Xpress-on->Wave Messaging for Nokia 3220.. SMS-uri pe aer


New Member
Wave Messaging FAQ said:
1. What does wave messaging really mean?

Wave messaging uses special embedded hardware to let you paint text or symbols in the air. You can select predefined text or symbols from the archive or you can create your own. When waving the phone in the air the 12 LEDs in the back cover flash your message.

2. What is the maximum distance for seeing the wave message?

The message can be seen clearly from approximately 6 meter's distance in normal daylight. The optimum environment for wave messaging is when no daylight is available.

3. How long can a wave message be?

Wave messages can consist of an image, text, or a combination of these. A message can be at maximum 90 pixels wide, which corresponds to a maximum of 15 Latin characters. Chinese language characters are also supported.

4. Can I change the color of my wave message?

No, it is not possible. The wave message is always displayed using the orange LEDs.

Dupa cum am intzeles tehnologia consta dintr-un giroscop(un sensor care detecteaza miscarile telefonului ei il numesc acceleration sensors) si din led-uri(luminitze :).. Si daca ochiul poate vede numai 24 de cadre pe secunda.. Daca misti telefonul de vre-o 12 ori/s.. Si luminitzele se aprind diferit.. iti apare si textul :) (aceasta este doar o presupunere, nu aruncati cu pietre daca ceva ;)

Primul telefon care va suporta tehnologia Xpress-on™ va fi Nokia 3220 care va fi lansat in a 3-lea simestru al anului la un pret de ~250$, dupa cum am inteles Xpress-on™ Fun Shell cover enhancement va fi vindut aparte de telefon.. Si pe acela va trebui de cheltui bani ;P Dar daca totul e asha cum este aratat pe imagini.. E super ;) La lectia de chimie dictezi forumula fluturind din mina in ultima banca ;o)

Hehe.. Asta e buna in primul rind la copchii.. Cred ca la oamenii mai maturi deamo nu e prea solid.. Da timpul trece ;P
