex of geoeconomic strategies in order to reach if not new hegemony but parity with Northern America and South-Eastern Asia in the coming XXI century. How these strategies can be shaped according to theoreti- cal-historical paradigms? The evident systemic imperatives granting advantage in intracore competition can be supplied by most promising strategies for Western Europe in current global situation.

Imperatives and Strategies

1. To find and master own semiperiphery with sufficient volume and level of development.

Russia with its highly educated intelligentsia and large working class, vast territories and central position among all three poles of Modern World System is most preferable semiperiphery for Western Europe. Accepting this premise it is possible to work out ways of main systemic imperatives realization.

2. First to lay new trade ways highly needed in new geoeconomic situation. Secondly to focus on the main gap between supply and demand in the world economy using own most advanced technologies and resources of semiperiphery. Finally it is necessary to move main investments to the most rapidly developing, promising, intellectually capacious spheres and utilize here maximally all own and semiperipheral potential.

The first strategy must supply the geoeconomic transportation demand by promotion and utilization of post-communist Russia's openness. The auto- and telecommunication arterial should be created from Western Europe to Japan, China and all South-Eastern Asia through Russia (modern highway: Berlin-Moscow-Novosibirsk-Vladivostok then to China, Ko- rea, Japan, long-distance tracks production in Russia on the base of European investments and technologies). This transcontinental route can be called THE GREAT SNEAKERS ROUTE because it will deliver East-Asian (mainly Chinese) goods of everyday use to wide European middle class (instead of luxurious silk for aristocracy in Ancient and Middle Ages). Western Europe can also benefit from rebirth of Northern Sea Route which Russia cannot support now alone (London/Amsterdam-Mur- mansk-Petropavlovsk then to Japan/Korea/China or to Alaska/Western Ca- nada/California). The second strategy must supply the demand of permanently growing re- ally grand Chinese economy (10% a year). China will unavoidably need more and more energy resources, metals, plastics, technologies, machi- ne-tools, engines, etc. Russia which was mainly specialized on machine and military production is the best base for materializing European know-how and investments in order to take part in competition with USA and Japan on the vast and growing Chinese market. Various daughter Eu- ropean factories should be built along the whole Transsiberian railway and future highway, so this strategy can be called EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGIES UP TO VLADIVOSTOK. The third strategy must be oriented to most intellectually capacious and promising spheres, that's why Western Europe on the base of Russi- an (originally European!) scientific and educational systems should compete with American monopoly on the world international market of research and educational services. The daughter branches of the best and well-known European universities and research institutes should be created on the base of Russian universities for delivering intellectu- al, high-technological (cosmos, telecommunications, biotechnology, ad- vanced medicine, nuclear physics, etc.) and educational services for new generations of the whole Eurasia. Possible name of this strategy is EUROPEAN-RUSSIAN SCIENCE AND UNIVERSITY CULTURE FOR EURASIA. Intensive cooperation of Russia with UNESCO, such programs of Euro- pean Community as TEMPUS/TACIS should be evaluated as first promising steps on a long promising way of geoeconomic and cultural integration. Within this framework the opening of UNESCO Chair in the very center of Russia and whole Eurasia - Novosibirsk - has a deep principal mea- ning, it really opens new exciting possibilities for XXI century.

Rivals and Allies

3. To involve capitals of main rivals giving them new opportunities for commerce.

Not only European, Russian and Chinese but also American and Japanese investments must be involved into laying The Great Sneakers Way because it opens doors for American and Japanese goods to the vast markets of Central and Eastern Russia with all Central-Asiatic states.

4. To utilize maximally the outsiders' discontent towards the rivals, giving to outsiders new opportunities for growth and security.

NATO expansion to the East, erosion of Russian industry and agricultu- re, crisis of science and education deprived of Soviet central support, enormous social gap and criminality made Russia an outsider among Christian peoples. But Russia is too large and geopolitically significant for Europe to ignore it by making Russian common people and populist leaders more and more aggressive against "Treacherous West." Western Europe giving Russia new opportunities for growth by three strategies presented above should transform Russia from aggressive and dangerous outsider to a strong ally. Instead of meaningless conflicting around NATO expansion (in fact European security is save as never before) Europe and Russia should think of Caspian oil and Middle Asia oil, gas and other resources routing. Without powerful Eu- ropean-Russian alliance USA evidently will manage to direct these re- source streams to the South via Turkey and Pakistan. This alliance will be useful for Europe not only geoeconomically but also geopolitically (f.e. as a counter-forse against probable future axis Muslim World -China in Eurasia, and US-Japanese coalition in World Ocean). European Model for Global Partnership

5. To work out and disseminate an ideology of general humanistic significance, struggling for which it would be possible to strengthen own geoeconomic and geopolitical position.

In order to examinate validness of this recomendation one can remember the role of Christianity, democratic and liberal ideology for "the rise of the West," anti-slavery propaganda of Abraham Lincoln, antiimperial nations-self-determination ideology of Woodrow Wilson and An- tanta, anti-fascist and anti-communistic pathos of US hegemony since 1950s, etc. What ideology of general significance can serve for new European mac- rodecision in geopolitics and geoeconomics? Modern American neoliberal mainstream ideology implies that a monopolar world as more secure and comfortable than previous bipolar world, that maximal civil and econo- mic freedom, openness of nation-states to international trade are still universal values and guarantees for future prosperity. This ideology fits to the factual geopolitical and military dominance of USA, as well as to geoeconomic dominance of TNC which are also based mainly in New-York. Japan still cannot say to the rest world anything besides "stay in line and serve us." Can the third core rival - Europe which is so famous by its ingenious philosophers and social thinkers - suggest any better paradigm for future world order? In fact the immanent idea of European diplomacy (The Peace of Westphalia, 1648) and recent macrodecision (European integration, 1980-90s) can and should be expanded and realized globally. The counter-ideology to American monopolarity and neoliberalism , to Japanese worldwide serfdom can be based on idea of GLOBAL MULTIPOLAR PARTNERSHIP. Europe and Russia as main proponents of this idea have now a brilliant opportunity to return previous civil, moral, and intellectu- al leadership to the Old Oicumena. In practice, moving towards multipolarity means purposeful forming and cultivation of new poles of influence and development within the global partnership framework. Besides Western Europe, USA, Japan, and self-growing leaders like China and Australia one can imagine such new candidates for entering multipolar leadership as Russia and India in Eurasia, Brazil in South America, South-African Republic and Ethiopia in Africa. Namely Europe is self-organizing now on multipolar principles of Maastricht and namely Europe can give to humanity the new world order based on democratically and humanistically oriented partnership. It would be in fact a further development and realization of Immanuel Kant's ideas about universal union of civil legal states and eternal peace.

The geoeconomic and cultural alliance between Europe and Russia is the first necessary step of this multipolar partnership macrostra- tegy in the coming XXI century.

Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, January 1997 2003/Mishra.pdf

BetterDayz a scris:
DA..................Se pare ca userii Lia&redneck s-au retras de pe forum
Ce eveniment remarkabil in istoria mdnet...

Vrabia malai viseaza ... Eveniment remarcabil va fi atunci cand vei contribui cu ceva inteligent la discutiile de pe forum. Deocamdata, tinand cont de tot ce ai scris pana acum, probabilitatea acestui eveniment tinde asimptotic la zero.
Da ...radneok tu de felul tau esi asa...ambitzios :roll: sau pur si simplu itzi place sa freci menta pe aici... :lol:
Razboiul petrolului a inceput!

Cresterea spectaculoasa a cursului barilului de petrol in ultimele luni i-a determinat pe analisti sa-si puna intrebari in legatura cu situatia rezervelor mondiale de petrol. In conditiile unei cereri care creste in mod exponential (80 milioane de barili pe zi, in 2004, si 120 milioane prevazute peste 20 de ani), mai ales sub presiunea necesitatilor Chinei (40 la suta din cresterea cererii mondiale), se pune intrebarea daca oferta mai poate face fata cererii. Raspunsul este categoric pentru majoritatea expertilor: perioada marilor descoperiri pare a fi trecut, iar virful mondial de productie, adica momentul de la care cantitatile de produse vor scadea inexorabil, va fi atins in curind. Singura divergenta se refera la momentul in care va surveni aceasta rasturnare: in perioada 2020-2030, in opinia “optimistilor”, in timp ce, dupa parerea “pesimistilor”, inca de la sfirsitul acestui deceniu.
Va trebui sa ne obisnuim sa traim cu un pret ridicat al petrolului in urmatorii ani, intrucit nici o sursa alternativa de energie nu pare sa aiba sanse de promovare in urmatoarele decenii, se apreciaza intr-o ampla analiza publicata de “Le Figaro”. Nici energia nucleara civila nu va putea inlocui petrolul in sectoare atit de esentiale precum transportul sau petrochimia. De aceea, confruntat cu resurse din ce in ce mai rare, interesul pentru controlarea celor existente creste.

Nesatioasa China
Desigur, Orientul Mijlociu, unde se situeaza doua treimi din rezervele cunoscute, ramine centrul tuturor intereselor. Americanii, europenii, rusii si chinezii isi doresc cimpuri si rezerve petrolifere in aceasta zona. Regiunea a fost puternic destabilizata prin interventia americana in Irak, iar proiectul Marelui Orient Mijlociu democratic a fost aminat. Tocmai aici, in aceasta zona petroliera vitala pentru intreaga omenire, confruntarea pentru controlul resurselor mondiale capata contur.
Mai multe regiuni strategice alcatuiesc noile cimpuri de manevra unde opereaza companii petroliere si guverne. Una dintre acestea este Siberia orientala, cuprinsa intre Irkutk si Pacific, unde se afla unele dintre cele mai importante rezerve de petrol si de gaze naturale. Inca foarte putin exploatate si localizate in proximitatea marilor centre industriale chineze, ele sint, in mod firesc, rivnite de catre Beijing. Evaluata la 6 milioane de barili de petrol pe zi, cererea chineza ar putea de fapt depasi zece milioane in 2020, chiar si in conditiile in care productia interna ar stagna la 4 milioane de barili pe zi, nivelul productiei sale actuale.
Proiecte ale unor oleoducte se afla in stadiu avansat de discutii, precum cel care ar urma sa lege Angarsk, in nordul lacului Baikal, de Daqing, in centrul industrial al Manciuriei. China trebuie insa sa tina seama de Japonia, dar si de Coreea de Sud care, la rindul lor, cauta sa capteze o parte din resursele siberiene, sprijinite in secret de catre Statele Unite. Acestea incearca sa puna friu cresterii puterii Chinei mizind pe fragilitatea aprovizionarii sale energetice si au incheiat cu Rusia, care detine 5 la suta din rezervele petroliere mondiale si 45 la suta din cele de gaze naturale, un parteneriat strategic in domeniul energiei.

Jocul rivalitatilor in Asia Centrala
Partea occidentala a Rusiei, la care pot fi adaugate zonele din Asia Centrala si din regiunea Marii Caspice (6a din rezervele mondiale atestate), constituie, de asemenea, o alta sfera de rivalitate. Aceasta este disputata de mai multi actori: companii americane, europene si ruse sint in concurenta pentru explorare-productie, in timp ce Washingtonul incearca sa elibereze statele din Asia Centrala de dependenta lor fata de Rusia sub raportul transportului productiei lor. Astfel, Statele Unite au initiat construirea unui oleoduct care leaga Baku, capitala Azerbaidjanului, de Ceyhan, port turc la Mediterana, care ar urma sa intre in serviciu in 2005. Totodata, ele si-au asigurat o prezenta puternica in aceasta regiune prin razboaiele din Afganistan si din Irak, iar in prezent finalizeaza incercuirea politica a Chinei, marele lor rival de miine.

Bataliile de miine
Continentul african, care detine peste 7% din rezervele mondiale atestate si asigura 15% din aprovizionarile americane, este, la rindul sau, privit cu mult interes. Imbunatatirea relatiilor Statelor Unite cu Libia si Algeria ofera reale oportunitati pentru companiile americane. Blocata in Orientul Mijlociu, China, care cauta sa securizeze si sa-si diversifice resursele, incearca acum o penetrare in forta pe continentul african.
In afara de Algeria, unde Beijingul a patruns de curind in sectorul explorare-productie, prezenta chineza este puternica in Sudan. China urmareste, de asemenea, sa-si consolideze prezenta in Africa de Vest, indeosebi in golful Guineea, unde presedintele chinez a facut un turneu la inceputul anului. Detinind in jur de 4 la suta din rezervele mondiale, aceasta regiune (4 milioane de barili/zi produsi in 2004, 7 milioane prognozati pentru 2008) figureaza, de asemenea, printre prioritatile strategice ale Washingtonului.
Daca in acest moment SUA importa tot atita petrol din regiunile de pe coasta de vest a Africii, cit si din Arabia Saudita, ponderea acestei regiuni va creste considerabil in viitor. Regiunea Golfului Guineei prezinta, de fapt, numeroase avantaje in ochii Washingtonului. Pe linga un petrol de buna calitate, esentialul productiei este off-shore, adica la adapostul oricarei destabilizari politice. Pentru a-si intari pozitia, Statele Unite studiaza de altfel implantarea unei baze militare pe Insula Sao Tome si Principe, fosta colonie portugheza, cu 160.000 de locuitori, situata in centrul Golfului Guineea.
Intarirea acestei prezente americane in Gabon, in Guineea Ecuatoriala, in Nigeria si indeosebi in Angola este remarcata cu ingrijorare de catre operatorii europeni, in principal Agip, Shell si Total, care vad cum concurentii lor de peste Atlantic capteaza rezerve tot mai importante gratie sprijinului unei diplomatii americane foarte ofensive.
Orientul Mijlociu retine in acest moment, in mod legitim, atentia mediatica internationala. El este si va ramine inima petroliera a lumii, adica locul de cristalizare a tensiunilor intre tari producatoare, tari importatoare si interese geostrategice si religioase. Cu toate acestea, rivalitatile crescinde care apar mai discret in Siberia, in Asia centrala sau in Golful Guineea nu trebuie sa fie ignorate: ele constituie premisele confruntarilor de miine, care vor avea drept plan secund urmarirea obtinerii controlului asupra resurselor petroliere, in contextul epuizarii lor. Cu alte cuvinte, razboiul pentru petrol a inceput deja.
China si India vor fi cele mai puternice natiuni in sec.XXI:
un potential economic enorm si cu cea mai numeroasa populatie pe planeta...
Filip Antonio a scris despre cartea lui Huntington. Insa cum SkyW nu obisnuieste sa citeasca ... ci doar sa debiteze aceleasi gogomanii in continuu, nu este de mirare ca SkyW nu stie cine e Huntington.
redneck said:
Filip Antonio a scris despre cartea lui Huntington. Insa cum SkyW nu obisnuieste sa citeasca ... ci doar sa debiteze aceleasi gogomanii in continuu, nu este de mirare ca SkyW nu stie cine e Huntington.

bre redneckule, iti pare ca eu voi cauta sa citesc mesajele lui filea de cind o venit acesta pe forum, scrise cu un an sau doi in urma...

ps: thanx lui filea p-tru link...
Riddick said:
redneck said:
Filip Antonio a scris despre cartea lui Huntington. Insa cum SkyW nu obisnuieste sa citeasca ... ci doar sa debiteze aceleasi gogomanii in continuu, nu este de mirare ca SkyW nu stie cine e Huntington.

bre redneckule, iti pare ca eu voi cauta sa citesc mesajele lui filea de cind o venit acesta pe forum, scrise cu un an sau doi in urma...

ps: thanx lui filea p-tru link...

Cretinel, cateva zile in urma intr-o discutie in care ai intervenit si tu a fost mentionat Huntington, insa tu nu poti citi ...
America Must Die....

Amerika MustDie...

American State Terrorism

Information about terror, that make USA in whole world from 1786 till now.
If this site is unreachable - read it local on our server

USA. U.S.A. United States of America. They name already own country just as "America", though it's name of the continent. But most of Americans don't learn the geography. They think, that Georgia - it's only one of american states, and don't know - it's such country in Eastern Europe. They think, that Beathoven - it's only a name of the film for the kids.

You can ask me - why then use you English? It's language of USA! No! I use the language of British poets, writers. I use English, not American.

"USA" - this sign you can see anywhere. In MacDonalds in your city, almost in each film, that you see on TV. USA, USA, USA - it's in every point of Earth. I think, that most insult for American will be if you ask American - "USA? Where's it? I don't know such country", than if you will yell "F$ck USA!" or something else.

USA try to dominate anywhere. Sometimes they use a money to eliminate own enemy (everybody, who don't agree completely with USA - is USA-enemy), sometimes they use own army or CIA to kill these people. Sometimes they try to hide such operations. Sometimes they show a war against one of poor country on TV. They bomb the enemy - the soldiers and civil population, from big height, and people of attacked country can only cry and damn all Americans. They show all their power on TV. "See - how we're strong and crazy. And agree always with us, or .... we'll use our bombs against you"

Indians, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Philippines, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Panama, Yugoslavia, Korea, Laos, Vietnam - who will be next? If Americans can't stop themselves - somebody must stop them.They began to kill civil people many years ago.Read about a moro - 600 killed people in Philippines , Holocaust at Dresden. Now they're ready to spend 1,9 trillion to capture Iraq.

American has some myths.
1) Everybody in USA has a possibility to earn millions.

It's a lie. Not Americans earn money. They use millions of workers in Asia, South America. Almost 20 years almost all factories in USA are closed. Americans use the clothes, made in China, watch TV-set, made in Malaysia, make the photos of Paris by using Kodak-camera, that made in Thailand. Even if you see a label "made in U.S.A" - its could be just a location of main office, there work only clerks, but all factories are already outside USA. If somebody could close all American border only for 3 years - USA die out.
And not everybody can earn a million. If you can to be more artful, more dishonourable. If you can lie every day with a smile on the face in the time, while you speak with villain - you'll be a rich man. USA - it's a country of big possibilities .... for the liars. The big money you couldn't to earn by own hand. You must be more lying than another people - you'll have big possibility in the country of the liars.

2) USA - it's most freedom country.

It's a lie. Yes, the gays, lesbo, the satanists etc - all they fill themselves very good in USA. But try say something wrong about USA - and you'll see a result. Why they respect the gays, lesbo, satanist - because they are same. California - it's a land of the gay, lesbo. Hate I gays? No. Respect I gays? No. I think, that these people must be treated and the children must be protected from any propoganda of gay's style of life. Almost in each second American film you can see the gay. And they are always the good guy. It's possible to show as a villain a man, a women, a child. Negro, asiat, white human, but not gay. Freedom is only for Americans. If you're foreigner - you could be arrested in any time and deported in 24 hours. Freedom is only for citizen of USA and not in every area. 1950-1960 years its show already.

3) USA - the richest country in the world, because the American works more that anywhere.

It's a lie. USA earned a lot of money in the time of two World War. Most of time they were neutral and earn money on people's misfortunes and troubles. They don't help people for a free. All time they give money only for a time and for these money you must to buy American goods. But it was earlier. Now Americans haven't even own goods. They sell Chinese goods, Taiwan goods.
If you see a lot of American films - you can see - how earn American the money. If main actor of the film isn't policemen, soldier, fireman, robber or plastic surgeon - he's clerk. To be a clerk - that it's the main profession of Americans. They're sitting at the computer and make a lot of financial report for a chief. They don't produce anything, they sell and buy the shares of American and foreign companies. They don't produce anything, but they use a lot of goods. They (or their wives) go to supermarket und buy a lot of the goods. Almost all wives don't work. It's so hard - to be housewife! To send one child to the school on school bus and wash two dishes. Whole days the wives stay at home, watch TV, call to their friends, go to fitness-club. As they stay whole day at home and do nothing - they're too fat and thick. Yes, in films all actors and actresses are athletic, but not in the life. 28 % of Americans suffer from obesity. It's information from American newspaper (NY Times, September 2001).

4) In USA is the best educational system all over the world.

It's a lie. Only 97 % of Americans can write and read (CIA World Book 2001). So, even if we believe to this information - USA is on 69th place in the world in the field of literacy. But, even in USA many people already talk about wrong system of education in USA. Most of children from poor families (especially - Afro-American, Latin etc) can only a bit to read and can't write. But, as they finished the school - they are considered as people who have total literacy. But it's lie! Most of American children don't read the books. They watch TV-channel 5-8 hours in the days. They don't know geography (45% of American pupils couldn't name all continents), history (in last poll 54 % of American pupil said, that USA in WWII was at war against Russia). They don't know math. Only 24 % of pupils can count without calculator! It's information from american ministry of education. And young Americans don't know geography generally - read a article from CNN - about it. They are really stupid. And those people try to teach whole world!!!

5) USA - it's a land of brave people.

It's a lie. Americans name as "hero" almost anybody. You take a cat from a tree? Oh, you're hero! You fly by airplain after 11th. September? You're hero! You was in captivity in Iraq, Vietnam (its mean just that you got frightened to die as REAL HERO with weapon in the hands)? You're SUPERHERO! The pilot, that bomb the poor country from big height and can't be attacked, because the military force in this land hasn't such weapon - this crazy killer, that kill hundreds civil people. And American name such killer as national hero. If American try to make a war without bombing - they lose. In Samolia elite troops of US-Navy were killed by illiterate inhabitants, that have only old weapon in the hands. One American could to make a bomb and blow up it in Oklohoma-city and FBI and CIA couldn't stop he. 11 Arabs made most terrible terrorist attack in the history, but FBI, CIA, US-Army - they were powerless to stop them. But American soldiers and policemen win always... in the Hollywoods films .
Why could the terrorists to make it? Because Americans aren't the brave people. They're cowards and too stupid. They've too many money, fine houses, new cars and they afraid all time to lose it. All time on TV they said "If you see bandits, terrorists - don't stop they. Let it make a police. Be not hero" - that they said.
Americans are afraid of anything. They're afraid of terrorists. It's so terrible. They're afraid of chief (I think - more that the terrorists) Their chief is God and Satan for them. The chief force to do what he want and Americans are afraid to say something wrong to chief. They're afraid to leave a job, because such chiefs are anywhere. After the work Americans go to a psychologist. They tell about own problems, cry, name own chief as tyrant, fool and bullshit. But they can't tell all this to own boss personally. They're afraid, of course (only in Hollywood films they say it, but not in real life).
If somebody make something bad to one American, he's afraid to punish this villain with own hand or just to beat him. He try to sue this villain. An American is happy, if he become a money from such villain. Because, if a villain will go to a prison, this villain can revenge to an American. I wonder all time, how some Americans try become a lot of money from the death of their sons, daughters, fathers or mothers. It's not normal, but Americans think quite another.
They're afraid to marry. Because a wife (or a husband) could in 2 days demand a divorce and take 50% (or even more) of their money.
They're afraid to have the children. It's so hard - to have the children. And Americans don't want to spend a time for the children. They must to make the money! They want to rest, go in cinema, travel wide in the world. Children? Nonsense! And then they remember about children - a wife and a husband are too old for it. Then they take one child (very seldom - more) for adoption (mostly - from poor countries). They just buy a child like that buy new car or new camera.

6) USA help all poor countries for a free, just because Americans want to help them.

It's a lie. It's just such type of business. At first they bomb some country. They destroy the houses, kill the people there. Then they send an aid. It seems quite funny, but it's really very tragical!
Next question - which is the type of the aid send USA to poor countries. After bomb-attacks USA sent to Afghanistan many flour. They showed all it on TV-channels - "See - how we're kind and good". But this flour was made from generically modified wheat. This flour nobody want to buy in USA and Europe. This flour is dangerous for a health. But USA sent this flour to Afghanistan. They became own profit.
1. They show - how they are "kind" and "good".
2. American farmers became the money from US-Government for their useless products.
Sometimes USA give the money to poor countries. But then these poor countries must to buy all goods, that they need, only in USA. It's just like USA give the money to American businessmen and workers. And poor countries must to return much more money than they took in USA. Brasil, Chile, Turkey, Russia, Argentina and many other countries (Africa, Asia, Europe, South and Nothern American) must to pay on the debts every years. But they can't pay out all debts. Percents are very high! It's not a charity, it's just such type of business. And for the weapon they give much more (billions dollars). Read this article.

7) Thousands immigrants drive in USA, because USA want to help them.

It's a lie. USA need these immigrants. Mostly they give a visa for the talented programmers, economists, doctors, engineers. Most of Americans are too stupid to become programmers, economists, doctors, engineers. Americans work as the chiefs of such immigrants. In Microsoft, Intel, Compaq works a lot of immigrants. Americans couldn't to make something real good without immigrants. Then USA close the borders - Americans will die out.
Besides, Americans need a lot of the servants. In the hotels, offices, hospitals, shops, supermarkets work a lot of immigrants from poor countries. Without such immigrants Americans couldn't to survive. They can't to work by hand! It's impossible for the Americans. And such immigrants become much smaller, that "native" American (though, only Indians can name themselves as REAL NATIVE AMERICANS).
Only some people become then USA-citizenship. Most of them work long time for USA and then they must to return at home.
Americans tell a lot about "American culture" and consider American culture one of most popular and best culture in the world.

It's a lie. "American Culture" - it's a mixture of some English, French, Irish, German and some other customs. There aren't really American culture. It's only one sub-culture.
American don't like a theatre. You can't to find a good theatre in USA. Only in Canada are some good theatres and good drama actors and actresses. American just don't understand a theatre. That why they have American "theatre" - the musicals. There're all simple. It's looks like a show in a restaurant somewhere in Paris. But Americans consider musical as a great type of art. But musical - it's a theatre for the people with small brains.
Americans haven't great writers. I know only one good writer, who was born in USA, but he didn't like USA and lived all time outside USA. Mark Twen - it's a good humourist, but not real writer. But Americans don't like the GREAT WRITERS. They like authors, who wrote BESTSELLER. That it's a main thing for American readers. If book is a bestseller - he'll buy it. You can write a nonsense and in 2 years nobody will remember it. But if you can sell this book for 2 weeks better then another author - you'll be bestseller author! That it's a main for Americans.
Hamburger - it's german invention. American football - english game. But Americans are afraid to wound themselves and dress helmets. Hockey and basketball have thought up Canadians.
The Hollywood films - it's just a murder of great art of cinema. I like very much French, British, Spanish, Japanese film. I mean mostly - old films, that were produced in these countries. But American films?! It's a cinema for stupid people with small brains. I can just now assort all types of American films.
1) "Good cops, bad mafia guy". In most film about American police most of policemen showed truthfully - as the stupid guys. But it's one hero, who can to beat all mafia-guys without help of another policemen. That's the pity - that it's just a film and in USA aren't such heroes.
2) "Clever thief, stupid policemen and bad mafia guy".
3) "Brave and clever American soldiers (or CIA/FBI agents) and stupid Arabic/Serb/Russian/Korean/American(!)/German bandits or terrorists. I see such films very seldom, but then I see such film - I see it like a comedy. Then I see, how brave American soldier kill hundreds of enemies and nobody can his even wound. And American soldiers fight in such films always honestly. Then enemy has only AK-74, American "hero" go with M-16. But in real life all is another. Real American "heroes" fight with the enemies with AK-74 only by using F-16 or aircraft carrier.
Generally, it's not a real film, it's hidden American propagation. But, as we already saw - its didn't help Americans .
4) Comedy - plot is not important. Jokes are mostly about sexual acts stupid and simple.
5) "How to earn million". Story about poor guy, who earn very fast BIG MONEY! (Wau! . This guy just lie better that another people. This man (or women) make anithing that could help to earn money. Sometimes he said that he's gay (but really, he isn't gay). Sometimes he (or she) make for the money something really disgusting. The main thing for American - it's a success. If you've a success and money - all other are not important for Americans.
6) Drama - it's already very rare genre in Hollywood. And this drama is already mixture of 4th and 5th type of films.
7) Western. It's very simple. Just name good guy as "cowboys" and bad guys are just the bandits.
Fantasy film. Just add some words like "UFO, space shuttle, astronaut, Moon, planets", many supereffect and film is ready! 9)Horror film. Bad guy (or monster) and good guy (or good monster . Bad guy kill the people, good guy save the people. Bad guy lose, good guy win.

A main thing in American film - it's happy-end. Because American are so sensitive. If hero will die - they'll cry. All American like to cry. Even American president cry. Though in whole world the men never cry, because they're MEN. But American men - aren't normal men.

Just see - which are the popular films in USA. Mostly - its the films with a shooting, fight, murders, violence, pornography. And then Americans are surprised - "Oh, why my kid went to a school with gun and kill there many schoolboys and teachers".
Tom Cruis said in a interview - "I will live with my kids outside USA, because I'm afraid, that my kids will be killed here". But this actor take a part in all these films, that were made in Hollywood. He want to earn a lot of the money and do as typical American.

From author of site:
1) I'm NOT Russian and don't live in Russia. I just use free hosting on Russian hosting server - I made some similar sites on another servers, but they were removed. In Russia this site still on, although were some trying to remove it. I live in one european country.
2) I don't post my e-mail, because Americans began to spam it. If you want to tell me your opinion - post a message in the forum with subject "To author of this site". But I don't promise to reply, only if I will...

Special pentru fanii amerikanilor de pe MDnet....
Re: America Must Die....

BetterDayz said:
American State Terrorism
Information about terror, that make USA in whole world from 1786 till now.
If this site is unreachable - read it local on our server

USA. U.S.A. United States of America. They name already own country just as "America", though it's name of the continent. But most of Americans don't learn the geography. They think, that Georgia - it's only one of american states, and don't know - it's such country in Eastern Europe. They think, that Beathoven - it's only a name of the film for the kids.

You can ask me - why then use you English? It's language of USA! No! I use the language of British poets, writers. I use English, not American.

"USA" - this sign you can see anywhere. In MacDonalds in your city, almost in each film, that you see on TV. USA, USA, USA - it's in every point of Earth. I think, that most insult for American will be if you ask American - "USA? Where's it? I don't know such country", than if you will yell "F$ck USA!" or something else.

USA try to dominate anywhere. Sometimes they use a money to eliminate own enemy (everybody, who don't agree completely with USA - is USA-enemy), sometimes they use own army or CIA to kill these people. Sometimes they try to hide such operations. Sometimes they show a war against one of poor country on TV. They bomb the enemy - the soldiers and civil population, from big height, and people of attacked country can only cry and [cenzurat] all Americans. They show all their power on TV. "See - how we're strong and crazy. And agree always with us, or .... we'll use our bombs against you"

Indians, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Philippines, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Panama, Yugoslavia, Korea, Laos, Vietnam - who will be next? If Americans can't stop themselves - somebody must stop them.They began to kill civil people many years ago.Read about a moro - 600 killed people in Philippines , Holocaust at Dresden. Now they're ready to spend 1,9 trillion to capture Iraq.

American has some myths.
1) Everybody in USA has a possibility to earn millions.

It's a lie. Not Americans earn money. They use millions of workers in Asia, South America. Almost 20 years almost all factories in USA are closed. Americans use the clothes, made in China, watch TV-set, made in Malaysia, make the photos of Paris by using Kodak-camera, that made in Thailand. Even if you see a label "made in U.S.A" - its could be just a location of main office, there work only clerks, but all factories are already outside USA. If somebody could close all American border only for 3 years - USA die out.
And not everybody can earn a million. If you can to be more artful, more dishonourable. If you can lie every day with a smile on the face in the time, while you speak with villain - you'll be a rich man. USA - it's a country of big possibilities .... for the liars. The big money you couldn't to earn by own hand. You must be more lying than another people - you'll have big possibility in the country of the liars.

2) USA - it's most freedom country.

It's a lie. Yes, the gays, lesbo, the satanists etc - all they fill themselves very good in USA. But try say something wrong about USA - and you'll see a result. Why they respect the gays, lesbo, satanist - because they are same. California - it's a land of the gay, lesbo. Hate I gays? No. Respect I gays? No. I think, that these people must be treated and the children must be protected from any propoganda of gay's style of life. Almost in each second American film you can see the gay. And they are always the good guy. It's possible to show as a villain a man, a women, a child. Negro, asiat, white human, but not gay. Freedom is only for Americans. If you're foreigner - you could be arrested in any time and deported in 24 hours. Freedom is only for citizen of USA and not in every area. 1950-1960 years its show already.

3) USA - the richest country in the world, because the American works more that anywhere.

It's a lie. USA earned a lot of money in the time of two World War. Most of time they were neutral and earn money on people's misfortunes and troubles. They don't help people for a free. All time they give money only for a time and for these money you must to buy American goods. But it was earlier. Now Americans haven't even own goods. They sell Chinese goods, Taiwan goods.
If you see a lot of American films - you can see - how earn American the money. If main actor of the film isn't policemen, soldier, fireman, robber or plastic surgeon - he's clerk. To be a clerk - that it's the main profession of Americans. They're sitting at the computer and make a lot of financial report for a chief. They don't produce anything, they sell and buy the shares of American and foreign companies. They don't produce anything, but they use a lot of goods. They (or their wives) go to supermarket und buy a lot of the goods. Almost all wives don't work. It's so hard - to be housewife! To send one child to the school on school bus and wash two dishes. Whole days the wives stay at home, watch TV, call to their friends, go to fitness-club. As they stay whole day at home and do nothing - they're too fat and thick. Yes, in films all actors and actresses are athletic, but not in the life. 28 % of Americans suffer from obesity. It's information from American newspaper (NY Times, September 2001).

4) In USA is the best educational system all over the world.

It's a lie. Only 97 % of Americans can write and read (CIA World Book 2001). So, even if we believe to this information - USA is on 69th place in the world in the field of literacy. But, even in USA many people already talk about wrong system of education in USA. Most of children from poor families (especially - Afro-American, Latin etc) can only a bit to read and can't write. But, as they finished the school - they are considered as people who have total literacy. But it's lie! Most of American children don't read the books. They watch TV-channel 5-8 hours in the days. They don't know geography (45% of American pupils couldn't name all continents), history (in last poll 54 % of American pupil said, that USA in WWII was at war against Russia). They don't know math. Only 24 % of pupils can count without calculator! It's information from american ministry of education. And young Americans don't know geography generally - read a article from CNN - about it. They are really stupid. And those people try to teach whole world!!!

5) USA - it's a land of brave people.

It's a lie. Americans name as "hero" almost anybody. You take a cat from a tree? Oh, you're hero! You fly by airplain after 11th. September? You're hero! You was in captivity in Iraq, Vietnam (its mean just that you got frightened to die as REAL HERO with weapon in the hands)? You're SUPERHERO! The pilot, that bomb the poor country from big height and can't be attacked, because the military force in this land hasn't such weapon - this crazy killer, that kill hundreds civil people. And American name such killer as national hero. If American try to make a war without bombing - they lose. In Samolia elite troops of US-Navy were killed by illiterate inhabitants, that have only old weapon in the hands. One American could to make a bomb and blow up it in Oklohoma-city and FBI and CIA couldn't stop he. 11 Arabs made most terrible terrorist attack in the history, but FBI, CIA, US-Army - they were powerless to stop them. But American soldiers and policemen win always... in the Hollywoods films .
Why could the terrorists to make it? Because Americans aren't the brave people. They're cowards and too stupid. They've too many money, fine houses, new cars and they afraid all time to lose it. All time on TV they said "If you see bandits, terrorists - don't stop they. Let it make a police. Be not hero" - that they said.
Americans are afraid of anything. They're afraid of terrorists. It's so terrible. They're afraid of chief (I think - more that the terrorists) Their chief is God and Satan for them. The chief force to do what he want and Americans are afraid to say something wrong to chief. They're afraid to leave a job, because such chiefs are anywhere. After the work Americans go to a psychologist. They tell about own problems, cry, name own chief as tyrant, fool and [cenzurat]. But they can't tell all this to own boss personally. They're afraid, of course (only in Hollywood films they say it, but not in real life).
If somebody make something bad to one American, he's afraid to punish this villain with own hand or just to beat him. He try to sue this villain. An American is happy, if he become a money from such villain. Because, if a villain will go to a prison, this villain can revenge to an American. I wonder all time, how some Americans try become a lot of money from the death of their sons, daughters, fathers or mothers. It's not normal, but Americans think quite another.
They're afraid to marry. Because a wife (or a husband) could in 2 days demand a divorce and take 50% (or even more) of their money.
They're afraid to have the children. It's so hard - to have the children. And Americans don't want to spend a time for the children. They must to make the money! They want to rest, go in cinema, travel wide in the world. Children? Nonsense! And then they remember about children - a wife and a husband are too old for it. Then they take one child (very seldom - more) for adoption (mostly - from poor countries). They just buy a child like that buy new car or new camera.

6) USA help all poor countries for a free, just because Americans want to help them.

It's a lie. It's just such type of business. At first they bomb some country. They destroy the houses, kill the people there. Then they send an aid. It seems quite funny, but it's really very tragical!
Next question - which is the type of the aid send USA to poor countries. After bomb-attacks USA sent to Afghanistan many flour. They showed all it on TV-channels - "See - how we're kind and good". But this flour was made from generically modified wheat. This flour nobody want to buy in USA and Europe. This flour is dangerous for a health. But USA sent this flour to Afghanistan. They became own profit.
1. They show - how they are "kind" and "good".
2. American farmers became the money from US-Government for their useless products.
Sometimes USA give the money to poor countries. But then these poor countries must to buy all goods, that they need, only in USA. It's just like USA give the money to American businessmen and workers. And poor countries must to return much more money than they took in USA. Brasil, Chile, Turkey, Russia, Argentina and many other countries (Africa, Asia, Europe, South and Nothern American) must to pay on the debts every years. But they can't pay out all debts. Percents are very high! It's not a charity, it's just such type of business. And for the weapon they give much more (billions dollars). Read this article.

7) Thousands immigrants drive in USA, because USA want to help them.

It's a lie. USA need these immigrants. Mostly they give a visa for the talented programmers, economists, doctors, engineers. Most of Americans are too stupid to become programmers, economists, doctors, engineers. Americans work as the chiefs of such immigrants. In Microsoft, Intel, Compaq works a lot of immigrants. Americans couldn't to make something real good without immigrants. Then USA close the borders - Americans will die out.
Besides, Americans need a lot of the servants. In the hotels, offices, hospitals, shops, supermarkets work a lot of immigrants from poor countries. Without such immigrants Americans couldn't to survive. They can't to work by hand! It's impossible for the Americans. And such immigrants become much smaller, that "native" American (though, only Indians can name themselves as REAL NATIVE AMERICANS).
Only some people become then USA-citizenship. Most of them work long time for USA and then they must to return at home.
Americans tell a lot about "American culture" and consider American culture one of most popular and best culture in the world.

It's a lie. "American Culture" - it's a mixture of some English, French, Irish, German and some other customs. There aren't really American culture. It's only one sub-culture.
American don't like a theatre. You can't to find a good theatre in USA. Only in Canada are some good theatres and good drama actors and actresses. American just don't understand a theatre. That why they have American "theatre" - the musicals. There're all simple. It's looks like a show in a restaurant somewhere in Paris. But Americans consider musical as a great type of art. But musical - it's a theatre for the people with small brains.
Americans haven't great writers. I know only one good writer, who was born in USA, but he didn't like USA and lived all time outside USA. Mark Twen - it's a good humourist, but not real writer. But Americans don't like the GREAT WRITERS. They like authors, who wrote BESTSELLER. That it's a main thing for American readers. If book is a bestseller - he'll buy it. You can write a nonsense and in 2 years nobody will remember it. But if you can sell this book for 2 weeks better then another author - you'll be bestseller author! That it's a main for Americans.
Hamburger - it's german invention. American football - english game. But Americans are afraid to wound themselves and dress helmets. Hockey and basketball have thought up Canadians.
The Hollywood films - it's just a murder of great art of cinema. I like very much French, British, Spanish, Japanese film. I mean mostly - old films, that were produced in these countries. But American films?! It's a cinema for stupid people with small brains. I can just now [cenzurat] all types of American films.
1) "Good cops, bad mafia guy". In most film about American police most of policemen showed truthfully - as the stupid guys. But it's one hero, who can to beat all mafia-guys without help of another policemen. That's the pity - that it's just a film and in USA aren't such heroes.
2) "Clever thief, stupid policemen and bad mafia guy".
3) "Brave and clever American soldiers (or CIA/FBI agents) and stupid Arabic/Serb/Russian/Korean/American(!)/German bandits or terrorists. I see such films very seldom, but then I see such film - I see it like a comedy. Then I see, how brave American soldier kill hundreds of enemies and nobody can his even wound. And American soldiers fight in such films always honestly. Then enemy has only AK-74, American "hero" go with M-16. But in real life all is another. Real American "heroes" fight with the enemies with AK-74 only by using F-16 or aircraft carrier.
Generally, it's not a real film, it's hidden American propagation. But, as we already saw - its didn't help Americans .
4) Comedy - plot is not important. Jokes are mostly about sexual acts stupid and simple.
5) "How to earn million". Story about poor guy, who earn very fast BIG MONEY! (Wau! . This guy just lie better that another people. This man (or women) make anithing that could help to earn money. Sometimes he said that he's gay (but really, he isn't gay). Sometimes he (or she) make for the money something really disgusting. The main thing for American - it's a success. If you've a success and money - all other are not important for Americans.
6) Drama - it's already very rare genre in Hollywood. And this drama is already mixture of 4th and 5th type of films.
7) Western. It's very simple. Just name good guy as "cowboys" and bad guys are just the bandits.
Fantasy film. Just add some words like "UFO, space shuttle, astronaut, Moon, planets", many supereffect and film is ready! 9)Horror film. Bad guy (or monster) and good guy (or good monster . Bad guy kill the people, good guy save the people. Bad guy lose, good guy win.

A main thing in American film - it's happy-end. Because American are so sensitive. If hero will die - they'll cry. All American like to cry. Even American president cry. Though in whole world the men never cry, because they're MEN. But American men - aren't normal men.

Just see - which are the popular films in USA. Mostly - its the films with a shooting, fight, murders, violence, pornography. And then Americans are surprised - "Oh, why my kid went to a school with gun and kill there many schoolboys and teachers".
Tom Cruis said in a interview - "I will live with my kids outside USA, because I'm afraid, that my kids will be killed here". But this actor take a part in all these films, that were made in Hollywood. He want to earn a lot of the money and do as typical American.

From author of site:
1) I'm NOT Russian and don't live in Russia. I just use free hosting on Russian hosting server - I made some similar sites on another servers, but they were removed. In Russia this site still on, although were some trying to remove it. I live in one european country.
2) I don't post my e-mail, because Americans began to spam it. If you want to tell me your opinion - post a message in the forum with subject "To author of this site". But I don't promise to reply, only if I will

Cine este idiotul care a postat aceste elucubraţii agramate?