Replici celebre

"look, but don't touch, touch but don't taste, taste but don't swollow"

Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate
"But I, beeing poor... have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams."

- 28 days 6 hours 42 minutes 12 seconds... That is when the world will end...
- Why?

(Donnie Darko)
- Ion shi Morfik: MATRIX

shi cea mai celebra, cred eu:
I`ll be back Za TIRMINATOR
No me enseńaste como estar sin ti
Y que le digo yo a este corazón
Si tu te has ido y todo lo perdí
Por donde empiezo sí todo acabo
Como olvidarte si nunca aprendí :)))))) :ciupos:
Din "The Departed" - I don't wanna be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me. :cool:
snoopy;120894 said:
estoi embarasada! :ciupos:

:)) Haha
Este si o reclama nu mai stiu la ce cu prokoale dastea din telenovele.
Ceva de genul "-Tu nu te poti casatori cu el, pentru ca el este fratele tau! ; - Fratele meu???":D
Nicolae_Guta;152573 said:
:)) Haha
Este si o reclama nu mai stiu la ce cu prokoale dastea din telenovele.
Ceva de genul "-Tu nu te poti casatori cu el, pentru ca el este fratele tau! ; - Fratele meu???":D

Si eu ,care ma asteptam la vreun "viata mea" ori "sa moara dusmanii mei" de la tine :D
[LIZ (Spoken)]
(...) "So I took the shotgun off the wall
and I fired two warning shots...
...into his head."

[ANNIE (Spoken)]
(...) "So that
night, when he came home, I fixed him
his drink as usual.
You know, some guys just can't hold
their arsenic."

[JUNE (Spoken)]
(...) " "You been screwin' the milkman,"
he says. He was crazy
and he kept screamin',
"you been screwin the milkman."
And then he ran into my knife.
He ran into my knife ten times!"

(...) "I come back, open the door, and there's Veronica and
Charlie doing Number Seventeen the spread eagle.
Well, I was in such a state of shock,
I completely blacked out. I can't remember a thing.
It wasn't until later,
when I was washing the blood off my hands
I even knew they were dead."

(...) "I loved Al Lipschitz
more than I can possibly say.(...)He saw himself as alive
and I saw him dead."

aici am postat doar kteva dintre celebrele replici din Chicago..merita, pe bune, vazut filmul asta!