PROIECT Global Debates

cristina melnic

New Member
« Statele dezvoltate ar trebui să fie responsabile de stoparea procesului de încălzire globală »

Implicarea tinerilor în proiecte globale a fost posibilă datorită programului de acţiuni organizate de ONU.
Elevii din instituţiile de învăţământ din întreaga lume s-au implicat in activităţile propuse de ONU in perioada septembrie-decembrie 2008. Aceste proiecte au avut ca scop informarea populaţiei despre situaţia ecologică globală şi sensibilizarea ei în acest sens.
In urma primei etape s-a observat participarea activă a liceenilor din Republica Moldova care a obţinut rezultate remarcabile (rezultatele le puteţi vedea pe site-ul : Total Points Fall 2008).
Programul Global Debates a dat startul celei de-a doua etape a programei, condiţiile căreia le puteţi urmări pe site-ul : Global Debates
OAMENI BUNI! Incalzirea globala este o problema mondiala ce trebuie rezolvata numaidecit
pentru o viata mai buna. ONU a organizat un program de actiuni la capitolul:Incalzirea Globala.
Mai multe licee din intreaga lume s-au implicat in acest proiect. De asemnea a participat si
liceul Teoretic"Gaudeamus" in care invat eu. Acest proiect pina la mometul actual s-a desfasurat
intr-o etapa la care liceul nostru a ocupat loc. II in Moldova si loc. VI in lume. Acum ONU deruleaza
a 2-a etapa a proiectului cu tema "Statele dezvoltate ar trebui sa fie responsabile de solutionarea problemei-
Incalzirea Globala.Toti trebuie sa fim uniti pentru a face ceva sa functioneze.Toti trebuie sa
ne implicam in masura posibilitatii,fiindca o facem tot pentru noi si pentru cei care vin dupa noi.
Conditiile etapei a 2-a a proiectului l-e puteti gasi pe site-ul: Global Debates
De asemenea pentru fiecare scoala sunt posibile de infaptuit urmatoarele activitati:
1.Press Release : se acorda 100 puncte max 10
2.Press Coverage :se acorda 200 puncte - nu este limita
3.Video PSA's :se acorda 500 puncte - max 4
4.Debate Photos: se acorda 25 puncte - max 3
5.Photo Essays : se acorda 300 puncte - max3
6.Service Project: se acorda 1000 puncte - max 1
7.Guest Blogger : se acorda 25 puncte - max 10
8.Letter to the Editor : se acorda 100 puncte - max 3
9.Published Letter to the Editor : se acorda 100 puncte - max 3
10.Letter to elcted Officials : se acorda 50 puncte max - 10
11.Mash Up : se acorda 500 puncte max - 4
12.Invite Elected Leader : se acorda 200 puncte max 3
13.Start a Blog : se acorda 1000 puncte max - 1
14.Video Game : se acorda 500 puncte max - 4
15.Recorded Song : se acorda 500 puncte max - 2
16.Lesson Plans : se acorda 100 puncte max 4
17.Video Inerviewa : se acorda 100 puncte max - 15
18.Climate Change Site : se acorda 1000 puncte max - 2.
O zi buna in continuare

Public Debate

March 14 2009, 12:00, Room

Affirmative: Iulian Rosca, Cristian Cazacu

Negative: Boclina Vadim, Rome Ciuganschi

Motion: The strong have a duty to solve climate change problems

Purpose. Balance between consumption and production

Problem Analysis:
The developed world, consumes more than half of the oil, gas extracted metal, wood and other natural products on Earth, here and their obligation to take serious steps to improve the environment and in solving global problems.
Climate change is now recognized as the greatest challenge of the 21st century facing humanity. If you will take urgent measures to combat, climate change may seriously affect the economies, societies and ecosystems around the world and especially in developed countries. Climate change is real, it is noticeable to the naked eye and is accelerating, and that it is caused by increased emissions of greenhouse gases due to human activities and that can have severe impacts on societies and the environment.

Governments in developed world - the excessive consumption of goods in kind and expenses minim for the regeneration of nature;
International organizations - insufficient for monitoring the state of the environment and especially climate change.

Plan to resolve the problem of climate change:

Agent: Who? - Charge.

Given that emissions that are the origin of climate change have been produced by developed countries, such as advanced countries in Europe, USA and Japan and others to show leadership and to help developing countries, giving them additional resources in to reduce emissions.
Europe and America should give the example in the fight against climate change in international negotiations in Poznan and Copenhagen. Because the U.S. and EU to retain its leadership in international negotiations, it is crucial that this package of measures to be robust and accepted at international level

What? - Actions

Governments of developed countries have already signed a protocol to the Convention United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC), the Kyoto Protocol, which includes binding targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases for developed countries for the period 2008-2012.
All parties to the UNFCC agreed to increase efforts to combat climate change and adopted a series of decisions at the Conference on climate change in December 2007 from Baly. The parties have also decided to launch formal negotiations for an agreement on cooperation in the long term and it was agreed that these negotiations should be completed in late 2009 in the Conference of Parties in Copenhagen. The aim is that this international agreement to take effect no later than 2012, expires when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
In January 2008, the European Commission presented a proposal for a revised Directive of the legislative package "Climate and Energy", to make changes to this package for the period after 2012. EU Commission proposed to reduce domestic emissions of greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020 compared to the emission of 1990 and by 30% in other industrialized countries to undertake efforts to achieve comparable reduction emissions under an international agreement. Such commitment has taken the U.S. and other developed countries in the world.
The proposals require that a large portion of these reductions can be achieved by buying CO2 credits through projects designed to reduce emissions in developing countries. If you take into account the purchase of CO2 credits from non-European countries, the reductions required are significantly lower than Europe's proposed 20% Commission. Even a proposal that aims to reduce European emissions by 30% is not really only about 22%.

How? - Methods

Governments of developed States should strongly contribute to promoting democratic principles and human rights, transparency and accountability of citizens, motivating them to contribute to the intensive planting of forests, the environmental actions in all states;
Budget will be developed given the amount of expenditure for the creation of investment funds lasting more extensive investigation of the processes and consequences for climate change prevention;
governments of developed countries will propose a concrete plan and time that will provide a substantial reduction of the gases emitted by transportation companies and thrown into the atmosphere will promote use of biofuel-based transportation;
governments should be developed to assist less developed countries to introduce new technologies and ecological environmental education of the population, which will contribute to halting the spread of diseases, forest fires, glacier melting, droughts and floods, extinction of species of plants and animals.

How? - Resources

We believe that the developed countries should spend 20-25% of their income to implement plans to prevent climate change. The less developed countries should plan for environmental education activities of population and creation of projects submitted by governments of developed countries and international organizations designed to protect the environment.

Avantage - Benefits.

- The governments of the developed by realizing the objectives of preventing climate change will have a greater chance to promote the principles declared;
- The smaller and less developed, will have a worthy example to follow for the future;
- More active involvement of young people in studying environmental issues, proposed ideas for tackling the environmental community.

Negative case:

Ideas for denial:

- The point of debate being argued is not the most current. We believe that the economic development of major state programs and ecological education of population on Earth, climate change problem will be solved by itself;
- The plan proposed by the team statement is very vague, does not provide means for stopping climate change;
- Of what is done, just use that developed the most pure technologies, compared to the less developed, such cars have a warranty period, after which they are sent to recycling, or are sold by nationals of States less developed (eg the USSR);
- Governments have developed already aware of the problem of climate change and take concrete measures, organize activities at community, national and international (conference loop, projects etc.).
- Climate change is not confined to the borders of countries; therefore need to act at international level. In this respect, the 1992 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the international community adopted the Convention of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC). All states should develop a clear strategy for stopping the global warming and indeed every organization, institution, part man.
- If other developed countries should follow this example, it would be impossible to achieve the reductions needed globally. This proposal is not consistent with the commitments made by members of the European decision to keep climate change below the critical 2 ° C, suggested GIEC to limit the effects of dangerous climate change.
- To have a chance of keeping climate warming below 2 ° C, developed countries must reduce emissions by at least 30% by 2020 and developing countries must also take steps to reduce the their emissions.
- Not only the governments of developed countries should have obligations to contribute to limiting climate change, but managers of large companies, as they only think of profits, use the huge opportunities offered by nature, but do not take steps to improve state ecological environment.
- Formulation of petitioning the Moldovan leadership, leaders of political parties included in the election for the parliamentary elections of 5 April 2009 and developed leaders to take urgent action in addressing environmental issues and in particular the state of the environment, limiting the global warming etc.


Thus, when the developed and less developed, just the first use ever more environmentally friendly technologies and spend money for research and educational programs. Was more and take effective measures to combat climate change, but there are many reservations to improve ecological status of our planet.
It is true that bears the responsibility of governments and the developed, but also considers that should bear the responsibility and the smaller and poorer, all the people on the planet because each contributes to environmental pollution and the future of each depends on our Earth.
Da de ce nu mergem spre dialog?
In dezbateri se nashte ura unul fatza de altul. In dialg dreptatea!

Adresa-ti-va direct la intreprinderile care poluaza atmosfera cu scrisori oficiale - va rugam mult sa micshorati poluarea atmosferei cu cel putin 20% din cantitatea CO2 emanata de intreprinderea dvs. la ziua de azi.

Gasiti emailurile lor pe siteul intreprinderilor. Fiecare student trimite cite o scrisoare cu rugamintea data. Oamenii ishi v-or da seama de problema.

De ce ii ponegritzi in presa innainte de a merge la dialog???

Nu uitati ca oile "ciobenilor" in jurul pamintului emana ~20% din metanul total. Scritile shi lor nu numai tzarilor dezvolate.

Mai privitzi shi sub picioare - in apele subterane orashele arunca desheuri, agricultura chimicale - apa potabila deja se vinde in butelii. Peste 10 ani v-om lupta pentru apa potabila - incalzirea globala e floare la ureche pe linga asta.

La topirea polilor suprafatza uscatului incepe a se acoperi cu apa - omenirea se restringe in teriroiu shi nu mai poluaza atmosfera in aceiashi masura - incalzirea globala poate fi oprita de la sine.

Apa din canalizatie o s-o filtram prin basmalutza degraba pentur a o bea... :)