Ultimul film vazut

Am vazut saptamina asta mai multe filme -
Die Hard 4 - eram cam sceptic dar mi-a placut
Surf-on - animatie - pinguinii sunt la moda !!!
The pursuit of happyness - mi-a placut dar ma asteptam la mai mult de la filmul acesta...

PS: de ce pe torrents inregistrarea e inchisa? pot sa ma folosesc de alt account?

AM o mica doleanta si eu...

Am intrat pe aici in speranta sa gasesc ceva analize de filme.. sau macar scurte descrieri.. ca sa ma pot orienta in marea de filme de pe torrents.. si in loc ce gasesc e ... "sunt dezamagit" sau "eram sceptic dar mia placut" din pacate asa gen de info nu ma prea ajuta in selectie...

Se poate ceva mai detaliat... macar genu filmelor specificati si voi... ar fi mult mai util... multumesc.

Eri am vazut "The five people you will meet in heaven" - o drama creativa pe tema sensului vietii omului si a paradisului... recomand... are lucruri care te pun pe ginduri...
Surf's On,
o comedie in desen animat 3d despre un pinguin care-shi urmeaza idolul shi participa intr-o competitzie de surfing... ma prapadeam de ras, e facut ca un fel de reality-show... super fain!
khama;193195 said:
Surf's On,
o comedie in desen animat 3d despre un pinguin care-shi urmeaza idolul shi participa intr-o competitzie de surfing... ma prapadeam de ras, e facut ca un fel de reality-show... super fain!
L-am vazut si eu ieri, si chiar e super amuzant... E "Surf's Up" apropo... :)

Azi, am vazut "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - geeeez, cat am ras! Erau superbi mai ales omuletii aia mici care tot cantau dupa fiecare "incident". Johnyy Depp, de asemenea, amazing as always.
The Prestige - mi-a placut filmul. desi cam mult SF acolo, mi-a placut relatia distructiva dintre cei doi (de fapt trei...) si imi place actorul... nu imi amintesc cum il cheama in film, ala care intra in inchisoare.

California Dreamin - filmul romanesc al lui nemescu. super film. m-am distrat copios. iar soladtul american ii tare frumos :)
adrenalina;193411 said:
si imi place actorul... nu imi amintesc cum il cheama in film, ala care intra in inchisoare.
Christian Bale e actorul... IMHO, unul dintre cei mai buni actori de la Hollywood la momentul dat... :)
mie mi-a placut de el in filmul The Machinist. si nici macar nu era frumos acolo, ca era rahitic tare.

dar apropo de filmul romanesc, il recomand calduros.
Mie imi plac filmele cu Russell Crowe, in special "Gladiator" si "A good year". Tipul e genial. Si ma bucur tare ca nu e american, dar e din New Zeeland...
"A good year"- comedie romantica, ale carei actiuni au loc in Provence, Franta... Merita, e tare haios.
Surf's Up! super super super!!!



Witness Time (if necessary), a film mercifully unencumbered by legitimate notions of taste, intelligence, or legitimacy. Ji-woo (Ha Jung-woo) has a jealous girlfriend (Park Ji-Yeon) spitting insults at whatever woman’s around, and, failing that, at Ji-woo himself; needless to say, he can only get it up when she tells him to think of someone else. At which point, she decides to become someone else (Seong Hyeon-a, to be exact) without telling him, and undergoes plastic surgery while he sleeps around with a number of the many beautiful girls date-raping him wherever he goes; but while she wants to preserve the relationship by changing herself, when she emerges six months later, it turns out that he hasn’t changed at all, that he’s still in love with the old girl she used to be.

At which point there’s still 40 minutes left, so what the hell, he decides to get the plastic surgery while she waits around for six months (after all the whole movie’s based on doubling, why not), since, after all, they have nothing better to do but change identities anyway; there is—with the exception of a few party scenes of drunken bros yelling with genuine curiosity, “Who wants to fuck these girls?” —almost no hint of the other parts of the past they’re discarding.

Luckily, his unannounced surgery arrives with the consolation twist that, since admirable women in movies aren’t ever as promiscuous as men, she’s only trying to sleep with dudes because she thinks they might be him; and of course the bit’s a nice little concoction of love and paranoia, in which, like a porno Ratatouille, anyone could turn out to be her true love. She just has to figure out who.