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m-am imbolnavit de Brainstorm


My body, My hand
My heaven, My land
My guardian angel is mine

You say…
My dreams, My head
My sex, My bed
And it's my Corona with lime

And then I say ..
Maybe we could divide it in two
Maybe my animals live in Your Zoo
Maybe I'm in love with You….

You say..
My hate, My frown
My kingdom, My crown
My palace and court is mine

You say..
My lights, My show
My years to grow
The time that I spend is fine

But then I say ..
Maybe we could divide it in two
Maybe my animals live in Your Zoo
Maybe I'm in love with You….

But You say…
My coat, My hat
My bones, My fat
My zipper is shut by me

You say..
My Skin, My blood
My devil, My God
My freedom is what You see

But still I say
Maybe we could divide it in two
Maybe my animals live in Your Zoo
Maybe I'm in love with You….

My begining, My end
My nuclear bomb to pretend…..


I'm reading your letters
I hope you are mine
You say that you're always fine,
But if you feel sad you can reach me online

I hope you are better,
I'll meet you at nine
You will say that you're always fine
But if you still feel sad you can reach me online

And you and you and you
Too many passwords, codes and gateways to reach you
And every time I search that's true, it's even easier to find U2 than the real U
W, W….too much trouble, I would say even double
And finally I can't understand it at all
I see the biggest screen without you on my wall

I'm reading your letters I hope you are mine
You say that you're always fine,
But if you feel sad you can reach me online

I hope you are better, I'll meet you at nine
You will say that you're always fine
But if you still feel sad you can reach me online

Will you come with me to that place
Where heaven meens the sea
We'll be standing face to face
No mobile phones, so free, so free, so free….

And you and you and you
What would you say if someone comes to you and asks "What is Your favourite dream?",
…and I would answer - "to see HER on my screen"
"All right", he would say, "then find a real password - a key to her heart,
Its not too simple, it's not too smart", and then
Your dream will be saved forever…

I'm reading your letters
I hope you are mine
You say that you're always fine,
But if you feel sad you can reach me online

I hope you are better,
I'll meet you at nine
You will say that you're always fine
But if you still feel sad you can reach me online
ei sunt destul de renumiti, la Maximum ii puneau foarte mult...multi i-au auzit, dar pur si simplu nu stiam ca ei sunt cine sunt :D
si-i super slab :) iaka imi plac baietii slabi...da' asta la alta tema.
au o discografie destul de bogata, multe realizari prin Europa si nu numai. sunt din 1989 :) pentru cointeresati

I've got to leave now
Leave this frozen and overcrowded town,
and catch the first train,
not knowing its destination.
I 'm gazing at people
each of them, those lifeless things,
as I travel through the
moody and rainy autumn night.

Metal grates on metal,
the shrilly scream of the
brakes wake me. People get down,
staring at me strangely,
I glare at them
and they hasten out,

I can feel vibrations running through my body
as the machine starts again...
All alone in the car,
the last station is near,
I find it empty,
I'm alone with the night.
Guided by the echoes
of melancholia,
I'm walking up the dimly lit path.

I'm swallowed by the cool
and obscure night,
the wild and cold surroundings
graze my skin.
Excited by my senses,
I run towards a glade.
Trees in the moonlight thow
bars upon the ground.

Above me, the full moon is shining
and I shoot a sharp look at it.
My eyes are crying,
how could I resist it?
My throat, freed from its lump,
utters a long howl.
It's been a long time since
I was no longer Human.

5. Pull The Plug

[music and lyrics - Shuldiner]

Memories is all that's left behind
As I lay and wait to die
Little do they know
That I hear their choise of life

End it now, it is the only way
Too cruel, that is what they say
Release me from this lonely world
There is no hope - Why don't you

Pull the plug
Let me pass away
Pull the plug
Don't want to life this way

Once I had full control of my life
I now behold a machine decides my fate
End it now it's all to late

What has now been days, it seems like years
To stay like this is what I fear
Life ends so fast, so take your chance
And make it last

End it now, it is the only way
Too cruel, that is what they say
Release me from this lonely world
There is no hope - Why don't you

Pull the plug
Let me pass away
Pull the plug
Don't want to life this way
Florin chilian - Iubi, cantecul lui tanase, si altele
e un folkist roman exceptional

Luna amara - ego nr.4, si altele

Franz Ferdinand - take me out
The killers - Somebody told me
Switchfoot - Meant to live
Finger Eleven - One Thing
U2 - Vertigo
The Chemical Brothers - Sunshine underground
Fatboy Slim - Song for shelter
Counting Crows - Colorblind
Coldplay - absolut tot recomand
Radiohead - Paranoid Android
7B - Molodye Vetra
Dashboard confessional - Vindicated(coloana sonora de la Spiderman)
Modest Mouse - Float On (mai ales videoclipul)
Blondie - Te-am iubit (hai ca glumesc :D )
The music - Take the long road and walk it, The people, Float, Freedom fighters, The truth is no words.
The proclaimers - I'm on my way, shrek1 soundtrack(e buna pentru o buna dispozitie matinala)

La multe din ele puteti vedea videoplipurile pe, dk aveti si o conexiune buna.

Trebuia ca acest topic sa aiba si un poll, cu intrebarea "In ce masura, dupa ce veti vedea recomandarile, veti cauta piesele respective?"...
Intro/From The Moldavian Ecclesiastic Throne

Sa stie ca el au muritu, si pre mormantu sau au arsu trei dzile si trei nopti
o lumina pre carele n'o apinsese nimenea. Dar moartea nu i'o luatu simtirea,
si cand neamu lui sufere, stramosu plange in mormantu sau. Plange caci nu sa poate
misca dandu iar la o parte povara grea a marmurii albe.
Dar odata si odata el va invinge prin prin puterea strasnica a durerii sale nemarginite!...

Intai-u sabia-i va rasari-s-au din groapa mare di otel, vestindu: "Razboiu cel mare"
care va da direptate neamulu rumanesc. Tineti minte cuvintele lui Stefan:
"ca Moldova n-o fostu a stramosilor mei, n-o fostu a mea si nu e a voastra
ci a urmasilor vostri in veacul vecilor...

Apoi insusi-va iesi in vederea dusmanilor ingroziti
calare, inarmatu, sagetand ucigator cu ochii sai
strasnici limpeziti de ceata mortii indelungate.
Oastea lui va fi el. Si sangele se va sui pan la coamele cailor
si poporul lui "sveti Stefan Cel Mare" va avea atunci
pretitudinea pace si fericire.
Iara el se va culca iarasi in mormantu lui di la Putna,
dormind cu direptii, subt stagul Tarii Modovei si a
Domnulu Dumnedzau!

God este o super trupa romaneasca de Black... doom.....
Type o Negative

My Girlfriend's Girlfriend

It's no secret we're close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together

In their '62 'vette
Sharing one cigarette
In a black light trance then
Go go dance
Go go trance

They keep me warm on cold nights
We must be quite a sight
In our meat triangle
All tangled

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too

Her and me an her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we don't care what people say
When walking hand in hand down Kings Highway
Two for one today

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl
.:: Verso Vreau ::.

Era o vreme-n care ne iubeam mai stii tu oare?
Si spunea-i zambind sub Soare ca nimic,nimic
Nu va putea schimba ceva,nimic din lumea rea
Dar nu a fost nu a fost asa

Ma gandeeesc,ma gandesc numai la tine... la tineeee

Refren:Vreau sa te simt aproape
Sa fugim departe
Ocrotiti de noapte
Siii vreau sa fim doar noi doi
Impreuna vom invinge timpul care-a stat intre noi

Tu te-ai schimbat acuma,nu poti sa crezi ce spun
Incerc sa ti-amintesc ca nimic nimic
Nu va putea schimba ceva,nimic din vina mea
Tot ce sper e sa fii din nou a mea

Ma gandeeesc,ma gandesc numai la tine ... la tineeee

Refren: ............

Refren: ............

Nice To Eat You

It was sudden as a flash
As we looked eye to eye
In that moment time had no role
The lust in your sight I felt
...Lust for corporal touches
Violence and tender of sexual love
No style was strange for you
But I am not so fucking sure
We want the same thing to do
...As we scrutinize each other
I wipe my saliva-streams
From my hungry mouth in clandestine
As you turn your face away from me
But our love glowing up
...Will take different way
Nice to meet you, nice to kiss you
Nice to lick you, nice to fuck you
Strangled you've a surprise in your eyes
It doesn't matter we fall in love
Love is so close to epicureanism
And my passions are the proof
...So damn apparent
Each piece of your tragic body
Will have place in my evening menu
Be this grilled, be that fried
Searchiing for in recipe book
...Chinese. Greek or Japanese?
It will be so nice
To spend the time with you
The best thing is just coming now
What a shame you can't taste
Wish me please good appetite
Nice to meet you
Nice to eat you, nice to puke you
Nice to shit you, nice to eat you
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[Originally performed by Root]

Každou noc ve dvanáct
hroby se otvírají
mrtvoly vylezou
klouby si narovnají

Jen já tam s nimi býval
u hrobky jsem stál
a poslouchal jak hrají

Hrají ho kostlivci
jen bílý zuby svítí
a mrtvoly tancují
hroby se propadají!
Candleass - Darkness Paradise
I’m standing here in silence
This graceful place of peace
Watching the shadows come closer
The birds they sing no longer
The winds they blow no more
With fear of death
I’m waiting for the night to fall

The sun will set forever
One after one the stars they die
The rainbow has turned to black
Darkness has fallen in paradise

Love is lost in memories
All beauty and all light
Have vanished from the
Garden of delight
The Devil and his gift
The heart he stole away
But innocence was lost long ago

The morning will come no more
Our dreams are all gone
Midnight has come to stay
Darkness has fallen in paradise

Oh father please forgive us
Forgive us all our sins
Please bring your light
Again to lead our way
But my prayers are not answered
They fade out to die
And so does the last gleam of hope

The morning will come no more
Our dreams are all gone
Midnight has come to stay
Darkness has fallen in paradise

I know my death is near
Far beyond my dreams
My fate is waiting
To show me the light... I believe
"Blacken The Angel" (1998)

Tristetea Vehementa (Part 1)

Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala
Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind
Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare
Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare

My ruined world 's denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions...
Immortality: Now be mine!
My ruined dreams - remains of tortured years
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?

Words of sorrow...
sail, travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility...
fail, dancing on my wounded lips

I'm dying mostly alone
Within life's thin disguise
And I can't tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized

The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost it's brilliance
My words become so trivial...
Loosing all desire,
Loosing all,
but pride.

Cu vehementa miniei tristetea
Difuza se strecoara
Ca un ghimpe de-otrava
al florii vietii vestejite

"Moartea succede vietii,
viata succede la moarte
Alt sens u-are lumea asta,
n-are akt slop si-alta soarta!"

...Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp...
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala

"Te vad,
Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei"

...Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna:
"Dispari cit mai curind!"
...Caci visu-mi nu-i un dis pamintesc

My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul's already tired of search
My ruined dreams - Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
for whom?
But who's to know?
Led Zepplelin
(Jimmy Page / Robert Plant)

This's a song of hope...
There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
An' when she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.

Ooh~ooh~ooh ooh~ooh~ooh~ooh~ooh.
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird that sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

An' I think you can see that.

And it makes me wonder, sure does.
Oh hoh-hoh, hoh~ooh-oh~ooh~oh~ooh yes sir.

There's a feelin' I get
When I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking.

Ah-hah. Ah-hah.
Ah-hah. Ah-hah. Ahhh~ahh~oh~ooh~oh~ooh

And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
A-then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

Does anybody remember laughter?

Baby, oh yes!
Just give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.

Sure does, sure does.
But I got some good news, listen...

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by,
But in the long run
And there's still time to change the road you're on. I hope so.

Ooh. Ahh baby make ya,
don't it make ya,
don't it make ya,
don't it make ya,
don't it make ya.
A-wait a minute, a-wait a minute.

Your head is hummin' and it won't go
In case ya don't know,
The piper's callin' you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whisperin' wind?


And as we wind on down the road
Our shadow's taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all kno__w
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold yeah
And if-a you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all is one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll, not to roll.
Don't make me roll.

An' she's buying a stairway to heaven.

incubus -- wish you were here

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy.. happy

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here

I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy
With holes punched in it
I'M counting UFOs
I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy.. happy

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
Wish you were here

The world's a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying:

I wish you were here
I wish you were

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
Wish you were here

p.s. asta ii happy song for happy moments...
at lest mie imi ridika dispozitsia, deshi la versuri s putea de lukrat mai mult..