sex cu verisoara mea de 17 ani

PiggyEFromHell;194492 said:
Iar cum ca genetica de culoare e superioara asta la fel e bullshit... nu vad o tara de culoare superdezvoltata (nu-s rasist, asta-i realitatea). Din cate tin minte profa de bio din liceu imi explicase ceva gen... "molecula de hemoglobina la persoanele de culoare formeaza 5 catene de legatura cu oxigenul, iar la albi doar 4..." prin asta stiam ca se explica rezistenta fizica marita la ei fata de albi. Acum nu stiu cat de corect am redat ceea ce mi-a zis... dar in rest nu stiu ce ar avea mai bun...

Sint 4, indiferent de culoare.

The name hemoglobin is the concatenation of heme and globin, reflecting the fact that each subunit of hemoglobin is a globular protein with an embedded heme (or haem) group; each heme group contains an iron atom, and this is responsible for the binding of oxygen. The most common type of hemoglobin in mammals contains four such subunits, each with one heme group. In humans, each heme group is able to bind one oxygen molecule, and thus, one hemoglobin molecule can bind four oxygen molecules.

OK...Si ca sa ajungem acum la africani si singele lor puternic.

Types of hemoglobins

There are hundreds of hemoglobin variants that involve involve genes both from the alpha and beta gene clusters. The list below touches on some of the more common and important hemoglobin variants.

Normal Hemoglobins

* Hemoglobin A. This is the designation for the normal hemoglobin that exists after birth. Hemoglobin A is a tetramer with two alpha chains and two beta chains (a2b2).
* Hemoglobin A2. This is a minor component of the hemoglobin found in red cells after birth and consists of two alpha chains and two delta chains (a2d2). Hemoglobin A2 generally comprises less than 3% of the total red cell hemoglobin.
* Hemoglobin F. Hemoglobin F is the predominant hemoglobin during fetal development. The molecule is a tetramer of two alpha chains and two gamma chains (a2g2).

The genes for hemoglobin F and hemoglobin A are closely related, existing in the same gene cluster on chromosome 11. Hemoglobin F production falls dramatically after birth, although some people continue to produce small amounts of hemoglobin F for their entire lives.

Clinically Significant Variant Hemoglobins

* Hemoglobin S. This the predominant hemoglobin in people with sickle cell disease. The alpha chain is normal. The disease-producing mutation exists in the beta chain, giving the molecule the structure, a2bS2. People who have one sickle mutant gene and one normal beta gene have sickle cell trait which is benign.
* Hemoglobin C. Hemoglobin C results from a mutation in the beta globin gene and is the predominant hemoglobin found in people with hemoglobin C disease (a2bC2). Hemoglobin C disease is relatively benign, producing a mild hemolytic anemia and splenomegaly. Hemoglobin C trait is benign.
* Hemoglobin E. This variant results from a mutation in the hemoglobin beta chain. People with hemoglobin E disease have a mild hemolytic anemia and mild splenomegaly. Hemoglobin E trait is benign. Hemoglobin E is extremely common in S.E. Asia and in some areas equals hemoglobin A in frequency.
* Hemoglobin Constant Spring. Hemoglobin Constant Spring is a variant in which a mutation in the alpha globin gene produces an alpha globin chain that is abnormally long. The quantity of hemoglobin in the cells is low for two reasons. First, the messenger RNA for hemoglobin Constant Spring is unstable. Some is degraded prior to protein synthesis. Second, the Constant Spring alpha chain protein is itself unstable. The result is a thalassemic phenotype. (The designation Constant Spring derives from the isolation of the hemoglobin variant in a family of ethnic Chinese background from the Constant Spring district of Jamaica.)
* Hemoglobin H. Hemoglobin H is a tetramer composed of four beta globin chains. Hemoglobin H occurs only with extreme limitation of alpha chain availability. Hemoglobin H forms in people with three-gene alpha thalassemia as well as in people with the combination of two-gene deletion alpha thalassemia and hemoglobin Constant Spring.
* Hemoglobin Barts. Hemoglobin Barts develops in fetuses with four-gene deletion alpha thalassemia. During normal embryonic development, the episilon gene of the alpha globin gene locus combines with genes from the beta globin locus to form functional hemoglobin molecules. The episolon gene turns off at about 12 weeks, and normally the alpha gene takes over. With four-gene deletion alpha thalassemia no alpha chain is produced. The gamma chains produced during fetal development combine to form gamma chain tetramers. These molecules transport oxygen poorly. Most individuals with four-gene deletion thalassemia and consequent hemoglobin Barts die in utero (hydrops fetalis). The abnormal hemoglobin seen during fetal development in individuals with four-gene deletion alpha thalassemia was characterized at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London. The hospital has the fond sobriquet, St. Barts, and the hemoglobin was named "hemoglobin Barts."

Ca 40% din populatia Africii are gena care codeaza HbS.

Asta inseamna ca cei homozigoti dezvolta un tip de anemie - anemia cu eritrocite in forma de secera =>
((c)wikipedia) . Aceasta afectiune le scurteaza considerabil viata(media 40 ani)...Pentru ca celulele rosii, din cauza HbS, care e mai putin solubila, iau o forma de secera si blocheaza vasele sanguine => infarcte(in toate organele posibile) => dereglari functionale si organice.
PiggyEFromHell;194492 said:
Iar cum ca genetica de culoare e superioara asta la fel e bullshit...).

bai piggy, cine a zis ca genele negrilor is superioare???prichom aici asta?
repet, amestecul, a-mes-te-cul de singe creeaza "rasa" sanatoasa

PiggyEFromHell;194492 said:
nu vad o tara de culoare superdezvoltata (is rasist, asta-i realitatea)

Antimatter;194540 said:
bai piggy, cine a zis ca genele negrilor is superioare???prichom aici asta?
repet, amestecul, a-mes-te-cul de singe creeaza "rasa" sanatoasa

In ce sens, sanatoasa? nu-s amestecata si bolnajioara parca nu sint..

Nu intelegi ca dpdv medical nu are sens ceea ce zici? Iar boala sau sanatatea sint notiuni medicale.
Sau ai tu ceva studii care s-o demonstreze..Explica-te te rog si n-o fa pe geniul neinteles.

Unde-i Radu?! Vreau sa stiu in final daca-i reala povestioara asta sau doar aberatiile unui schizofrenik :-)
Aha, mersi Kiara... atunci e ciudat... nush ce mi-a explicat profa... ma rog, nu conteaza.

Bai antimatter, te crezi cool editandu-mi mesajele in reply-uri?:D Singura mea descriminare e lumea ok fata de tampitzeii... so, explica-mi cum as putea fi rasist cand am prieteni de diferite etnii/rase? De fapt stii, nu-mi raspunde, oricum nu ma intereseaza, so long fella';)
wow, asta da aventura excitanta!!!
si mie imi placea de varmiu da eram prea mica.

vara trecuta cand m-am intors acasa, (acum stau in italia) am facuto cu prima mea iubire de 8 ani in urma,din moldova, am stat o saptamina impreuna si a plecat la moscova...
xirina85x;194945 said:
vara trecuta cand m-am intors acasa, (acum stau in italia) am facuto cu prima mea iubire de 8 ani in urma,din moldova, am stat o saptamina impreuna si a plecat la moscova...
Si iubirea asta a ta de 8 ani in urma e varul tau, da? Ca altfel nu vad cum ar fi relevanta istoria asta... :rolleyes:
Shi ce ca au facut sex? Legatura de rubedenie a verilor e doar dupa singe! :)

Da luminari v-au tzinut shi voua sau numai mortului?
Am recitit tema asta atit de facuse furori la timpul ei..

Cite emotii si pareri diverse, cite izbucniri si investigatii ginecologice si lectii de anatomie, toate avind ca sursa un post bolnav :) Frustrari bazate pe lipsa de libertate in actiuni si incurajari ironice ale incestului :)

Vesele timpuri...Am ris din nou din suflet - Traiasca imaginatia bogata si sanatate lui Radu!
eu cind eram mic ma jucam cu verisoara mea de-a doctorul.:))dar nimic dezbracam, ne atingeam si cam atit..avea un funduletz atit de apetisant...mmmmm..imi placea sa-l sarut....odata ne-au descoperit parintii si am terminat jocurile.......peste citiva ani i-am propus sa-i fac sex oral dar a fine, comunicam si acum, am trecut ambii peste moment si nu mai avem astfel de porniri..:)