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Eu sunt acum intr-o stare cind orice piesa de-a lui Victor Tsoi( KINO) ar aduce fiori...
NU cred ca e vorba de o persoana draga ( care mi-ar aduce aminte de piesele celor de la KINO) dar e o persoana care momentan inseamna mult pentru mine, e barbatul.... :lol:
Parazitii - Te sparg la buci
:wild: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Love the pussy
Sell that pussy bitch
Get out there and switch and go make Bizarre rich
You gotta itch
You fucking dirty bitch
Now get on the corner and start sucking some dick
Niggas want pussy
And I need cash
So mom get out there and start selling your dirty ass
Bizarre quick to hit 'em
Then stick 'em
Fuck it I'll let you hear one of my victims
(Somebody help, I'm on Seven Mile and Muriel)
Shut up bitch you talk too much
And about to get fucked in your dirty butt
Never seen a pimp like me out here whoring
Shut your fucking mouth and you'll be out by the morning
Cuz I'm the dirtiest pimp you ever heard of
Give me my 5000 and take this cheeseburger (bitch)
Go suck dick at a bachelor party
So what if you on your period(I want my fucking money)
Blood never hurt nobody

Da la mine se asociaza intotdeauna cu Chris Deburg -"Lady in Red" ...
prosta la devcionka mea culoarea preferata este rosie ... si daca ai puneo sa cumpere ceva din haine ... shiar cumpara haine numai de culoare rosie ... :) ... da cintecul e super mai ales cind dansezi impreuna medleac :) sub acest cintec ...

goo goo dools - iris
creed - wash away those tears
anna vissi -pos
maryah carey - my all & without you
Uneori Everlast - Broken, adesea Benni Bennasi - Ilusion, dar cel mai des Gigi D'Agostino - i'l fly with you :crazy: