

Moderatoare sexoasa

a zis cineva......dupa ce a privit acest film.... pare ca uneori prea multa sinceritate intro relatie strica....
mie filmul mi-a placutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
am iesit intr-o stare de its all futile.. there is no reason in it.
The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice

e rupt din sufletu meu acest cantec.....
o sa fie cantecu meu....
doar al poate a acelui care lar putea simti intelege

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory

No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind... my mind...
'Til I find somebody new
Am vazut si eu filmul ista....
Una cyrva, a doua cyrva....primul cyrvar, al doilea cyrvar...caroce viatza reala(intr-o oarecare masura)
cool...cred ca totusi nu despre cyrvarie se vorbeste in acest film....

si despre cat de insensibili putem fi uneori in ceea ce priveste sentimentele intimpla ca incercam sa tinem un om linga noi..fara sa intelegem ca el nu mai vrea asta.....
si asta e foarte e si egoist plus la toate.....

si despre infidelitatea barbatilor..dar si a femeilor....dar nu despre cyrvarie.....

si despre exces de fapt nu stiu daca poate sa existe exces in asa ceva....dar uite na ca uneori strica... multe kestii...

si despre despre cine si cum termina si cine si ce orgasme despre "poti sa te uiti..dar nu poti sa atingi..."

bun film!
Eu cred ca regizorul a vrut sa comunice mesajul ca o relatie construita dintr-o infidelitate, chiar si fiind oferita o a doua sansa, nu e viabila. Insa mi s-a parut destul de artificial, in viata totul e mult mai imprevizibil si complex. Chiar si actiunea din film (deseori la limita credibilitatii) s-ar putea decurge asa numai intr-o combinatie exacta de caractere ale personajelor. Din punctul meu de vedere - e un film despre "iata o istorioara din viata unor oameni", fara nici un sens mai adanc. Sa fi fost actiunea intoarsa in oricare alta directie, valoarea filmului ar fi ramas aceeasi.
bine tu zici "Chiar si actiunea din film s-ar putea decurge asa numai intr-o combinatie exacta de caractere ale personajelor".....

uite intrebat cineva de pe forum...daca ar fi sa ma identific cu vreunu din acestea 4 personaje.....cine as fi?

din start vazind eroina J. Roberts.....stapina pe sine, calma, calculata, zis..."clar lucru ca asta is eu..."
dupa ce am vazut cum plinge si cum iubeste Natalie Portman....mam gandit...."doamne e exact ca mine".....
atunci cand Jude Law.....o paraseste pe cea care il iubeste pina la cer...fara macar sai pese de faptu ca o raneste...mam gandit " eu fac asa deobicei... "
si cand Clive Owen....cerseste dragistea si eu fac acelasi lucru....cersesc in genunchi dragostea...

de ce zic asta.....finka nicidecum nu mi se pare un film lipsit de caracter sau sens adinc...un film despre 4 oameni care sio trag intre niciodata nu stiu in a cui pat o sa se trezeasca......

si daca tu Anatolie crezi ca kiar daca filmu ar fi avut alt final asta nar fi skimbat cred altceva.....avind alt final...asta era deja alt alta cu totu alt sens.......
eu privesc foarte putine filme, dar adesea cand vreau sa privesc unul, il aleg conform recomandarilor, criticilor.

by Lew Irwin

Mike Nichols' Closer is opening on fewer than 500 screens today, but it is touching off widespread critical debate. A.O. Scott in the New York Times hails Nichols as one of the few filmmakers who are capable of infusing the bodily expressions of erotic desire with dramatic force and psychological meaning. Weslie Morris in the Boston Globe remarks that it's a show of the director's goodness that a movie fundamentally preoccupied with interpersonal ugliness is allowed to end on a convincing note of beauty. Bob Longino in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution describes the movie as compelling, unsettling and finely acted. Peter Howell, in the Toronto Star calls it a Nichols signature movie, one of his best in a long career and of a piece with Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Carnal Knowledge. On the other hand, Kenneth Turan in the Los Angeles Times concludes that what the film lacks is a compelling reason to see it. Despite involved acting from Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman and Clive Owen and Nichols' impeccable professionalism as a director, the end result is, to quote one of the characters, 'a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully.' Jack Mathews in the New York Daily News remarks that while the actors are all terrific, the movie still manages to be unpleasant. John Anderson in Newsday remarks that the movie winds up being a case of bad Pinter meets bad Updike, dancing to the rat-a-tat rhythms of an E.R. episode. Similarly, Joe Morgenstern writes in the Wall Street Journal: The movie is insistently playlike, if rarely playful, thanks to the director's fondness for artificial, rat-a-tat-tat rhythms of speech that sound like parodies of drawing-room comedy. Bob Strauss in the Los Angeles Daily News comments that the film offers only intermittent satisfaction. And Philip Wuntch's comments in the Dallas Morning News would seem to apply to his fellow critics when he remarks: Closer reaches out and grabs all but the most reluctant viewer. Some spectators will be bored, but more will be shaken and stirred.
nda... Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter rupe rau de tot... noaptea asta iar m-am uitat la film... cit de imprevizibila poate fi viatza cu toate ca ne pare ca totul e bine shi stabil...cit despre scenariu cred ca fiecare persoana vede intr-un film ce vrea shi se indentifica cu un personaj sau o intimplare.. totul depinde de cit de mult la impresionat... fiecare vede mesajul sau...
Ce ma seaca kintecul asta .... Provoaca aceeashi reactie ca shi manelele romanesti - vreau sa stric emitsatorul sunetului :)