Piese care ne ating la "ciustv"

Iris - Baby

Cat am fost de singur tu nu ai stiut
Ti-ai ferit privirea de la inceput...
Anii trec...si viata trece iar
Te caut zi si noapte - te caut
Dar stiu ca e0n zadar!...
Baby, stiu acum ca mergi sa intalnesti
Un strain ce te va duce la casa din povesti...
Ce noroc...ce mare nenoroc
Ca timpul stinge totul
ca focul naste foc!...
Mai da o zi din viata ta
Acelui om care-ti spunea
"Baby, tu vei fi a mea
Ca un rasarit de soare
Dupa noaptea grea
Baby, tu vei fi a mea
Esti unica iubire...ultima!"
Umbra noastra se asterne in trecut
Nimeni nu era ca noi cand ne-am cunoscut!...
Ne vom preface, ca si pana acum
Ca totul este bine, dar noi vom fi doar fum...
E toamna in viata mea, totul este scum
Stiam ca vei pleca, dar lasa-ma sa-ti spun
"Baby...tu vei fi a mea
Ca un rasarit de soare
Dupa noaptea grea!...
Baby...tu vei fi a mea
Esti unica iubire - chiar si ultima!..."
Tu vei fi a mea...
Iris - Ultima toamna

M-ai rugat din nou acum
Sa ma-ntorc pe vechiul drum
Noptile au amintiri si multe priviri
Zi de zi eu te chemam
Era tarziu si te visam
Frunze cad in calea ta, veneai pe inserat
Toate au fost la timpul lor
Si mi-am zis ca nu-i ushor
Sa pictezi un colt de cer, cand tot a fost ieri
Flori de dor la geamul tau
Luna canta valsul tau
Hai, revino, e toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Din nou apare
Nightwish - Come Cover Me

Come wet a widow's eye
Cover the night with your love
Dry the rain from my beaten face
Drink the wine the red sweet taste of mine

Come cover me with you
For the thrill
till you will take me in
Come comfort me in you
Young love must
Live twice only for us

For me
For you
Time devours passion's beauty
With me
With you
In war for the love of you
(Tonight any dream will do)

Not a world but your fine grace
Seduction in sleepwalker's land
November dressed in May on your face
Holding us now the lovecropper's hand

Come cover me...
Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
iaka ascult.. si magruzesc....

Fii sigura, nu te gruzeshti singura...

Lacrimosa - Copycat

Come a little bit closer
And hear what I've got to say
Burning words of anger
Of hate and desperation

What if I break the silence?
What if I do forgive the past?

I know it might sound funny
To tell you what I felt
I mean I really loved you
It's a shame - my fault - I know
But why - but why
Why are you so stupid?
But why - but why
Why are you so stupid?

Fuck you and your killing lies
I hate your pissing attitude
Why did you have to go so low
Trueler - Copycat

What if I break the silence?
What if I do forgive the past?

Sucking like a vampire
The blood of all your friends
But sorry, my blood was poisoned
Now burn in hell

You killed the love
You killed the trust

What if I break the silence
What if I do forgive the past?
Abosranie Bogom - Anus in Fog...
shi kkt.... :wtf:

iaka am skimbat.... tot grind.. da mai suportabil.. si mult mai profesionist..:)
Meshuggah - Cadaverous Mastication :crazy:
Gandul Matei - Requiem.
textele ruuuuup!

Pe asfalt... in ceatza noptii
Fara shtire a cazut un om
Un starin flamaynd sub cerul inghettat
Impacat cu legea mortii
Pare parca adyncit in somn
Frunzele yi cad pe fata blynda de crist

Stai.. stai... nu ceda... nu ceda!
Stai.. stai..
Nu pleca... nu ceda
Nu rata shansa ta....
Stai.. stai...... nu ceda...

Unul el cunoashte poate
nedreptatea care l-a rapus
Buzele shoptesc silabe fara de sens

Cine eshti.. hai. spune numele tau
Venit aici de unde? si Carui te-nkini Dumnezeu?
Iar daca nu shtii pre abine
sau taina ta e prea mare
Eu nu ma supar pentru ca taci.. pentru ce faci.. iti dau iertare

Un fior ascuns ma trece
cynd lumina stelelor din cer
m-a orbit nespus....
I Could Have Lied
There must be something
In the way I feel
That she don't want me to feel
The stare she bares cut me
I don't care
You see so what if I bleed

I could never change
Just what I feel
My face will never show
What is not real

A mountain never seems to have
The need to speak
A look that shares so many seek
The sweetest feeling
I got from you
The things I said to you were true

I could never change
Just what I feel
My face will never show
What is not real

I could have lied I'm such a fool
My eyes could never never never (chorus)
Keep their cool
Showed her and I told her how
She struck me but I'm fucked up now

But now she's gone yes she's gone away
A soulful song
That would not stay
You see she hides 'cause she is scared
But I don't care
I won't be spared