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New Member
Ian McCormack was a night diver on a small Island in the Indian Ocean called Mauritius. Just before he went back to New Zealand for his brother's wedding, he dove into a swarm of toxic box jellyfish. Not long after, he died.

Ian had a near death experience.

Today he travels the world with his story of the afterlife and resurrection.

Personal reaction:
I was impressed by Ian's story the first time I heard it. In fact, I had no idea that it was a story about what happens when you die. He is a very eloquent speaker, and I was never bored as I listened. I laughed, I cried, I was impressed to say the least. To me, it was good news. Yet, others may not see it as such. So many people are so deeply engulfed in their religion that when they hear something that contradicts what they have believed for a long time, they get really upset. This is part of the reason that I liked this story so much. He challenged my previous faith. His faith was certainly revised through his experience. I listened to this thing so much, that I almost have it memorized. I handed out hundreds of copies of a tape version I had. I know this story is valuable, but the cost got a bit high, so I began to taper down on my tape imposing and took to making a real audio web site. I've since studied other online stories of the afterlife. I would, by far, rank this one among the most reliable and most enjoyable.

If you don't have the time, please consider the broadband option of downloading and burning the cd version. Listen to it in your car, or wherever you may have a cd player. It may only take 15 minutes to download and burn, and you wouldn't even have to sit here the whole time.
“O frântură de eternitate” este incredibila poveste adevărată despre întâlnirea unui
om cu moartea şi cu tărâmul de dincolo de ea. După ce a fost înţepat de cinci viespi
de mare1
, în timp ce făcea scufundări pe coasta Insulelor Mauritius, Ian McCormack
a murit în spital şi a fost mort cam 15-20 de minute. În acest timp, el a trecut atât prin
iad cât şi prin cer şi s-a întors pentru a relata această experienţă! Moartea a constituit
poarta lui spre adevărata viaţă, iar povestea lui transformă vieţi în lumea întreagă,
pentru că se adresează unor întrebări dintre cele mai profunde, pe care până la urmă
ni le punem cu toţii.