Replici celebre

Terminator: Katherine Brewster? Have you sustained injury?
Kate Brewster: Drop dead you!
Terminator: I am unable to comply.
It was Katherine Brewster who reprogrammed me and sent me back through the time displacement field.
John Connor: Well where was I?
Terminator: I'm not authorized to answer your questions.
To live is to die.Only by living you seek death.Death is silent.Death is calm.Death is certain, Life is not!
din clasica:

"Frankly, darling, I don't give a damn!"

Ret Battler ii spune lui Scarlett din "Pe aripile vantului"

Da din clasica sovietica, cred ca vorbim toti:

"Tiu-tiu, Mihail Svetlov!"

sau: "Ruso turisto - obliko morali"

Nici nu credeam ca nu a scvris inca cineva ....

"Uvajai bogov,liubi svau jenu ,zashishai svaiu rodinu " ..... Hector/Troy

PS:Despre " BraveHeart" - de acord :)