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The Christians - Words

If i could find words
To tell you i'm sorry
Make you understand
I mean just what i say

After all that i've heard
Why should i worry
When we ride the fine line
Between love and hate

If i had been wise
well how could i doubt you
now i'm all alone
my life in disarray

but try as i might
i can't live without you
so i cling to the hope
of a bright brighter day

oh i know we've been through this all before
how can i prove my love for you is real
no i can't do anymore
if i could only find words

and still he has dreams
and still i must learn to cope
absurd as it seems
i still have hope

if i had good sense
and heed all the warnings
i would let it be
and leave all well alone

but there's no recompense
for waking up mornings
feeling sure it's myself
who's the foolish one

yes i know we've been through this all before
how can i prove my love for you is real
no i can't do anymore
semidia..te pup pentru piesa asta...mi-am descarcat-o..e atat de veche...uh...cred ca o stiu de vreun deceniu:D..sau chiar mai mult...Thanks!!!:sarut:
Godsmack - Voodoo

candles raise my desire
why i'm so far away
no more meaning to my life
no more reason to stay
freezing feeling, breathe in - breathe in
i'm coming back again
i'm not the one who's so far away
when i feel the snake bite enter my veins
never did wanna be here again
and i don't remember why i came
hazing clouds rain on my head
empty thoughts fill my ears
find my shade by the moon light
why my thoughta ren't so clear
demons dreaming
breathe in - breathe in
i'm coming back again
voodoo, i'm not the one
who's so far away
Phoenix - In Umbra Marelui URSS

Stau singur si ma-ntreb
De ce-am plecat de-acasa
Sa fie blestemul
De veacuri ce ne-apasa

Caci n-am gresit cu nimic
Dar cat am patimit
Hulit am fost fara rost
De cei ce i-am iubit

Apus peste apus
Ce iute trece timpul
Si zorile s-au dus
Ce rece bate vantul

Am asteptat infrigurat
Sa ma intorc 'napoi
M-ati judecat, condamnat,
Dar cine sunteti voi?

Caci timpul nostru s-a scurs
In umbra marelui urs
Dar ghearele v-au ramas
In orice-mbratisare
Astazi doare sarutul pe obraz

Dar dati-mi viata 'napoi
Ce-am risipit pentru voi
Uitand de tot si de doi ani de pribegie
Inc-o mie dulce-a mai ramas

Cazut-au frunzele
Le-a risipit furtuna
Unde-s sperantele?
N-a mai ramas niciuna

Un gand subit, nerostit
Ma-ncremeneste-n loc
Ce-am asteptat, ce-am visat
Nimic nu s-a schimbat

Dati-mi viata n-apoi
Ce-am risipit pentru voi
Uitand de tot si de voi
Prieteni de betie
Dintr-o mie cati au mai ramas

Si timpul vostru s-a scurs
La umbra marelui urs
Dar ghearele v-au ramas
In orice-mbratisare
Astazi doare sarutul pe obraz
Switchfoot - You

There's always something
In the way
There's always something
Getting through
But it's not me
it's You

Sometime's ignorance
Rings true
But hope is not in
What I know
Not in me
It's in You

It's all I know

And I find peace
When I'm confused
I find hope when
I'm let down
Not in me
But in You

I hope to lose myself
For good
I hope to find it in the end
Not in me
It's You
It's all I know
tzapinarii - sperantza

Un mars al tacerii
Se aude prin noapte
Pasi grei prin zapada patata de moarte
Batrini cu barbi albe,
Uitate de vreme
Si nopti de gheata pierdute-ntre stele.

Tacerea e mare
Prin muntii de gheata.
Sihastrii se-nchina la a noastra soarta.
Si vremea se lasa,
Tremuratoare-nspre noi.
Sa fim iarasi oameni sa venim inapoi,
Sa fim iarasi oameni sa venim inapoi.


Speranta firava ramane in cutie,
Cand relele toate spre noi se reped.
Speranta inseamna numai tarie
Si viata ce se mai poate trai...
Speranta pentru voi ce care mancati paine neagra si cersiti la colt
Speranta pentru cel mare cel tare dar si pentru cel ce mai are vre-un rost

Zapada patata
De sange de oameni
Dureri nesfarsite pentru cei cu patimi...
Si nopti pline de lacrimi
De patimi, de jale,
Si nopti care nu se sfarsesc in cale


vrei mesaj iti dau mesaj
de zici ca-i secta ziua a 8-a cu buddha pe anturaj
deziderate simple si scurte pe limba ta
le fac la unii viata grea pe altii-i scot din belea
daca razi o sa razi c-asa iti place tie viata
daca plangi o sa plangi intreab-o de ce pe ma-ta
trage-adanc aer in piept si un cd in timpane
asculta-l si o sa-ti dai singur palme

fii mai bun, zic sa fii mai drept, zic sa fii mai belea
zic sa fii mai intelept
zic sa fii nu sa te prefaci n-ai pic de respect
pentru rasa urbana si tot ce vine pe traiect

glorie, o sa ne umplem de glorie
cu rimele noastre foarte abjecte si sonore

de notorietate publica
dat de sange pe la spate prin intreaga republica (x2)

toata lumea sa ridice mainile mai sus
o sa va umplem de glorie de la est la apus
toata lumea sa ridice mainile in atmosfera
ne umplem de glorie pe intreaga emisfera

sunt licentiat in medicina supraterana
daca pun mana pe tine nu mai simti nici o teama
sincer sa fiu nu prea mai simti nimic
ating fara s-ating macar un singur loc critic

ruffneck, ii disec pe toti pe bec
operatia estetica pe creier o s-o-ncep
ca nu se mai poate
da in sange pe la spate
sunt in top, top in supraarte
ce-am zis?
am zis ce-am zis si-o sa mai zic ceva
daca imi zici ce ai de zis
cine sunt?
sunt cine sunt si-o sa mai fiu in continuare daca stiu ca sunt

de notorietate publica
dat de sange pe la spate prin intreaga republica (x2)

toata lumea sa ridice mainile mai sus
o sa va umplem de glorie de la est la apus
toata lumea sa ridice mainile in atmosfera
ne umplem de glorie pe intreaga emisfera (x2)
Zebre - Gondola

Sa ne dam in gondole.. VREI?!
Sa respiram ardeeei!
Sa mancam vata de zaharrr.. VREI?!
Sa ma vezi mancaaand!

Sa cadem pe bicicleta.. VREI?!
Sa ne taram pe mocheta.. VREI?!
Sa vii seara pe la mine.. VREI?!
Sa ma gasesti plangand

Ce vrei tu? Ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei TU! (x4)

Vrei?! Ce.. ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei! (x3)

Sa ne dam cu racheta.. VREI?!
Sa te trag de paaar!
Sa te privesc cu luneta.. VREI?!
Si sa te-ating usooor!

Sa te adorm pe carpeta.. VREI?!
Sa te masor cu ruleta.. VREI?!

Ce vrei tu? Ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei TU! (x4)

Vrei?! Ce.. ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei! (x3)
Vrei?! Vrei?!

Ce vrei tu? Ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei (x3)
Ce vrei tu? Ce vrei?

Ce vrei tu? Ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vrei TU! (x4)

Vrei?! Ce.. ce vrei?
Facem tot ce vreï! (x3)
VREI !!!
Crazy,vreau piesa asta VREAU...cum o pot gasi???
o uploadezi undeva??? sau mio trimiti prin messenger sau icq?
.:: Trooper - Amintiri ::.

stau singur cate-odata
ma ascund sa fiu cu tine
privesc o poza veche
tresare o amintire
durerea e prea mare
anii mult prea multi
lacrimi curg din cer
tu uiti

in orice chip esti tu
privesc si apoi renunt
alerg singur in noapte
sa fiu cu tine iar
si luna ma priveste
ascunsa printre munti
din nou visez la tine
tu uiti

amintire, amintiri
strang in suflet doar priviri

si te strangeam in brate
stiam ca s-a sfarist
mi-ai spus si tu in lacrimi
ca in suflet te-am ranit
o data in viata poate
vei vrea sa mai saruti
acelasi om pe care
de mult incerci sa-l uiti

amintire, amintiri
strang in suflet doar priviri

si asa v-om fi
pana v-om muri
prieteni buni pe vïata
Nimrod's Son,
The Pixies

One night upon my motorcycle through the desert spead
And smashed my body so that all my friends thought I was dead
My sister held me close and whispered to my bleeding head
You are the son of a mother fucker

One two three four

I shook all night and held her hand
Chocolate people well I'll be damned
Land of plenty, land of fun
To find out I'm nimrod's son

Oh bury me
Far away please
Bury me

The joke has come upon me

In my motorcycle mirror I think about the life I've led
And how my soul's been aking all the holes where I have bled
My image spoke to me, yes to me and often said
You are the son of incestuous union

One two three

Now my head is clear
My luke hands washed
My daughter's pure
My son is tall
Land of plenty, land of fun
To find out I'm nimrod's son

Oh bury me
Far away please
Bury me

Ha-ha ha-ha
The joke has come upon me

"Corner Of The Earth"

Little darlin' don't you see the sun is shining
just for you, only today
If you hurry you can get a ray on you, come with me, just to play
Like every humming bird and bumblebee
Every sunflower, cloud and every tree
I feel so much a part of this
Nature's got me high and it's beautiful
I'm with this deep eternal universe
From death until rebirth

This corner of the earth is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
On the face of this I'm blessed
When the sunlight comes for free
I know this corner of the earth it smiles at me
So inspired of that there's nothing left to do or say
Think I'll dream, 'til the stars shine

The wind it whispers and the clouds don't seem to care
And I know inside, that it's all mine
It's the chorus of the breakin' dawn
The mist that comes before the sun is born
To a hazy afternoon in May
Nature's got me high and it's so beautiful
I'm with this deep eternal universe from death until rebirth

You know that this corner of the earth is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
On the face of it I'm blessed
When the sunlight comes for free
I know this corner of the earth it smiles at me x5

This corner of the earth, is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
When the sunlight comes for free
I know the corner of this earth it smiles at me
Gloria Gaynor - First Be A Woman (e pentru useritze:D)

But first, be a woman, ooh ooh...

When you're walking down the street
Show your feminine appeal
Even tho' you're wearing jeans
It's important to be real
You were born to be yourself
So no matter how you feel
If you want to impress the opposite sex

When he takes you for a ride
Let him open you the door
When he asks you for a dance
Let him lead you to the floor
When he kisses you good night
You just leave him wanting more
You can do all you can
Say I am what I am

But first be a woman... oh oh oh oh

When he takes you out to dine
Don't you end up in his bed
Wedding bells will ring in time
Make him dream of you instead
And his passion can be like
All the stories that you've read
He can be Romeo if you act like Juliet

Nowadays it ends too soon
Even tho' it's just begun
You can take him to the moon
He'll leave with the morning sun
So take a lesson from the past
Make him want and make him run...
You can do all you can
Say I am what I am

But first, be a woman, ooh ooh...

You can't be a quarterback
He can't wear a pretty dress
You cannot be Superman
And he's not a shy princess
So why try to be alike
When it's only self defense
You've got grace, he's got style
And together you'll rhyme

So remember to be true
To the legend that you are
All the feminine in you
Has worked miracles so far
So head up high and don't be shy
You can reach for any star
You can do all you can...
Say I am what I am

But first be a woman...
First be a woman
First be a woman Ohh Ohh...
Fara text-va recomand si eu ceva super,daca-mi dati voie...
[ame=""]YouTube - Lara Fabian - Je suis Malade[/ame]
super! tot inteleg :D

Rafaga - Mentirosa

Quiero que todos hagamos palmas!!!

No vuelvas más, ya no te quiero ver.
He sufrido tanto por tu querer.
Mentirosa, mentirosa.
No vuelvas más, nunca más.
Hoy tiene dueña mi corazón.
No creo más en tu falso amor.
Mentirosa, mentirosa.
No vuelvas más aqu*, nunca más a mis brazos.

Ment*as cuando me dec*as
que yo era sólo para t*.
Ment*as cuando me dec*as
que sin mi amor no eras feliz.
Ment*as y te re*as
y te burlabas de mi gran amor.
Ment*as y yo te cre*a.
Me destrozaste el corazón, con tus mentiras.

Hoy tiene dueña mi corazón.
No creo más en tu falso amor.
Mentirosa, mentirosa.
No vuelvas más aqu*, nunca más a mis brazos.

Ment*as cuando me dec*as
que yo era sólo para t*.
Ment*as cuando me dec*as
que sin mi amor no eras feliz.
Ment*as y re*as
y te burlabas de mi gran amor.
Ment*as y yo te cre*a.
Me destrozaste el corazón, con tus mentiras
Alexandrina Hristov.. poate va suna cunoscut pt ca este din Moldova .. eu am descoperit-o de curand. picteaza si canta.
Alexandrina Hristov - Nimic nu e ca tine
Alexandrina Hristov - Fata merge pe jos
Alexandrina Hristov - De cand ai plecat
Alexandrina Hristov - Dans les fleurs
Alexandrina Hristov - Ionele draga (ma sarutai apoi muscai din inima mea ca dintr-un mar sucul'l storceai)

Are si o pag ""
Alanis Morissette - Sorry to myself

For hearing all my doubts so selectively and
For continuing my numbing love endlessly.
For helping you and myself: not even considering
For beating myself up and over functioning.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one's been crueller than I've been to me.

For letting you decide if I indeed was desirable
For myself love being so embarrassingly conditional.
And for denying myself to somehow make us compatible
And for trying to fit a rectangle into a ball.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one's been crueller than I've been to me.

I'm sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else.
I'm sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.

For blaming myself for your unhappiness
And for my impatience when I was perfect where I was.
Ignoring all the signs that I was not ready,
And expecting myself to be where you wanted me to be.

To whom do I owe the first apology?
No one's been crueller than I've been to me.

I'm sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else.
I'm sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.

Well, I wonder which crime is the biggest ?
Forgetting you or forgetting myself...
Had I heeded the wisdom of the latter,
I would've naturally loved the former.

For ignoring you: my highest voices.
For smiling when my strife was all too obvious.
For being so disassociated from my body,
And for not letting go when it would've been the kindest thing.

To whom do I owe the biggest apology?
No one's been crueler than I've been to me.

I'm sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else
I'm sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else.
I'm sorry to myself.
My apologies begin here before everybody else
I'm sorry to myself.
For treating me worse than I would anybody else
Lacuna Coil - Our Truth

PS: Nu bag si textul pentru ca in cazul cantecului dat eu nu prea atrag atentia si la versuri... :)