Political situation in Moldova


New Member
Hi, I'm from Georgia.
I'm very interested in whats going on in your country, and here in Georgia we have very little information about Moldova.
It's interesting for me: Who is pres. Voronin - normal one, who is able to do something for the country, or the same kind as Shevarnadze, Kuchma, etc. and should resign the earlier the better?
Do you have normal opposition there? Such, that would be a good alternative to the current government?
And when do u have elections - presidentual and parliamentary. Who are the main opposition to the Communists government, and are they popular enough in Moldova?

It would be interesting and informative for me to hear the answers :)
Unfortunately, I am a bit tired after a day's work, but I will try to answer at least some of the questions. Before doings so, please note that the majority of the population in Moldova does not seem to agree with my interpretations of the current events in Moldova.

Who is pres. Voronin - normal one, who is able to do something for the country, or the same kind as Shevarnadze, Kuchma, etc. and should resign the earlier the better?

President Voronin is a former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Soviet times. He is known for his strong stance in what concerns dealing with situations and he is now the head of the state. He is also the secretary-general of the Communist Party in Moldova and he was elected as a president by the communist parliamentary fraction (since several years now, our president is elected by the parliament). He is a firm believer in the fact that Moldova is a state that can live on its own, that Moldovans are a distinct nation and that the "Moldovan language" exists and that it is distinct from Romanian (when in fact it isn't). The latter things are used by him to show that Moldova has little affiliation with Romania (whereas historically this is not true). Officially, he postulated that the top priority in Moldova's affairs is to join the EU, but anybody with a clear mind can see that this is just bluff and that the real orientation is towards Russia and Putin (especially since he also thinks that being in the Community of Independent States is also a priority).

To answer your second question: yes, I think Voronin and his communist gang should be ousted from power as soon as possible.

Do you have normal opposition there? Such, that would be a good alternative to the current government?

Four years ago, the oposition was extremely divided and this allowed in the end the communist party to get 3/4ths of the seats in the parliament. This time there seems to be a promising group of political parties, which could pose some problems to the ruling party. Personally, I think that the communist party will get the majority in the parliament again (albeit not as impressive as before), since their main electorate -- the old people -- seems to be satisfied with the current situation in the country.

And when do u have elections - presidentual and parliamentary. Who are the main opposition to the Communists government, and are they popular enough in Moldova?

I think that the parliamentary elections are held in November. The presidentials ones are after that, but their outcome, as I was saying before, is directly dependent on the composition of the parliament. The main oppoisition is, in my mind, formed of two parties:
1) The "Our Moldova" alliance, whose prominent leaders include the current non-communist mair of Chisinau (the capital). This is the party that, in my opinion, will get the most votes, except for the communists. The mair of Chisinau is quite popular in the capital, and since the capital is quite big, this might make a difference.
2) The Christian-Democrats, how are on the far-right of the spectrum, are constantly present in the parliament. They are very much opposed to the communists, but they are not that popular with the electorate. Normally, they get 5 to 10% of the votes.

I hope that satisfies some of your interest. Feel free to ask further questions -- we'll try to answer :). By the way, if you are interested in some current news from Moldova, check out http://www.interlic.md/index.php?lang=eng (or http://www.interlic.md/index.php?lang=rus if you know Russian). The site is a bit biased (in the direction of the power), I think, but it's not that bad.

PS: disclaimer: there could be small mistakes in the historical things that I wrote there....;)

Thank you very much for ur answers and useful link.

Doomie said:
please note that the majority of the population in Moldova does not seem to agree with my interpretations of the current events in Moldova.

Doomie said:
yes, I think Voronin and his communist gang should be ousted from power as soon as possible.

So the majority of Moldovan population still supports Voronin.
But it seems not the majority of this forum users as over 90% voted for the unification with Romania in the poll, while Voronin is for separate Moldova :)

Is Voronin likely to come closer to the solution of the Transnistrian conflict? And

Doomie said:
Personally, I think that the communist party will get the majority in the parliament again (albeit not as impressive as before), since their main electorate -- the old people -- seems to be satisfied with the current situation in the country.

And what about the other part of the population? As I know here were massive protest demonstrations during the last couple of years in Moldova. Is this pro-opposition young electorate as active as then, so that they could actively compete with Voronin's elder supporters at the elections?

By the way, I had no idea that Moldova has this quite rare model of forming government. Thanks for information :)

And what are relations between Our Moldova and Christian-Democrats. Are they at least allies, or attack each other as well as the government.
And which of them were the organisers of that protest demonstrations, which I've mentioned.

Sorry for so many questions :D

Thank you again :)
Dato said:
Thank you very much for ur answers and useful link.

No problem

So the majority of Moldovan population still supports Voronin.
But it seems not the majority of this forum users as over 90% voted for the unification with Romania in the poll, while Voronin is for separate Moldova :)

This forum is mainly populated by Romanian-speaking people, aged between 12 and 25, who are either in Moldova or somewhere outside of it (mostly in the Western Europe and the US). This is a very non-representative sample of the 'typical' Moldovan electorate, and this sample, as you rightfully mention, is quite pro-Romanian and anti-Communist.

The number of old people is about 600000 (more or less), and this represents almost a quarter of the electorate. Given that the pro-Communist electorate -- especially old people -- are much more active with the votes and that there is an extremely large number of Moldovans working illegally in other countries (unofficial estimates are at 600000 to 1mln), it is clear why the communists will be getting so many votes.

Is Voronin likely to come closer to the solution of the Transnistrian conflict?

I don't think Voronin has much to say in this conflict. As the European Court of Human Rights mentioned rightfully earlier this month, the Russian Federation is actually behind the conflict and it is in its power to stop it. The ECHR even ordered Russia to stop the conflict.

If you read the latest news from the link I gave you, you'll see that Russia's puppets -- the Transdniester leaders -- are constantly provoking conflicts in the region (the latest being closing down some Romanian schools on some ridiculous grounds and then even sieging an orphanage to seal it down) and don't seem to be inclided to end the conflict any time soon.

And what about the other part of the population? As I know here were massive protest demonstrations during the last couple of years in Moldova. Is this pro-opposition young electorate as active as then, so that they could actively compete with Voronin's elder supporters at the elections?

The pro-opposition electorate -- which is mainly young -- is quite active but not as numerous, unfortunately. As far as I know, they are mainly voting for the Christian-Democrats, and this is their electorate basis. But they never get too much, given the facts about our population (see above). It is also worth noting that the earlier, pseudo-democratic, parliaments created quite some resentment towards the "democrats" and the word "democracy" is general throughout the country. Therefore the parties that are "propagating" democratic values do not enjoy much support, and people prefer the old-style nostalgic "iron hand" type of rule...

By the way, I had no idea that Moldova has this quite rare model of forming government. Thanks for information :)

Well, it's just for electing the president...Theoretically, the president shouldn't have too much power, and the speaker of the parliament and the prime-minister should have much more influence right now. But the latter two are puppets of Voronin (the speaker is a former accountant who can't speak proper Romanian and the prime-minister is extremely bad at politics) and he is actually the one who holds the strings (even though he wasn't elected by a popular vote).

And what are relations between Our Moldova and Christian-Democrats. Are they at least allies, or attack each other as well as the government.

The relations are bitter. Which is I think very stupid, because this creates a bad impression for the people and is dividing the opposition -- therefore making is even easier for the communists to rule another 4 years.

And which of them were the organisers of that protest demonstrations, which I've mentioned.

Mainly the Christinan-Democrats, but other parties joined them as well.

Sorry for so many questions :D

Don't worry -- it's my pleasure, if you are actually so interested in our country.

PS: Oh, yeah, sorry about the election date... It should be February 2005, as the last ones were in February 2001. But that's a minor detail :) (I won't be able to participate in them anyway....)
Dato said:
And what are relations between Our Moldova and Christian-Democrats. Are they at least allies, or attack each other as well as the government.
And which of them were the organisers of that protest demonstrations, which I've mentioned.

They attack each other every time they have the oportunity (Christian-Democrats and Moldova Democrata). This is just a businnes for them: they get rich and population supports and vote for one or another, they get the power, MAFIA grows. That's the way it is: the propaganda from their newspapers and media. There they attack each other.
Christian-Democrats organized demonstrations.
Both Christian-Democrats and the majority of the liders from "Democratic Moldova" seem to play the role gave to them by russia. Those protests were nothing more than "street shows" made to distract attention from the real problems of the country - poverty and corruption. Nothing has been changed by the communists as Christian-Democrats seemed to be affraid of (language, the name of the language or history in schools). And they (Christian-Democrats and Communists get rich, but in fact they divide and give birth to hatred in the society, and the majority of people just hunger and hate each other).
Christian-Democrats and Communists share the same bread in fact. This is a CIRCUS... a bussines for them: money and power... and hunger for the people.
Doomie said:
It is also worth noting that the earlier, pseudo-democratic, parliaments created quite some resentment towards the "democrats" and the word "democracy" is general throughout the country. Therefore the parties that are "propagating" democratic values do not enjoy much support, and people prefer the old-style nostalgic "iron hand" type of rule...

Just like it's in Russia, were word "democracy" is not very popular to say the least. Voronin is supported by Russian speaking old people right? So it seems the main problem is inactivity of romanian-speaking people, because despite the demographical situation, which you have spoke about, romanian speaking population is probably more numerous in Moldova (especially while Transnistira doesnt participate at the elections), than russian-speaking.

Doomie said:
(the speaker is a former accountant who can't speak proper Romanian and the prime-minister is extremely bad at politics)

Oh, you dont know how well I can understand you :) . We also had idiot leaders of the country several months ago.

Doomie said:
And what are relations between Our Moldova and Christian-Democrats. Are they at least allies, or attack each other as well as the government?

The relations are bitter. Which is I think very stupid, because this creates a bad impression for the people and is dividing the opposition -- therefore making is even easier for the communists to rule another 4 years.

Gigolo said:
They attack each other every time they have the oportunity (Christian-Democrats and Moldova Democrata). This is just a businnes for them: they get rich and population supports and vote for one or another, they get the power, MAFIA grows. That's the way it is: the propaganda from their newspapers and media. There they attack each other.

Too bad.
When there are such relation between the opposition parties, people say "Ah all these damn politicians are the same. It's no sense to support any of them". When the communist's supporters are mobilized, and activity of romanian-speaking people is required to defeat communists, such situation in opposition is a disaster.

And is any of the opposition leaders good alternative to the communists? Communist government is bad, but are the the politicians amog the opposition, who would govern better?

Yeah, and another question :) . What are ur relations with Ukraine? Do they support separatists in Transnistria? If yes, then is it because of their current government and this can change when Yushenko comes, or is it general tendency of Ukranian policy, cause those transnistrians are also slavs?
Voronin makes part from the former communist nomenclature and his political behaviour is just as it is expected to be. He and his communist party-mates are obedient to Russia's interests in our region and it seems that he cares more about these russian interests than about his nation. He even refuses to recognize that our language is called Romanian and that we are a part of the Romanian nation. Despite the point of view of historians and linguists he claims that we are Moldovans and we speak the Moldavian language. By the way, our president is also the leader of the communist party, which has the most representatives in our Parliament. That means that the administrative structures of our country aren't independent. [Sorry for this weird way of English use... :D ] Maybe I don't understand something but it seems to me that the conflict with the separatists from Transistria could be settled down far ago and the responsibles could be judged. But, again, our ruling elite is more concerned about Russia's interests than our own.

Our opposition seems active but doesn't have enough support from the people. Their supporters are mostly between the youth. The opposition is a minority in the Parliament and thus they aren't influent.

And just to express in a few words what I think about the political situation in my country, I must say that it makes me really sick. It seems to follow some scenarios dictated from abroad. Personally, I have the feeling that I cannot change anything.

Usually I don't post to political topics because I'm not really fond of politics but I was pleased to find out that there are people from abroad who are interested about Moldova.
Dato said:
Too bad.
When there are such relation between the opposition parties, people say "Ah all these [cenzurat] politicians are the same. It's no sense to support any of them". When the communist's supporters are mobilized, and activity of romanian-speaking people is required to defeat communists, such situation in opposition is a disaster.

And is any of the opposition leaders good alternative to the communists? Communist government is bad, but are the the politicians amog the opposition, who would govern better?
If there is a party that could defeat the comunist, than this is the new created party: "Democratic Moldova" ("Our Moldova"+ Social-Liberal Party and other center-oriented partyes has recently joined and formed "Democratic Moldova" meant to defeat the comunists at the elections in the begining of 2005 . The lider is the mair of Chisinau. He is suported by West and I believe also by Moscow.

Personaly, I believe that those who will give their vote to Christian-Democrats (who never had more than 7-10 %), they will in fact help the communists to come again to power.
I don't believe that Christian-Democrats and Moldova Democrata will form an coalition.
The lider of Christian-Democrats just like the communists didn't like the idea of creation of that anti-communist Alliance and was very dissapointed when this happened in that day. In fact his reaction was the same as the raction of the communists in the interviews at the TV.
As I said: the mafiotic liders of Christian-Democrats share the same bread as the communists and all this circus must stop once and for all.

Yeah, and another question :) . What are ur relations with Ukraine? Do they support separatists in Transnistria? If yes, then is it because of their current government and this can change when Yushenko comes, or is it general tendency of Ukranian policy, cause those transnistrians are also slavs?

If Ukraine will decide to join Nato and UE, then it has no other option than helping us to reunite our country.
Yes, in the war in 1992 Ukraine helped the separatists and had the same interestst as Russia there.
Yes, you're right, those slavs (russian+ukrainians; the so called russian speakers or Rusofons from which make part also poles or bulgars ), they are expected to be 60% of the population in that region and both Russia and Ukraine supported the separatists in the war in '92 in what they called: "to protect our ukrainian/russian brothers from the romanian agression from Moldova.
Russians and ukrainians in that separatist-region together they are more in number than moldavian/romanian which is said to be only 40 %

And I repeat: If Ukraine will wish to join UE , it should first join NATO, which means Ukraine will no longer have the same interests as Russia in this region. It will have to respect the integrity,the independence and the suveranity of R.Moldova. Ukraine will support this time the reunification of the Moldova and will make pressure on the liders of that region. Everything depends on the elections in Ukraine in this autumn and who will lead that country.

c001 h4x0r said:
And just to express in a few words what I think about the political situation in my country, I must say that it makes me really sick. It seems to follow some scenarios dictated from abroad. Personally, I have the feeling that I cannot change anything.

You're right: you cannot change anything. The future of our country will be decided by USA and Russia (USA is the superpower but Russia is still a regional power)

al this street-shows and this circus of this so called "parties" sponsored by USA and Russia (Christian Democrats and Democratic Moldova also get money from Moscow. Russia does no longer support the Communist Party, Putin was dissapointed in Voronin) all this circus in fact is meant to distract attention from the real problems of the country - the integrity of our country (Russia gives money to these parties in chisinau but gets more from the TransDniester region which it controls. BTW: the industry of the Republic Moldova is placed on the left-part of the river dnestr in the separatist region controlled by Russia ) , poverty and corruption - the real problems of our country. Russia gets a lot of money from TransDniester region where it controls the industrial region of R.Moldova and is bribeing the liders of the parties from Chisinau (especially Christian Democrats) ...
There is time for a change. R.Moldova will soon be reunited. We must take the example of Georgia.
Gigolo said:

Gigolo said:
If there is a party that could defeat the comunist, than this is the new created party: "Democratic Moldova" ("Our Moldova"+ Social-Liberal Party and other center-oriented partyes has recently joined and formed "Democratic Moldova" meant to defeat the comunists at the elections in the begining of 2005 . The lider is the mair of Chisinau. He is suported by West and I believe also by Moscow.

You know, it's difficult to imagine, that a leader, supported by the West, is at the same time supported by Moscow. If he is supported by the West, he will accomplish some democratic reforms, relations between the country and western structurs will improve. Such leader will have more chances to re-unite Moldova.
And Kremlin doesnt want Transnistrian conflict to be settled, and Moldova to get some chances of uniting NATO.

Gigolo said:
And I repeat: If Ukraine will wish to join UE , it should first join NATO, which means Ukraine will no longer have the same interests as Russia in this region. It will have to respect the integrity,the independence and the suveranity of R.Moldova. Ukraine will support this time the reunification of the Moldova and will make pressure on the liders of that region. Everything depends on the elections in Ukraine in this autumn and who will lead that country.

Exactly. We all need Yushenko as the leader of Ukraine :) .

Gigolo said:
I don't believe that Christian-Democrats and Moldova Democrata will form an coalition.
The lider of Christian-Democrats just like the communists didn't like the idea of creation of that anti-communist party and was very dissapointed when this happened in that day.

This may prove to be vital. As, according to what i heard from you, the Communist will take 1st place, but probably Democratic Moldova + Christian-democrats will have altogether more places in Parliament.
Then, when it comes to choosing the President, if christian-democrats nominate their own candidate, Voronin will get more votes, if they dont, Bragish may win.
Dato said:
This may prove to be vital. As, according to what i heard from you, the Communist will take 1st place, but probably Democratic Moldova + Christian-democrats will have altogether more places in Parliament.
Then, when it comes to choosing the President, if christian-democrats nominate their own candidate, Voronin will get more votes, if they dont, Bragish may win.

Probably communists will take 1st place. So, the only option is the alliance between Democratic Moldova and Christian-Democrats and the future president could become Urechean (not Braghis which is the lider of "Our Moldova"), Urechean - the actual mair of Chisinau (also member of "Our Moldova" and recently the lider of "Democratic Moldova")

I understand that this is the only way out, that's why I will personally vote for "Democratic Moldova" ... Those who will vote for Christian-Democrats... and if Christian-Democrats will not want the Moldova-Democrata as aliat and will not want Urechean (lider of Moldova Democrata)as future president, then the communist will win again.
I'm afraid that Romania (eventually its eastern province, the actual Republic of Moldova) and Poland will remain forever the Eastern border of the EU. I sincerely think that Moldova is still in the buffer area, but there are some chances to join EU (I repeat as part of the romanian state), but Ukraine will always be clearly outside EU. Turkey tries from the early 80's to OPEN negociations with EU, and Romania and Bulgaria (both with weaker economies than Turkey) will become part of the Eu in 2007, and they opened negociations in 1999 (that means 8 years); the conclusion is that EU has no interest to see Turkey inside (population 80 millions, religion muslims, borders with Iran and Syria, severe general underdevelopment of the society despite stable economy). Now think of Ukraine (population 80 millions, economy=0, huge borders with Russia). Turkey and Ukraine together have 160 Millions inhabitans, that means Germany+France+Italy=1/3 of the EU population. No one can support these 2 huge countries,EVER, it's an economic (and maybe political) utopia. Though,Ukraine can join NATO as Turkey did in 1955, but that's all. Unfortunately Ukraine's admission in NATo is also dependent on Russia's agreement.But let's hope the romanians in Moldova will understand this situation and they should try to act before being too late.

I think the real issue in Moldova is how the young generation thinks, because it's clear that for the aged-population things are simple, they are the nostalgics of the sovietic era. If the youngs see the future of Molodva inside UE and part of Romania there is nothing to worry about. But if they believe that the future is inside the common economic russian space, and their language is moldovan, I guess theret's nothing left to do. But the answer to this question remains unclear for me as a romanian from romania. My moldovan colleagues who study here are very Moldovans, that means they talk Russian between them (yet they have Romanian names), they keep saying that things in Moldova are better than here, so I don't know. I heard from them that Moldovan is much more related to the language spoken by the Dacs and Romanian is closer to Latin. I only know 5, but I repeat I feel them very Moldovans and not romanians. Maybe these are the exceptions.
dankat23 said:
Though,Ukraine can join NATO as Turkey did in 1955, but that's all.

That's the key. This is the only hope for Moldova. If Ukraine will join NATO then the conflict on the Dnestr will be solved. Moldova will be reunited.
Unfortunatly Russia will use Transnistria to obstacle the european future of Ukraine.
dankat23 said:
I'm afraid that Romania (eventually its eastern province, the actual Republic of Moldova) and Poland will remain forever the Eastern border of the EU. I sincerely think that Moldova is still in the buffer area, but there are some chances to join EU (I repeat as part of the romanian state), but Ukraine will always be clearly outside EU. Turkey tries from the early 80's to OPEN negociations with EU, and Romania and Bulgaria (both with weaker economies than Turkey) will become part of the Eu in 2007, and they opened negociations in 1999 (that means 8 years); the conclusion is that EU has no interest to see Turkey inside (population 80 millions, religion muslims, borders with Iran and Syria, severe general underdevelopment of the society despite stable economy). Now think of Ukraine (population 80 millions, economy=0, huge borders with Russia). Turkey and Ukraine together have 160 Millions inhabitans, that means Germany+France+Italy=1/3 of the EU population. No one can support these 2 huge countries,EVER, it's an economic (and maybe political) utopia. Though,Ukraine can join NATO as Turkey did in 1955, but that's all. Unfortunately Ukraine's admission in NATo is also dependent on Russia's agreement.But let's hope the romanians in Moldova will understand this situation and they should try to act before being too late.

I think the real issue in Moldova is how the young generation thinks, because it's clear that for the aged-population things are simple, they are the nostalgics of the sovietic era. If the youngs see the future of Molodva inside UE and part of Romania there is nothing to worry about. But if they believe that the future is inside the common economic russian space, and their language is moldovan, I guess theret's nothing left to do. But the answer to this question remains unclear for me as a romanian from romania. My moldovan colleagues who study here are very Moldovans, that means they talk Russian between them (yet they have Romanian names), they keep saying that things in Moldova are better than here, so I don't know. I heard from them that Moldovan is much more related to the language spoken by the Dacs and Romanian is closer to Latin. I only know 5, but I repeat I feel them very Moldovans and not romanians. Maybe these are the exceptions.

A few correction. Turkey's population is 68 million, not 80, and it shows signs of a decline in the near future (natality is just above the stagnation limit 2,1 children per woman). Ukraine's population is 47 million (52 millions in 1991) and fast declining.
And about that thing with moldovans having a language related to dacs, that is an invention of the russians in the 50's lol, they tryed to spread the idea that moldovans are not latin, but dacs mixed with slavs ... we all can see its not true lol
Let's imagine the better case - Democratic Moldova has won, it's leaders became President and Prime-Minister, formed the government. Are they the people, who will govern the country as it should be governed? Whats ur opinion?

dankat23 said:
I'm afraid that Romania (eventually its eastern province, the actual Republic of Moldova) and Poland will remain forever the Eastern border of the EU. I sincerely think that Moldova is still in the buffer area, but there are some chances to join EU (I repeat as part of the romanian state), but Ukraine will always be clearly outside EU. Turkey tries from the early 80's to OPEN negociations with EU, and Romania and Bulgaria (both with weaker economies than Turkey) will become part of the Eu in 2007, and they opened negociations in 1999 (that means 8 years); the conclusion is that EU has no interest to see Turkey inside (population 80 millions, religion muslims, borders with Iran and Syria, severe general underdevelopment of the society despite stable economy). Now think of Ukraine (population 80 millions, economy=0, huge borders with Russia). Turkey and Ukraine together have 160 Millions inhabitans, that means Germany+France+Italy=1/3 of the EU population. No one can support these 2 huge countries,EVER, it's an economic (and maybe political) utopia. Though,Ukraine can join NATO as Turkey did in 1955, but that's all. Unfortunately Ukraine's admission in NATo is also dependent on Russia's agreement.But let's hope the romanians in Moldova will understand this situation and they should try to act before being too late.

Well, first of all zaugeniu is right about the numer of population of Ukraine and Turkey.
Then, Russia's agreement is not really necessary. If it were, no eastern-european nation would join NATO, and CERTAINLY wouldn't three Baltic nations.
Besides, lets not be so sure that Turkey and Ukraine will never join EU. Who knows :) . And even if so, Ukraine, joined to NATO is very good too :) .

By the way, what's opinion of Romania's population about reunification with Moldova?

Gigolo said:
Unfortunatly Russia will use Transnistria to obstacle the european future of Ukraine.

Eh, let Yushenko become president in Ukraine, and Russia won't be able to make Ukraine do something that could be an obstacle to their integration into western structures :) .
If Yanukovich wins (but I dont really believe, he will), then - too bad.

zeugeniu said:
And about that thing with moldovans having a language related to dacs, that is an invention of the russians in the 50's lol, they tryed to spread the idea that moldovans are not latin, but dacs mixed with slavs ... we all can see its not true lol

By the way, I've always been interested. As I know, Dacia wasn't under Roman rule for a very long time (1 or 1.5 centuries, if im not wrong). How did ur people manage to adopt Latin in such a short period, and adopt so firmly, that u have kept during the further history? :) I can recognize many Latin words, which are in English on this forum :)
Dato said:
Let's imagine the better case - Democratic Moldova has won, it's leaders became President and Prime-Minister, formed the government. Are they the people, who will govern the country as it should be governed? Whats ur opinion?

I have a bad idea about politicians in general (Not only those from Moldova but the same is for Romania and even USA politics, so Moldova Democrata are just politicians for me )

BUT: Moldova Democrata is a good alternative, they can defeat communists, they will make necesarry steps for integration and approchement to the Romania and EU (contrary to communists who are romanofobian and declared pre-eloctoral priorities before 2001 - union with Russia-Belarus and making russian oficial language in R.M - they didn't succeded any of this and couldn't change the name of language and history from schools which is romanian, but many people see in communist's actions a threat, including me...)
politicians from Moldova Democrata will not touch history and language in schools which is romanian, they will approach and integrate with Romania and UE... I do not see a threat in them. From Democratic Moldova block make part such parties as PSL (social liberal) and its young lider Serebrian which is pro-romanian and pro-european.
Yes it is a good alternative, created to defeat communists.
Personaly, I voted for Christian-Democrats in 2001 but there is no sens in voting them again because the communists will win again. That's why democratic parties formed an alliance - Moldova Democratic block -> not to let communists win again.
This time opposition must be united. The actual mair of Chisinau - Urechean and lider of Moldova Democrata could become the next president, he has the most chanses... and I think we must vote for Democratic Moldova if we don't want communists to win.
Eh, let Yushenko become president in Ukraine, and Russia won't be able to make Ukraine do something that could be an obstacle to their integration into western structures :) .

Do you think he will win? let's hope! I am very sceptic about this. The majority of ukrainians are very friendly to their brothers from mother-Russia. Maybe except the west of the country were Ukraine borders Poland or Slovacia things are different because there people are different. Also things there are like in Moldova. Young generation is pro-european. But they do not form the majority.
We will see.

By the way, I've always been interested. As I know, Dacia wasn't under Roman rule for a very long time (1 or 1.5 centuries, if im not wrong). How did ur people manage to adopt Latin in such a short period, and adopt so firmly, that u have kept during the further history?

How? Romans (our ancestors) came, killed dacians in war, used the women of Dacia after they killed their dacians brothers, husbands and fathers in wars... these women gave birth to bastards which also made part from roman army, they spoke roman language, not dacian, education was in latin, intensive romanization... veterans/soldiers remained here and continued romanization... at least this is one of theories. Why celts/scots in Britain speak english and consider gaelik old-fashioned?
The same thing could have happen again here if the russification continued, we could become "russians" or Rusofon/russian speakers which represent today 1/3 of the population in Moldova (the ancestors of many of these so-called "rusofons" were moldavians, ukrainians, gagauz, bulgars etc... not only russians . In those soviet times if a moldavian marry an ukrainan then the children would be russian because the only language can understand between them is only russian. these children went to russian schools so they becamne "our russians" in Moldova. The same thing, the russification is happening now in Transnistria.
Now the official state language is romanian and it should be obligatory to be known by the all citizens in Moldova !
What happened in '89-'91 is a good thing. If we continued to make part from russian empire and soviet union wouldn't desintegrate then in 20 or 30 years we would also become "Rusofons"
I wouldn't be so sure about russia's intentions. President Iliescu recently uncovered the secret of NATO enlargement in 1997. The russians didn't accept the specific entrance of the baltic states and Romania in 1997, considering them strategic regions. By 2004, Russia acknowledged the fact that these 4 countries were of no longer interest.

So let's talk about Ukraine, huge country, the most important neighbour of the russians. Do you consider that Russia will accept NATO bases at its borders? Maybe but what will be the price to pay? The russians complained in ISTANBUL NATO summit this year that they have concerns about the 2 military american bases in Romania. SO they have problems with Romania, which is a far away country (we have no borders with them), so think again.UKRAINE?

About turkey let me tell you a common french citizen's opinion: Turkey doesn't belong to Europe, and it's like that for centuries. They are muslims, they don't share the same values as the europeans, and a good economy is just not enough to join the EU. The biggest fear in France is the islamism,so I don't think that they could ever accept a country like that in Europe. And if you travelled to Turkey you may have noticed that the western coastline, and the European region are developed, but the rest of the country is a ruin. And you can not hide poverty, underdevelopment, extremely bad infrastructure, conflicts with Greece/Cyprus, war in Kurdistan,a military regime and even islamism behind skycrappers in Istanbul. Ukraine is an european country but its position near Russia is so complicated that nobody will ever try to solve such a complicated problem.

I think the explanation about how romanians speak a latin language is a bit rude but let's face it, true. Actually, nowadays, we no longer learn in highschools,universities that dacs learned to speak Latin. They were probably killed so the roman conquerers took their women, kids began to speak latin and after 2-3 generations they forgot their grandfathers language.

The opinion in Romania about a possile union:
1. in communist times we learned not to speak about Moldova.
2.Today we are more concerned about UE enlargement in 2007.
3. As long as Republic of Moldova exists, romanians will try to destablize this country. At the moment we don't recognize moldovan language, Romania speaks about Moldova as the other Romanian state, we talk about history's misfortune, we block molodvan exports in romania, they study there from romanian books, we succeded to reinstall the Mitropoly of Bessarabya (dependent on Bucharest patriarch) so we wait for a better time to reunite.
4. best rock band in romania : zdob si zdub - from Moldova
5. best known romanian group-OZONE -from Moldova
By the way, I've always been interested. As I know, Dacia wasn't under Roman rule for a very long time (1 or 1.5 centuries, if im not wrong). How did ur people manage to adopt Latin in such a short period, and adopt so firmly, that u have kept during the further history? I can recognize many Latin words, which are in English on this forum

Contacts between Dacia and the Roman Empire dated from 1st century BC to 602 AD. Trade, exchange of infrastructure specialists, exchange of prisoners and population were a common thing. In 102 when there was a peace signed between Traian and Decebal, the dacian rulers already spoke latin. So the period wasnt that short :) A bigger mistery is how come we romanians survived in this region of europe for 1500 years surrounded by barbarians ... :)

And for dankat, Turkey's economy is not better then Romania's. GDP per capita is 7200 $ per year in Romania, 6800 $ in Turkey.