Etc, samd - baga totul aici...

Otilia;204395 said:
m-am bagat in donare de singe si miine vor sa scoata din corpul meu firav 0.5 l de singe, fuck my life, nu mai vreau !!
E foarte bine pentru organism sa ti se extraga singe. In Evul Mediu anume asta era unica metoda de tratament corecta a femeilor isterice. Altele, ca arsul pe rug sau inecatul in Sena, nu erau la fel de umanitare. :)
vai ce informatie cind ma gindesc ca mi-au refuzat umilul ajutor din cauza tensiunii scazute :batrin:

Daca scriai mai devreme, faceam si eu o criza de isterie akolo si-mi luau. damn.
Kara;204745 said:
Donând singe, salvezi vieti :) (cantitatea e irelevanta, organismul o re-produce in timp scurt).

da normal, insa conditiile in care il donezi tot conteaza . Kara da folosind singele colectat de la altii nu exista risucl sa-l infectezi pe pacient cu vreo boala ? iaca nie ni-i intersant cazu, de exemplu unu o avut un contact sexual neprotejat de ocazie cu una/unu (si sa spunem ca s-o infectat) , peste 2-3 zile doneaza singe. Singele este pus acolo oarecarei testari, nu? da dupa 2-3 zile de la infectare nu poate fi depistat virusul. exista sanse ca pacientu(celui caruia ii va fi facuta transfuzia de singe) sa fie infectat cu hiv din acest singe sau nu ? sau virusul moare daca sta ceva timp in singele colectat?
virusul nu moare..orice singe care urmeaza a fi transfuzat se testeaza la hiv si hepatita, prin metode mult mai sofisticate decat cele din trecut.
Probabilitatea de infectare a recipientului cu Hepatita B in cadrul transfuziei e de 1:500.000, cu HIV sau Hepatita C 1 la 15 milioane.
In cazul donarii, nu am auzit.. totul decurge astazi steril, cu sisteme de unica folosinta.

Singele trebuie de tii doar pentru tine, face acelasi sens ca si luatul organelor in sicriu sa putrezeasca..organe care ar salva vieti..
Kara sa nu uitam ca mai exista si nechibzuinta medicilor care te pot infecta cit ai clipi din ochi.Doar cite cazuri exista cu infectarea pacientilor de HIV,Hepatita B si presupun ca vor mai avia loc astfel de cazuri.Referitor la organe sunt de acord cu tine suta la suta.
poftim Kara:

In Canada one of the loudest proceedings has begun. For infection of a HIV-infection and hepatites C more than 20 thousand person judge the ex-chapter of committee of the Red Cross to Physiognomy Roje Perro«. The doctor expects to prove the innocence, but in an opportunity of it its lawyers do not trust even.

Mass infection with fatally dangerous illnesses occurred in Canada during almost ten years (from the beginning 1980 on the middle of 1990 th years). In total because of a negligence of doctors of the Canadian committee of the Red Cross have suffered more than 20 thousand person: about thousand have been infected by a HIV-infection, about 20 thousand - hepatites C. Only till 1997 from the infected plasma has died more than 3 thousand patients.

As informs Canadian Press, all weight of fault for an event is assigned to the 68-years doctor to Physiognomy Roje Perro«. Against it four charges in the criminal negligence which has entailed destruction of people, and also charge in creation of threat of public safety are put forward. The doctor denies the fault, approving, that actions of physicians under control to it were not deliberate and they speak bad preparation of medical staff. " I could not supervise personally work of thousand workers of the Red Cross ", - the defendant is indignant

Nevertheless even lawyers Roje Perro are not assured, that they will manage to defend the client. On conditions of anonymity one of them has informed, that fault of its client is obvious. " I think, that process above Roje Perro will be prolonged about one year. Most likely, it will be sentenced to lifelong imprisonment ", - the lawyer considers.

unica problema e ca sursa este in limba rusa !
Arina;205258 said:
apoi sa stii ca eu lui i-am recomandat-o pe nothomb :D
da' codrinash nu numai ca-i destept, dar si-i frumos, si bun la suflet, si interesant si tot ce poate fi mai bun...i-a fost dat :D
fuck, i love him :D

oho... exact ca la matrimoniale, doar de bine zici :D
romeo, spekuleatzii
...oricum ma refeream la medici, nu la jite
a fost un prieten f bun deal meu...zicea ca la iesire din stadion tziganii faceau "business" cu postere avec DM, si rosteau intruna cu un accent specific: "luytzi, frytzylor dypesh mod, luytzi!
dixy, tati ponturile shi linkurile tale asha-s de lame... floodeshti numa aiurea, shi posturile tale tot is trantite ca nuca de perete... saturat populatzia deja
da nie ini palshi si scrie dixy, nu vad nimic rau... de cind scrie el pe forum, forumul pare mai treaz´nu vad nis un spam neeka, khama tzi-i somn cumva?