Cat eram in liceu am organizat de doua ori (adica clasa mea o organizat :smile: Mi-ar fi interesant doar din perspectiva asa, mai senzuala... :grin:


eu am fost doar la una, cea de-a doua din motive tehnice tot am scapat-o :smile:

la prima evident au venit mai totsi din promotsia noastra, dar a fost destul de patetic. cu exceptia unui moment cind ion vasilica (poate il shtitsi) a ieshit pe scena shi a zis ca liceul seamana cu o sauna, unde ii cald shi de lemn, iar locul unde ajunsese (USM) ii ca o trezvilka :smile:. Fatza lu E.G. a fost foarte nesenina dupa asta :smile:

profesorii au lipsit aproape cu desavirshire de la acest "eveniment", iar "sarbatoarea" a fost organizata destul de patetic :smile:

oricum a fost motiv bun de a ma intilni cu colegii. acuma nu shtiu cine s-a mai dus. probabil vreo 5 oameni in cruce.

anyway, cam atyta.
eu de cite ori am intrat in liceul cela lately ap vedeam fseakie oameni crutie/blatnie cu mobile/etc shi ma gindeam ca degraba chestia asta de pe Banulesc-Bodoni o sa se transforme in ceva iritabil.

iaka numa shi mi s-a relatat ca intilnirea cu absolventii s-a aminat de citeva ori de pe 14 februarie incoa din cauza lu Gryu, care cica nu vrea sa o organizeze din cauza grevei... [CENZURAT] mlia
bai eu nu inteleg ce incurca greva la organizarea unei intalniri cu absolventii...parca s-ar aduna acolo pe cateva zile la chilit
intilnirea cu absolventii, in majoritatea absoluta a cazurilor, s-a terminat anume cu cuvintul folosit de tine - chileala :grin: (mare priciom)

cit despre logica directoarei - iaka nu shtiu, dar nu ma mai mira deja demult.
patzani, daca tot apare aceasta idee de a face vebsait, nu mai ghine de facut Eliade Alumni website? Ar fi mai constructiv.
am uitat sa zic, ca sa fie clar ce propun eu, sugerez sa va uitatzi la pagina AUBG Alumni Association. Cam asa ceva pentru Eliade alumni desigur cu mai putzine aspecte dar cu forum, boards, news, directory, search, etc.

Ce zicetzi?


xexe eu in genere is departe de web design sau programare. Ash putea da sheva input(depinde cat de serios si catsi se apuca de asta) la support si la PR/Marketing/ etc.


cred ca ar merge si asa varianta.
doritori sa ajute se vor gasi, fitzi pe pace...
cit despre E.G., apu` aishi ii mai greu, 'cause ea inshearka sa fie/ sa para cit mai fine, cred ca toate interdictiile si schimbarile("sauna", usha, ciuvashii blatnii etc) duc la degradarea liceului, dau cel putin a ceea ce-a mai ramas din el...
ai dreptate, si totusi, chiar sunt oameni de incredere care pot sa faca.(cornel margine, dan braghis etc. cit si supplier-i de info -> citi vrei)
TRiX, eu parca vag imi amintesc cine e Cornel Margine si deloc nu stiu cine e Dan. Pontul totusi e ca ideia mea era de un alumni site ca pentru site-ul liceului eu nu ash vre tare sa ma rup.



da da-o-n !@#$ pe miron, e shi se crede buricu` pamintului?

in fine, o sa specificam clar si cu litere de-o schioapa ca site-ul e facut de elevi (actuali/fosti) miron n-are nici o legatura cu asta :smile:

Trix, te rog fara cuvintele astea pe viitor,

<font size=-1>[ Acest mesaj a fost editat de: ciofu pe 05-03-2002 17:27 ]</font>
imi place cum gindeshti :smile:
numai ca in asa conditii(cind iaca shi-s de multi suporteri :smile:)...departe n-o sa ajungem

Ciofu: ia las-o mai moale(sau ce esti admirator a lu` miron? :smile:)

Eu mentin aici ordine, da nu apar pe nimeni. Ai grija ce scrii,

<font size=-1>[ Acest mesaj a fost editat de: ciofu pe 06-03-2002 17:42 ]</font>
Wednesday, 6 March 2002

06.03.2002 15:41:43

Three police investigators questioned Wednesday teachers and students at the Mircea Eliade Lycee in Chisinau in connection with their participation in the anti-communist protests.
The officers told lycee director Elvira Grau to ask two students and a teacher into a classroom. Two investigators locked up the classroom in order to prevent the press from covering the questioning. Although many journalists saw the officers unlocking the door, the police said the door was not locked and refused to make any statements regarding the investigation.

Nicolae Lache, the teacher who assisted the two students, said the officers asked information regarding the participation of students and teachers from the lycee in the protests. Lache said the two investigators did not introduce themselves and the students refused to sign the reports on questioning.

The third investigator questioned the director and the chairman of the strike committee of the lycee. The two also refused to sign the reports.

Grau told journalists that she was summoned to show up at the Prosecutor-General's Office on February 28, but she refused to come to the court.

Also on Wednesday, a group of investigators from the Riscani Sector police station visited the Ion Creanga Lycee. The director of the lycee, Valentin Guzgan, told BASA that the police told him to ask several students into a classroom for questioning. Guzgan refused to comply with the order, saying "I don't have the power from the parents of these students to do so."

On Wednesday, the Gheorghe Asachi lycee organized a "silent protest" in front of the school building. The protest was held by a strike committee of parents against "teachers and students being intimidated by prosecutors."

A member of parents' strike committee, Anatolie Caraman, asked the teachers not to sign any statement for police, but to call in parents in case of questioning. The students kept ten minutes of silence and then headed to the central square to join the protests.

end item***ok

2002 BASA-press, All rights reserved

frumos, frumos, frumos...
vino, da` nu pre ai sa ai ce vedea.
cu toate ca eram la liceu(la lectii:)), am aflat abia dupa ce au plecat - totu` s-a tinut in secret...
da` daca aflam cind veneau era sa-i intimpinam cum trebuie: cu suieraturi si cu...ei, ceva care nu-i place lui Ciofu :smile:
(adica nishte trimiteri in origini)

in fine, s-a terminat cu bine (la moment)