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eu iaka numai citind cuvintele de la Beatles mi-am ridicat putin dispozitia... totusi ei is cei mai ciotcoshi :roll:
Ambeon - Sweet Little brother

can’t exactly remember what’s happened
I think I came home late
he stood in the doorway, waiting for me
I saw how he was holding a big sharp knife
pointing at me
I got scared and asked ‘What’s wrong, what are you doing boy, are you mad?’

but no answer at all, he just came closer and closer
no sense at all, he just came closer and closer
I began to run, but he came closer and closer
I ran for my life

he was so much faster than me
he caught me by the lake, I fell
I was so confused, I could hear my gasping breath
still he was moving closer, holding his knife
I must have taken it
and then killed him
‘cos he lied too still, open wounds bleeding
grass and water turned red

oh boy, what have I done, he was my sweet little brother
oh boy, how come, I killed my sweet little brother
oh God, look at him, look at his guilty, lifeless body
I killed my sweet little brother

I never heard his voice
until I watched him die
now voices chase me
including his
no, they’re all his
Pasarea Colibri

Daca ai ghici

R:Dacă ai ghici
Tot ce-ţi pot dori
Eu ti-aş prinde în păr
Cunună de sori
Stropită cu flori
Încearcă să zâmbeşti
Făr' să te-amăgeşti
Şi să îţi doreşti un lucru
Un lucru uşor
Fiindcă-i trecător.
1. Dacă iei un strop de ploaie
În palmă ai să vezi
Că nu-i atât de greu să speri
Fur-o rază de lumină
Încearcă-n ea să crezi
Şi ridică-ţi privirea spre cer.

2.Ia un strop de fericire
Dintr-un colţ de cer
Ochii oglindeşte-i în el
Ia un fluture din soare
Puneţi-l în păr
Lângă o cunună de măr.
La un ceai
Victor Socaciu

1.Mi-e dor să mai merg la un ceai, la un ceai
Să fiu liceanul bălai
Să n-am decât bani de tramvai, de tramvai
Mi-e dor să mai merg la un ceai.
2.Să fiu iarăşi puştiul rebel
Fumând un chiştoc de camel
Să învăţ dar mai mult fără zel
Să fiu iarăşi puştiul rebel.

3.Mi-e dor de începutul de an
Mi-e dor să mai fiu licean
Să baţi mingea iar pe maidan
Mi-e dor de începutul de an.

4.Mi-e dor de-un "je t'aime, moi non plus"
Să fim pe pământ eu şi tu
Nicicând să nu ne spunem vreun "Nu"
Dar sunt un "je t'aime, moi non plus".
Oameni de zapada
Victor Socaciu

1.Ninge fără milă cu vinovăţie
Ca o inculpare, ca un martor mut
Ninge ca o nuntă, ninge şi sfâşie
Se fărâmiţează ultimul salut
Vai de noi, femeie, ninge-a despărţire
Vom pleca departe unde avem de mers
Ninge să despartă gheaţă şi iubire
Oarbe felinare trec spre univers..

R: Ninge sfânt şi păgân
Numai ochii mai rămân
Despărţirea s-o mai vadă
Că în rest, noi ne-am stins
Şi-am ajuns de-atâta nins
Nişte oameni de zăpadă.

2.Ninge peste buze, ninge peste pleoape
Ninge peste îngeri ninge peste văi
Ninge peste clopot ninge peste ape
Ninge incredibil peste ochii tăi.

3.Ninge ca-n Esenin şi-n poema rusă
Ninge fantomatic şi bacovian
Ninge că sunt rece, ninge că eşti dusă
Ninge ca la moartea ultimului an.
Fade to Black

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now He's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it to late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye
Iris & Uriah Heep
Lady in black

Era-ntr-o dimineata,
O alba dimineata,
A aparut, cu parul ei,
In vantul iernii, nins.
Eu n-am stiut de unde
Si cum de m-a gasit,
In noaptea gandurilor sumbre
In mine-a rasarit

She asked my name my foe then,
I said the need within some men,
To fight and kill their brothers,
Without thought of love or God.
And I begged her give me horses,
To trample down my enemies,
So eager was this passion
To devour this waste of life.

Ah ah ah

But she would not think of battle that
Reduces men to animals,
So easy to begin
And impossible to end.

Priveste lumea cu ochi vii,
Din dragoste ai sa re-nvii,
S-a-ntors din viata si-a plecat
Lasand un gand curat.

Ah ah ah

Era-ntr-o dimineata,
O alba dimineata,
A aparut, cu parul ei,
In vantul iernii, nins.

And I know not how she found me,
For in darkness I was walking
And destruction lay around me,
From a fight I could not win.

Ah ah ah
Nu pot sa cred

As vrea sa-i am, sa simt din nou
Anii pe care i-am avut
Intr-un minut vreau sa traiesc
Cat toata viata in zadar !
Iar cand ma uit in urma mea
Imagini valuite apar
Siluete fara de contur
Sunt umbra unui vis neclar !
Ce am mai bun in mine
Nu stiu ce-a mai ramas
Ce am eu de la tine?
Un gand de bun ramas!
Da, de mult de tot a disparut
Un vis in care eu credeam
S-a prabusit, s-a destramat
Ma doare viata mea...
Iar cand ma uit in urma mea
Imagini valurite imi apar
Intr-un minut vreau sa traiesc
Cat toata viata in zadar !

Nu pot sa cred ca simplu te-ai schimbat
Nu pot sa uit ce-a fost adevarat.
Nu pot sa cred ce simplu ai uitat
Nu pot sa uit ce-a fost adevarat.
:tu_mori: SOULFLY - BUMBKLAATT :tu_mori:

Grow tha fuc-k up you waste
Can't you see what it takes
To be a real man
Talking shi-t all your life
No integrity or pride
Fuc-king mind full of lies

You fake
You waste
You bumbklaatt...

Now I know why
I turn my back on your life
And watch your envy arise
Now it's been so long
Yeah, you still won't grow up
And you never belong

You fake
You waste
You bumbklaatt...
You piece of shi-t
You bumbklaatt

So fuc-k you and your friends
I got time for revenge
And you ain't got tomorrow
So fuc-k you and your friends
Cause they still are the same
And your bullshi-t remains...

You fake
You waste
You bumbklaatt...
You fuc-king piece of sh-it


Chaos A.D.
Tanks on the streets
Confronting police
Bleeding the Plebs
Raging crowd
Burning cars
Bloodshed starts
Who'll be alive?!

Chaos A.D.
Army in siege
Total alarm
I'm sick of this
Inside the state
War is created
No man's land
What is this shit?!


Chaos A.D.
Disorder unleashed
Starting to burn
Starting to lynch
Silence means death
Stand on your feet
Inner fear
Your worst enemy


2. Territory

Unknown man
Speaks to the world
Sucking your trust
A trap in every world

War for territory
War for territory

Choice control
Behind propaganda
Poor information
To manage your anger

War for territory
War for territory

Dictators' speech
Blasting off your life
Rule to kill the urge
Dumb assholes' speech

Years of fighting
Teaching my son
To believe in that man
Racist human being
Racist ground will live
Shame and regret
Of the pride
You've once possessed

War for territory
War for territory
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Album : Soft & Stronger


Metal will never die, we promise you
Metal is the law, the only for me and you
Be my brother; let us sing this fighting song
We fight for metal; metal is our holy alliance
Nobody can beat us
Together we are strong!
We are brothers of metal; we will have never gone!
Darkness all around us, I hear the wolves howl
But they'll never get us!
We still stand as one!
We are kings, without a kingdom.
We have the might, to conquest the world!
This song is forever; it will always guide you!
If you're alone, listen to this song of metal!
I'm always be there for you
Don't lose your courage
We fight to stayin' alive; I'm always with you!

p.s. asta ei o facut asa un imn a heavy metalului :D
Океан Эльзы


Якби не було,
Якби не дуло
В твоє вікно.
З ким би не йшла до сну,
В тобі я втоплю свою весну.

Все одно,
Хто б не лишився
З тобою сховатися
Від дощу.
Або лишив одну,
В тобі я знайду свою весну.

Як же так,
Як же так я один не засну,
В тобі я втоплю свою весну.
Як же так,
Як же так я один не засну,
В тобі я втоплю свою весну.

Якби не було,
Як не боліла б
Твоя любов.
З ким не вела війну,
В тобі я втоплю свою весну.

Якби не було
Тобі десь опівночі
Сам на сам.
Знай, все одно знайду,
I тебе - вип'ю свою весну.


cine cunoaste ucraineana (CODRIN? :) ) sa ma cam bajbii textul, dar nu complet, dar in general as vrea sa fiu ajutata cu mai multe texte de-a Океан Эльзы.
K's Choice "Butterflies instead"... eu mai nu bocesc cand il aud... is tare super versurile... acelasi lucru l-as putea spune de cantecul "20000 seconds"... in general, ador K's Choice...

iaka shi versurile :)

"Butterflies Instead"

I lock the door and lock my head
And dream of butterflies instead

The beauty of their colored wings
The trees, the grass and pretty things
Imagination fills the void of my existence

Daddy says "I love you girl, it's not your fault
Your mom and me don't get along"
I know he's lying, I know there's no such thing as
Inexplicable I hear, forget, this world in bed
And suddenly the sun comes up
That's when my pets all come alive
They cheer me up and tell me

Everything's alright
Stuffed animals are always right

My favorite song, my favorite show
I wonder if they even know
Or if they care or if they even notice
I am standing there
I want my pets to come alive
And cheer me up and tell me

Everything's alright
Stuffed animals are always right
Everything's alright
Stuffed animals are always right

My eyes all red, the baby's wet
And someone has to get that phone
I want my pets to come alive and
Cheer me up and tell me


I lock the door and lock my head
And dream of butterflies instead

"20.000 seconds"

20,000 seconds since you've left and I'm still counting
And 20,000 reasons to get up, get something done
But I'm still waiting
Is someone kind enough to
Pick me up and give me food, as.sure me that the world is good
But you should be here, you should be here

How colors can change and even the texture of the rain
And what's that ugly little stain on the bathroom floor
I'd rather not deal with that right now
I'd rather be floating in space somewhere or
Worry about the ozone layer

And it's almost like a corny movie scene
But I'm out of frame and the lighting's bad
And the music has no theme
And we're all so strong when nothing's wrong
And the world is at our feet
But how small we are when our love is far away
And all you need is you
2 piese super de Madonna, de pe Bedtime Stories...iata cum pe este descris acest album: Soothing, Elegant, Sophisticated, Stylish, Detached, Poignant, Sexy, Reflective ... si eu sunt de acord

Love Tried To Welcome Me
written by Madonna and Dave Hall

These are my hands, but what can they give me?
These are my eyes, but they cannot see
These are my arms, but they don't know tenderness
And I must confess that I am usually drawn to sadness
And loneliness has never been a stranger to me, but


Love tried to welcome me
But my soul drew back
Guilty of lust and sin
Love tried to take me in

These are my lips, but they whisper sorrow
This is my voice, but it's telling lies
I know how to laugh, but I don't know happiness
And I must confess, instead of spring, it's always winter
And my heart has always been a lonely hunter, but still


Love tried to welcome me
But my soul drew back
I was covered with dust and sin
Love tried to take me in

Love tried to break me

And I must confess, instead of spring, it's always winter
And my heart has always been a lonely hunter, but still

se repeta refrenurile

written by Madonna, Dallas Austin, Anne Preven, Scott Cutler, Herbie Hancock

Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice
Him or her I shall follow

Who needs the sun, when the rain's so full of life
Who needs the sky
It's here in your arms I want to be buried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs the sun, when the rain's so full of life
Who needs the sky, when the ground's open wide
It's here in your arms I want to be buried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs a smile, when a tear's so full of love
Who needs a home, with the stars up above
It's here in your heart I want to be carried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs the light, with the darkness in your eyes
Who needs to sleep, with the stars in the sky
It's here in your soul I want to be married
You are my sanctuary

And the earth was void and empty
And darkness was upon the face of the earth

Is all of this pain so necessary
You are my sanctuary

Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice
Him or her I shall follow
As the water follows the moon, silently

Who needs the sun [with fluid steps]
Who needs the sky [around the globe]
Who needs to sleep [I hear your voice]
You are [you are] my sanctuary
You are [you are, you are]
You are [you are] my sanctuary
:evil: Roots Bloody Roots :evil:

:rocknrol: :rocknrol: :rocknrol: :rocknrol:

Believe in our fate
We don't need to fake
It's all we wanna be
Watch me freeeaaak !!

I say
We're growing every day
Getting stronger in every way
I'll take you to a place
Where we shall find our
:te tai:
Roots Bloody Roots
Roots Bloody Roots
Roots Bloody Roots
Roots Bloody Roots

Bring me the strength
Is breeding me this way
To get to another day
and all I want to see
Set us free

Can't you see
Can't you feel
This is real
Ahhh :uraaaa:

I pray
We don't need to change
Our ways to be saved
That all we wanna be
Watch us freak
Maria Dragan
Vai sărmana turturică

Vai sărmana turturică
Zboară, zboară, până pică
Unde vede o apă bună
Ea zboară ca o nebună

Unde vede o apă rea
Ea o tulbură şi-o bea
În salcâmul lui Onică
Sunt doi pui de turturică

Unul zboară şi se duce
Altul rămâne şi plânge
Altul rămâne şi plânge
Inimioara ţi se frânge

Nu mai plânge frăţioare
Că ţi-or creşte aripioare
Aripioare de argint
Şi-ai să zbori pe sub pământ
Ai să zbori pe sub pământ
Drept la maica la mormânt

Behind Blue Eyes
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be faded to telling only lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscious seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like I do, and I blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain woe
Can show through

Discover l.i.m.p. Say it (x4)
No one knows what its like
To be mistreated, to be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one know how to say
That they're sorry and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man, to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.


Eat You Alive
Hey you
Miss I don't know what the fuck your name is

I'm drawn to you, something's magnetic here
If I could approach you
Or even get close to the scent that you left behind
I'd be fine
No doubt that
You bring out the animal inside

I'd eat you alive
I'd eat you alive
I'd eat you alive
I'd eat you alive
Hey you
Miss too good to look my way and that's cool
You want nothing at all to do with me
But I want you, ain't nothing wrong with wanting you
' cause I'm a man and I can think what the hell I want
You got that straight
No doubt that
I'd love to sniff on them panties now

I'm sorry, so sorry (damn you're so hot)
Your beauty is so vain (damn you're so hot)
It drives me, yes it drives me (damn you're so hot)
Absolutely insane
I just wanna look at you, I just wanna look at you
I just wanna look at you all day
There ain't nothing wrong, no
There ain't nothing with that
Once you seep in under my skin
There's nothing, there's nothing in this world
That could wash you away
Once you seep in under my skin
There's nothing, there's nothing in this world
That could wash you away
I'm sorry, so sorry (damn you're so hot)
Your beauty is so vain (damn you're so hot)
It drives me, yes it drives me (damn you're so hot)
Absolutely insane
Sting isi are faima sa, recomandat cred ca nu mai trebuie, dar totusi, daca n-ati ascultat acest cantec...corectati.

A thousand years din albumul "Brand new day"
A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point, this single flame,
The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me
Nailbomb - Religious cancer

So blind if you pray
Lost another day
Get off your knees
Do something for yourself

It'll teach you nothing
About the world today
Take the belief and throw it away

Throw it away
Throw it away / Destroy it all
Throw it away

The church and all it's glory
Is draining all your money
No Gods, no masters
Religious cancer

Throw it away
Throw it away / Destroy it all
Throw it away

CREED - One Last Breath

Please come now I think I’m falling
I’m holding on to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I’m trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I’m down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say

Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain’t so far down

I’m looking down now that it’s over
Reflecting on all of my mistakes
I thought I found the road to somewhere
Somewhere in His grace
I cried out heaven save me
But I’m down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say

Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain’t so far down

Sad eyes follow me
But I still believe there’s something left for me
So please come stay with me
‘Cause I still believe there’s something left for you and me
For you and me
For you and me

Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking